
Sample Set Up — For ACM Conference Proceedings


Lisa M. Tolles

Sheridan Printing

Alpha, NJ 08865


Adrienne Griscti

New York, NY 10018

Panelist N. One
STMicroelectronics, Canada

Panelist N. Two
IBM Corp., USA

Panelist N. Three, Sr.
Texas Instruments, India


Why? It seems that major breakthroughs are happening thanks to the adoption of standard directions for modeling design at higher than RTL level. These models are called TLM and new languages are being adopted (SystemC, SystemVerilog). The emergence of new standards may reshape completely the way design industry is organized.

This panel will bring six speakers relating their success stories about design starting at the system-level. The format is an educational Panel aimed at informing DAC attendees of the challenges (difficulties and pitfalls) and opportunities (sizable benefits and lessons learned from these experiences).

Categories & Subject Descriptors: The following is just an example: D.3.3 [Program Languages]: Language Contructs and Features – abstract data types (The address for the ACM Computing Classification Scheme is:

General Terms: Use any of the following sixteen terms: Algorithms, Design, Documentation, Economics, Experimentation, Human Factors, Languages, Legal Aspects, Management, Measurement, Performance, Reliability, Security, Standardization, Theory, Verification.

Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).

MM'06, October 23–27, 2006, Santa Barbara, California, USA.

ACM 1-59593-447-2/06/0010.Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).

NOSSDAV, June 16–18, 2004, Cork, Ireland.

ACM 1-58113-801-6/04/0006.

Panelists Positions

Panelist N. One, STMicroelectronics, Canada

This has happened in successive waves over the last decade, and periodically the existential questions of “why is system-level design important?”, “who is it important to?” and “is it important enough to justify a commercial industry?” need to be answered. The panelists will all share their thoughts about these and related questions. But here we will sketch in a little background along the dimensions of geography, language, design domain and industry structure.

In contrast to this, it may be possible that the commercial EDA industry will identify many truly viable niches for advanced ESL tools, as well as sufficiently large user communities, to spur a real ESL industry as forecast by Gartner Dataquest.

Panelist N. Two, Corporation/Institution

This has happened in successive waves over the last decade, and periodically the existential questions of “why is system-level design important?”, “who is it important to?” and “is it important enough to justify a commercial industry?” need to be answered. The panelists will all share their thoughts about these and related questions. But here we will sketch in a little background along the dimensions of geography, language, design domain and industry structure.

In contrast to this, it may be possible that the commercial EDA industry will identify many truly viable niches for advanced ESL tools, as well as sufficiently large user communities, to spur a real ESL industry as forecast by Gartner Dataquest.

Panelist N. Three, Corporation/Institution

This has happened in successive waves over the last decade, and periodically the existential questions of “why is system-level design important?”, “who is it important to?” and “is it important enough to justify a commercial industry?” need to be answered. The panelists will all share their thoughts about these and related questions. But here we will sketch in a little background along the dimensions of geography, language, design domain and industry structure.

In contrast to this, it may be possible that the commercial EDA industry will identify many truly viable niches for advanced ESL tools, as well as sufficiently large user communities, to spur a real ESL industry as forecast by Gartner Dataquest.