Proceedings of the District Educational Officer
Hyderabad District
Present: M Somi Reddy, M.A. B.Ed
Rc. No14/DCEB/2014-15 Dated: 2/2/2015
Sub: - Hyd district– Govt, Aided and Unaided Schools – SSC Public Examinatins’2015 –
Reforms – Formative Assessment - Maintenance of records – Moderation Committee
to inspect all records – regarding.
The undersigned would like to bring the following instructions to the notice ofHeads of Institutions of all the Managements of Hyderabad District pertaining to the SSC Examinations’2015 and the formative assessments.
- G.O. Ms. No. 17,Dated: 14-05-14 regarding the internal assessment and written examination
has to make available at staff room and notice board and also supply with due translation to
the parents of 10th class children.
- All the staff members have to follow the instructions regardingteaching and formative assessments as they trained recently and as per the manual strictly.
- The head master of the school should read modules and aware all teachers. No teacher in the school should be without knowledge of internal marks and conduct of Internal Assessment.
- The internal marks of students should not be over written, whitenered and illegible. Care should be taken while posting the marks of students in records. It is the responsibility of the teacher and head master to maintain records fair. All marks should have evidence or basis. Suppose if project marks in science awarded 4 marks to Fayaz, then Fayaz project report should make available till May’ 2016. Hence all the internal marks should have evidence. Concerned teacher and Head master are responsible for this.
- All the subject teachers should maintain the personnel formative assessment record duly signed by the individual teacher. The head master of the school has to produce records before the committee. The head of the committee will sign on the books.
- The undersigned have appointed committees in the District under the supervision of Dy E.Os to visit all the schoolsand the committee inspect all the records for the formativeassessments including documentary evidence. All the correspondents/head masters should produce all the records of formative assessments and make three sheets of formatives marks of all subjects of students. One copy to Dy EO and one copy to SSC board and one copy at the school. All copies should be signed by the Deputy Educational Officer concerned. The correspondents and head masters have to make ready the said three copies with duly signed by the concerned teacher and head master and hand over to the committee. The committee will hand over to Dy. EO who inturn sign on three copies and keep one copy in Dy EO office.One copy has to be collected by the correspondent/ head master for his school copy from the Dy. EO office and one copy will be sent to SSC board by the Dy. EO.
- By the end of February 10th, all schools should complete the Formative IV assessment with marks. The Head Masters of schools should be ready by February 11th with average marks of Formative I,II,III and IV of all 10th class students in the school subject wise for the committee and for online entry. Any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously.
- After collecting the signed copy from the Dy EO office the correspondents/ head masters are allowed for online submission of internal marks to the board when the schedule is declared.
- The formative assessment records should be kept in the school till May’2016, under lock and key. Head Master is responsible for preservation of all the records. If any private teacher transfers, care should be taken to preserve the records at the school. All the recordsshould be sealed and kept in the lock and key by 23rdMarch. Whenever the Inspecting Officers visits the school, he will check the records whether they are kept at lock and key or not.
- The committee will visit schoolsat any time during school hours. If any school fails to finish the process and fail to produce records, stringent action will be initiated against the school.
- As per the G.O.Ms No.10 Dated 26-11-14, the pass mark for II language is made 20% that is 20 marks out of 100. Hence in II language, the studentshould score at least 16 marks in External exam and 20 altogether out of 100.Inform to staff and parents regarding this immediately.
- As per GO, if a student is absent for any Formative assessment he has to be given an opportunity to appear for the formative assessment.
- If a student is absent for 4th formative assessment and the student is not coming to school beyond February’ 9th, then take the average of four formatives for three assessments marks and enter in the online for the internal marks (by dividing three assessment marks with 4).
- Care should be taken while filling up of the internal marks to students online. Head Master and correspondent personally have to feed all the marks in the online. There is every chance of demanding the internal marks through RTI after the examinations and many legal complications may arise at any time regarding the internal marks. Hence be careful for the filling up of all the student marks through online. Only average of I,II,III and IV are required to enter in the online.
For example if a student by name Riyaz got following marks in Maths.
Formative I-18, formative II-17, formative III-15, formative-IV 16, then you have to make average of four formatives and post at maths average as 16.5. The decimal will be automatically rounded in default in the online. The head masters/correspondents have to enter the student’s marks as it is without any rounding. Decimals also have to be entered.
- In this regard the under signed would like to bring the brief notes of ACT 25 of Examinations
- All examinations should be conducted strictly without any partiality.
- If any staff found guilt for allowing copying, showing favour, liberally awarding marks, not awarding marks for good presentations, awarding marks without conduct of examinations, having no documentary proof etc.., such staff are liable for imprisonment from 6 months to 7 years with a fine of one lakhs under this Act. The concerned teacher and Head Master are responsible for above lapses.
- If any changes take place in the procedure mentioned above, this office will inform otherwise continue with above procedure.
- Any deviation of the above will be viewed seriously and this office will revoke the Act 25 for any examination lapses.
- Co-curricular activities marks also should be kept ready by taking average of two SAs i.e. SA1 and SA2 for online submission along with curricular subjects.
- Formats to be kept ready for online submission of Marks are made available in DCEB website i.e.
- For latest information please log in DCEB website regularly.
District Educational Officer
Hyderabad District
All the Heads of Institutions in the District.
All the Deputy Educational Officers to take necessary action