PRESENT: - Sri. Dr. A. ASHOK, I.A.S.

Proc.No.Accts-II-1/BUDGET-GJC/2016-17 Date: 07-12-2016.

Sub: -Budget Releases for 3rdQuarterbudget to the Government Junior colleges in the Telangana state –for the year 2016-2017 under Non- Plan –Sanction Orders – Issued-Reg.

Ref:- 1)B.E-2016-17

2)G.O.Ms.No. 48, Finance (BG) Department, Dated:12.04.2016.


The Commissioner of Intermediate Education, Telangana, Hyderabad is pleased to release an amount of Rs. 74,64,500/- (Rupees Seventy Four Lakhs Sixty four thousand and five hundred only) towards 3rd Quarterbudget for the year 2016-17 to Government Junior Colleges in the Telangana State as instructed by the Government in the reference 2nd cited as detailed in the annexure under the following head of account:

2202 - General Education

03 - University & Higher Education

M.H. 103 - Government Junior Colleges & Institutes

S.H. (04) - Government Junior Colleges (Non Plan)

110/111 - Travelling Allowances

130/131 - Service Postage, Telegram & Telephone charges

130/132 - Other Office Expenses

130/133-Water & Electricity Charges

The District Intermediate Education Officers are requested to re-allocate the budget on-line to the Government Junior Colleges concerned within 3 days from the receipt of this Proceeding and intimate the action taken to this office. Delay in re- allocation will be viewed seriously.

The Pay and Accounts Officer, Telangana, Hyderabad and District Treasury Officers concerned are requested to admit the claims as and when preferred by the Principals of Government Junior Colleges in the Telangana State released for 3rdQuarter during the financial year 2016-17 on receipt of Authorization from the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Telangana, Hyderabad.

The Principals of Government Junior Colleges in the annexure enclosed are hereby directed to draw & incur the expenditure under the above head of account. They are also instructed to prepare the bills immediately and send the expenditure particulars through the District Vocational Education Officers concerned.

Sd/-Dr. A. ASHOK


Encl: - Annexure


All Principals of Government Junior colleges as per annexure to draw and disburse.

Copy to District Vocational Education Officers concerned to forward this copy of proceedings to the principals and for necessary action.

Copy to Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Telangana, Hyderabad with a request for authorizing the above Budget.

Copy to District & Sub Treasuries Officers of respective Districts for necessary action.

Copy to PAO, Telangana, Hyderabad.


For Commissioner of Intermediate Education