PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING FOR SW 487: Senior Practicum in SW I (For Fall 2011)
I. Application/Placement Process during Winter 2011:
1. Meet with academic advisor to prepare curriculum plan bearingadvisor's signature
(Curriculumplan should be brought to thescreening interview or submitted in advance).
2. Submit student profile (SW 487 application) to Field Coordinator(submit in advance to my
mailbox or bring to screening interview). [Profile form at
[Students enrolling in the UPP Program submit profile to & sign up with Jo Ellen Layne.]
3. Sign up for screening interview.
Winter 2011 Screening Interview dates: Jan. 25th, Jan. 27th, Feb. 1st,Feb. 3rd, Feb. 8th,Feb. 10thFeb. 15th or Feb. 17th(see available times on sign-up sheet posted on door, 277 Millett, 775-2754).
4. Discuss readiness/placement possibilities during screening interview.
5. Obtain permission (from Field Coordinator) to register for SW 487.
6. Schedule and attend practicum site interview as soon as possible, after receiving written
notification from coordinator to do so.
7. Return your placement acceptance form to me.
8. Receive written confirmation of placement from Field Coordinator after both you and the
practicumsupervisor (field instructor) have returned your respective acceptance forms.
II. Advance Register for SW 487 during Spring 2011:
Eligible students’ names will be submitted to the registrar’s office granting them permission to advance register in Spring 2011 for SW 487 which begins Fall 2011.
III. Dates to Remember for Practicum Enrollees in SW487 for Fall 2011:
September 7th (Wednesday):1 day Aggression Control Techniques(A.C.T.) Workshop, (8:30 am - 4:00 p.m., in Student Union)
September 12th (Monday): First day at practicum site
(Negotiate days/times with supervisor in advance)
September 13th(Tuesday): First Seminar (SW 487-01): Course Overview (Orientation)
(See Class Schedule for seminar time & venue and additional class sections)