Trinity Brazos Area

1. Congregation should consult with the Area Minister prior to submitting application. The application should be signed by the Area Minister before being considered by the New and Transforming Church Ministry.

2.  Request for grants must be reviewed by the New and Transforming Church Ministry, and approved by them for funding.

3.  Requests should be accompanied by a completed Congregational Transformation Grant application form. No grants will be made to a congregation not indicating financial support of the Area, Disciples Mission Fund, or New Church Development.

4.  The amount of the grant will be determined by:

  1. Availability of funds

b. A onetime grant per congregation not to exceed $3,000

5.  Grants are normally paid quarterly through the Trinity-Brazos Area office.

6.  A written report based on the Grant Application Form proposal specifying disbursement of funds and efficacy of the new ministry is due one year after the grant is received.

7.  The Area Minister and a designee from the New and Transforming Church Ministry will provide continuing pastoral oversight for the new ministries.


Congregational Transformation Grant Guidelines


The Trinity-Brazos Area has adopted a vision of becoming an Area of Transforming congregations, and has set funds aside to help recover and develop our congregations as vital mission centers. The purpose of these Transforming Congregational Grants is to form a partnership between congregations and the Trinity-Brazos Area to enable the development of faith communities that are more effectively involved in mission and ministry.

These grants are intended to encourage congregations to take a fresh look at their current mission and ministry, and then enable them to begin new ministries that will help bring renewed vitality to the congregation. As a result, each congregation seeking a grant will be asked to adopt and show progress toward some goals that will help lead the congregation to spiritual growth. (Each congregation will be asked to develop, or review, a Mission Statement for its life and ministry).

Characteristics of A Transforming Congregation:

This transformation process is built on the belief that a transforming congregation exhibits certain characteristics. Some of these characteristics are:

  1. Lay leadership that shares responsibility for the church and its ministries.
  2. Strong program of Christian Nurture (Christian Education) for children and adults alike, as well as a sense of stewardship and mission that stretches the interest of its people beyond the limits of the building.
  3. Innovative worship that gives praise and glory to God, engaging the worshiper in a vital expression of prayer, thanks, and spiritual awareness through a variety of types of music, arts, and liturgy.
  4. A pastor who is both energetic and creative. One who encourages and nurtures lay participation in a wide range of programs and activities.
  5. A pastor who is a Missionary leader – one who helps to provide vision and encouragement in the fulfillment of the congregation’s mission.

Areas of Focus:

Grants will focus on one or more of the following areas of ministry:

  1. Worship and Spiritual Formation. Worship services that are creative and expressive of God’s presence and power and enables growth in the Spirit of Christ.
  1. Christian Nurture (Education). Provide strong programs in Christian Nurture for adults, youth and children. This includes basic biblical studies and continual faith formation experiences in small group settings, church school and youth groups, quality childcare in safe surroundings for the youngest children, trained teachers who provide biblically-based, theologically-sound, age-appropriate learning experiences.
  1. Community Outreach and Mission. A strong program of community outreach and mission. Through its mission activities, the congregation shows its members how to care for others. This might be done locally by providing opportunities to volunteer for community activities, and nationally/globally by providing opportunities to contribute financially to ministries and by helping people experience these ministries through work-study trips.
  1. Stewardship. A strong sense of stewardship – financial and service – growth and encouragement. People give their time and money to well-planned ministries that encourage deep sharing.
  1. Leadership and Member Development. A strong degree of lay member involvement – both as leader and participant. Membership must be open to new ideas and be willing to support new opportunities and strategies for leadership development.
  1. Evangelism/New Church. To equip Christians to relate appropriately to people with the Good News that God has come among us in Jesus, and that God has brought our whole life into union with God through Christ’s death and resurrection; and has gathered us into a community sustained by the Holy Spirit. Starting new congregations is one of the most effective ways in reaching people who are unchurched.

This list is not intended to be exhaustive. These are examples of some of the characteristics observed in a transforming congregation. Those congregations that are working to become more vital should be willing to adopt goals and objectives that will allow them to build on their strengths and become more effective in areas of weaknesses. Transformation Grants are designed to help facilitate this process.

Grants are to be used only to help fund a new ministry that will enable the congregation to reach out into the community more effectively. Grants may not be used to pay salaries, for capital projects, or to fund existing programs or ministries. Grants may be awarded for up to $3,000. No more than one grant will be given to a congregation.

Congregations interested in applying for such grants should consult with the Area Minister before submitting an application. The Area office should be contacted for grant applications. All grants will be considered by the New and Transforming Church Ministry team and approved by the Area Administrative Council/Board.

Approved by Trinity Brazos Area Board October 11, 2008

Drafted by Kenneth E. Hall





1.  Church______

2.  Address______


3.  Name of Pastor______

4.  Contact Person______Phone______

5.  Amount of funds sought from Transforming Church Grant: $______

6.  We are seeking a grant in the following areas:

a) Worship/Spiritual Formation _____ b) Christian Nurture ______

c) Community Outreach/Mission ____ d) Stewardship ______

e) Leadership/Member Development __ f) Evangelism/New Church _____

g) Other ______

7.  Description of current ministry setting:

a)  Background and process for the development of the new ministry:______

b)  Provide a brief description of the new ministry:______

(1)  Goals:______

(2)  Strategies______

(3)  Local/current resources (financial, physical, personnel, etc.)


8.  What are your plans for development/implementation of this mission/ministry?


a) Proposed timeline______


b) Person/group implementation/supervision ______


9.  Proposed Budget:

a) Total anticipated cost of this ministry $______

1.  Anticipated Income:

a) Local congregation ______

b) Disciples Women ______

c) Disciples Men ______

d) Foundation, bequests ______

e) Other Disciples of

Christ organizations ______

Total: $______

(2)  Anticipated Expenditures:

a) Program costs ______

b) Others (itemized):




Total: $______

Submitted by: ______

(Name) (Position)


Area Minister or his/her designee Date of Consultation

Note: Congregation should consult with the Area Minister prior to submitting application. The application should be signed by the Area Minister before being considered by the New and Transforming Church Ministry.


New and Transforming Church Ministry

Trinity-Brazos Area

1000 Bonnie Brae Avenue

Fort Worth, TX 76111

TBA Board October 11, 2008