This Manual Provides information to aid Team Managers with the smooth operation of the team throughout the season. Eight key topics are addressed with-in the manual; Team Meetings, team rules, record keeping, organizing games, applying for tournaments, organizing tournaments, team finances, and general responsibilities.


1.DUTIES of Manager roles & responsibilities……..…………………………….…………………………..3

2. FINANCIAL Duties of Manager…………..………..…………………………………………………………4

3. EQUIPMENT Duties of Manager…………………………………………………………………………….5

4.LEAGUE Play rules & Policy………………………………………...………………………………………5

5.TOURNAMENT Play, rules & policy…………………………………..……………………………………6

ANNEX B Player, Parent & Coaches Pledge, Parent Expectations…………………………………..…7-10

ANNEX C Medical Form, Injury Form , Return to Play forms……………………………………………..11

ANNEX D Financial Report Debit/Credit of all finances……………………………………………………11

ANNEX E Hockey Alberta Zone Map…………………...……………………………………………………12

ANNEX F Tournament Guidelines……………………………………………………………………………13

ANNEX G Tournament Registration Form…………………………………………………………………. 14

ANNEX H Record of Donations………………………………………..……………………………….…….15

As a Manager we ask that you communicate by email using in your signature. Your personal email address will be behind the scenes for this email.

As a Manager we ask that you update your team information on including practice times, events, games, roster and player stats.

DUTIES of the Divisional MANGERS

The Manager shall:

1 Policy & Procedures

  1. Have access to a computer as well as general capabilities of computer use, such as Microsoft word, Excel and email accounts.
  1. Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors, Team meetings which pertain to your division and Special and/or General Meetings.
  1. Act as liaison between your division and the Board of Directors.
  1. Ensure that your division operates according to the aims and objectives of the GCMHA.
  1. Communicate with all parents via and/or email using as your email address.
  1. At the start of the hockey season review the following with all the Team Officials, the Bylaws and Operating Procedures of the GCMHA and ensure that each Team Official may have access to a HA rule book, Bylaws and Operating Procedures manual and an All Peace League Constitution.
  1. You must arrange a team/parent meeting at the beginning of the season to cover: introduction of coaching staff, their responsibilities, their philosophy, review and educate Parents, Players and coaches about fair play via the Parents, Players & Coaches pledge.(included in annex B) Basic team rules (dressing room etiquette, jersey care etc.) A Board of Directors member should be in attendance. Discuss the plans for the season (eg. fundraising, tournaments and photos.)
  1. 24 HOUR RESPECT RULEAll parents, players, relatives and friends must adhere to the 24 Hour Respect Rule by waiting a full 24 hours prior to contacting any Manager, Coach, or Grande Cache Minor Hockey Personal including the Board of Directors regarding any hockey concerns or issues. After the 24hr respect rule the following protocol shall take place

XII.Anyone not following these lines of communication may face suspension.

  1. Ensure that all players and Team Officials within your division are carded and insured by way of double checking the Official Team Roster printed from Hockey Alberta (HA) supplied by the GCMHA Registrar.
  1. Ensure that any changes to the team roster or player status are registered with local registrar to update within the HA & All Peace Hockey League (APHL).
  1. Act as liaison between Registrar and parents/guardians to ensure that all required certification and payment as outlined by GCMHA in accordance with APHL and/or HA is attained.
  1. Have knowledge of players medical information via registrar and all Hockey Canada injury forms (included in annex c)
  1. Recommendation that all Managers seek approval from the Board of Directors and take the Hockey Safety Training Program. (refunded by GCMHA when successfully completed)
  1. All managers must take the Respect in Sport Coach Program respect in sport, coach program. (Refunded by GCMHA when successfully completed).
  1. You must have your divisional section of the GCMHA website up to date at all times including roster, scheduled events and statistics.
  1. Ensure Grande Cache Recreational rules are followed as well as out of town arenas such as: no tobacco products, no cameras or recording devices in dressing rooms and skates only on in specified areas.
  1. At Years end provide the Coaches with the Award options for your division and have them choose recipients of each applicable award to be turned into the President confidentially.
  1. All teams must be tiered by Oct 21. All Players must be officially on the team roster by Nov 15.

Managers must advise the Registrar if they choose to register a provincial team by Jan 10.

2 Financial

  1. You must take possession of your divisional bank account deposit book and cheque book.
  1. Take photo ID, the election minutes identifying you as the manager and a second person of your choice to the bank to be given authorization for signing authority of your divisional account.
  2. Lead or delegate all fundraising ideas for the division by way of working with your parents.
  1. Receive approval for all fundraising ideas from the Board of Directors at a monthly meeting.
  1. Receive a sanction number for the approved fundraising event if required from the Fundraiser Board Member.
  1. Record and report all fundraising proceeds. Maintain records as to the spending of the fundraised proceeds. Debit & Credits to divisional account (example in annex D)
  1. Provide a divisionalfinancial computer generatedreport monthly via email and aprinted version. A final financial report must be available for all attendees to view at the Annual Spring General meeting.( example in annex D)
  1. At the end of the season if you are leaving the respective division you shall write a letter to the financial institution via the executive to rescind your current signing authority.

3 Equipment

  1. Meet with Equipment Manager and take ownership of the jerseys, first aid kit and divisionally assigned equipment for the season. (inventory sheet)
  1. Order equipment as needed through the Equipment Manager.
  1. Report any lost or damaged equipment in writing to the Equipment Manager.
  1. Ensure jerseys controlled by an adult at all times, at no time are they to be in possession of or worn outside of a game or dressing room by any player.
  1. Ensure jerseys are well maintained and washed regularly.
  1. Return and release all equipment at years end with the Equipment Manager

4 League Play

  1. Any games outside of our zone must have a special sanction and support from the Board of Directors (Zone map in Annex E).
  2. League games are decided at a schedulers meeting in October of every year.
  3. All teams must be tiered by Oct 21.
  4. All Players must be officially on the team roster by Nov 15.
  5. Depending on the amount of teams in the tiered division the amount of games may be anywhere from 8-16 not including playoffs or provincial play.
  6. Follow APHL & HA League rules and policies including cancelation policy.
  7. Ensure Website data entry of all game sheet stats and scheduled games is current.
  8. Manager is responsible for corresponding with appropriate discipline commissioners. Where a reportable misconduct is assessed, the manager must ensure deemed suspensions are served, and reported to parents, player(s) and coaches.

5. Tournaments(See Annex F for more details)

  1. All non-league divisions should host a tournament.
  1. Meet with the ice scheduler and choose a date
  1. Receive a sanction number to host the tournament, ensure the date is posted on the Hockey Alberta website. Ensure your sanction number is on your programs and posted during your tournament.
  1. Host a team meeting to get and share tournament ideas, each parent will be expected to volunteer for tournament duties, which will be assigned at this meeting.
  1. If playing music, videos or movies retrieve a socan license through the fundraising chair. Ensure the recreation Centre staff are aware that you will be playing music, movies, and videos.
  1. Book the arena common area to place your raffle tables, lunch etc.
  1. Do a cost analysis and present an entry fee per team amount to the board of Directors for approval (this may be done by the Board should GCMHA control the tournament funds)
  1. Decide how many teams you want to have and send out invites and post on website. As soon as you have a schedule notify the arena staff, ice scheduler, president, and ref in chief.
  1. Discuss budget with the Board of Directors.
  1. Maintain records of all contributors and the donation they provided (example in annex H)
  1. Retrieve a raffle table and 50/50 license via Alberta Registries.
  1. Order medals, trophies for all players.
  1. Order MVP or Heart and Hustle awards per game.
  1. Organize a pre-paid lunch for all players or snacks depending on finances.
  1. Posters advertising tournament, sponsors, price amounts, sanction # and tournament schedule
  1. Have a cash float on hand for the day of the tournament
  1. Get receipts from the treasurer for all monies donated.
  1. Recognize sponsors in the local paper and send out some form of Thank You cards or photos.





It is the intention of this pledge to promote proper behavior and respect for all participants within the Association. All players must sign this pledge before being allowed to participate in hockey and must continue to observe the principles of Fair Play.


  1. I will play hockey because I want to, not because others or coaches want me to.
  2. I will play by the rules of hockey and in the spirit of the Game.
  3. I will control my temper – fighting or “mouthing-off” can spoil the activity for everyone.
  4. I will respect my opponents.
  5. I will do my best to be a true team player.
  6. I will remember that winning isn’t everything – that having fun, improving skills, making friends and doing my best are also important.
  7. I will acknowledge all good plays and performances – those of my team and my opponents.
  8. I will remember that coaches and officials are there to help me. I will accept their decisions and show them respect.

I agree to abide by the principles of this CODE as set and supported by this Association.

I also agree to abide by the rules, regulations and decisions as set for this Association.


Print NameSignature




It is the intention of this pledge to promote proper behavior and respect for all participants within the Association. All coaches must sign this pledge before being allowed to participate in hockey and must continue to observe the principles of Fair Play.


  1. I will be reasonable when scheduling games and practices remembering that young athletes have other interests and obligations.
  2. I will teach my athletes to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials, opponents and teammates.
  3. I will ensure all athletes receive equal instruction, discipline, support and appropriate fair playing time.
  4. I will not ridicule or yell at my athletes for making mistakes or for performing poorly. I will remember that children play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves.
  5. I will make sure that equipment and facilities are safe and match the athlete’s ages and ability.
  6. I will remember that children need a coach they can respect. I will be generous with praise and set a good example.
  7. I will obtain proper training and continue to upgrade my coaching skills.

I agree to abide by the principles of this CODE as set and supported by this Association.

I also agree to abide by the rules, regulations and decisions as set for this Association.


Print NameSignature




It is the intention of this pledge to promote proper behavior and respect for all participants within the Association. All parents must sign this pledge before being allowed to participate in hockey and must continue to observe the principles of Fair Play.


  1. I will not force my child to participate in hockey.
  2. I will remember that my child plays hockey for his or her enjoyment, not mine
  3. I will encourage my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflict without resorting to hostility or violence.
  4. I will teach my child that doing one’s best is as important as winning so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of the game.
  5. I will make my child feel like a winner every time by offering praise for competing fairly and hard.
  6. I will never ridicule or yell at my child for making a mistake or losing a game.
  7. I will remember that children learn by example. I will applaud good plays and performances by both my child’s team and their opponents.
  8. I will never question the official’s judgment or honesty in public. I recognize officials are being developed in the same manner as players.
  9. I will support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from children’s hockey games.
  10. I will respect and show appreciation for the volunteers who give their time to hockey for my child.

I agree to abide by the principles of this CODE as set and supported by this Association.

I also agree to abide by the rules, regulations and decisions as set for this Association.


Print NameSignature

Parent Expectations and Commitment




As a parent of a GCMHA player we ask that you commit to the following, above and beyond Hockey Alberta Respect in Sport and Parent Code of Conduct.

  1. I will make the commitment that my child will travel 100% with his/her hockey team.

a)Failure to commit to travel will result in my child not playing in home ice games.

b)Failure to commit to travel may result in my child not being allowed to attend practice with the team.

c)Failure to commit to travel may result in travel refunds or year-end gifts not being applicable to my family.

  1. I will make the commitment to fundraise as my team manager deems fit as a team.

a)Failure to partake in team fundraising will result in me making a financial contribution in the average amount raised per family.

b)Failure to partake or finically support the team may result in my child being asked not to attend events that the funds supported such as tournaments including home ice tournaments.

c)Failure to partake in fundraising or finically support the team may result in my child not reaping from the benefits of the funds raised such as year-end gifts or monetary reimbursement.

  1. I will make the commitment that my child will attend scheduled practices.

a)Should my child not attend practice the week of scheduled hockey game(s) the coach may refuse my child to attend those scheduled game(s) unless reasonable reason is provided with prior to practice.

  1. I will make the commitment that my child will be punctual and prepared for all games and practices.

a)Should my child not be prepared and in the dressing room 30 minutes to practice and 45 minutes till game time, the coach may refuse my child to practice or play for that allotted time.

Print Childs Name ______Parent Signature______
Division ______Date Signed ______

ANNEX C the team Manager must carry medical info and injury forms at all times.

Medical information, Injury Report & Return to Play forms. Also available on HA Website.

InjuryReport_Alberta Hockey Canada.pdf

Player+medical+info+form Hockey Canada.pdf

Return+to+play+form Hockey Canada.pdf


Financial Report Debit/Credit of all finance expenditures.

Description / Credits / Debits / Balance / Cheq# / Explanation
Opening Balance / 100.00 / Carried from previous season
Donation EnCana / 500.00 / 600.00 / Donation Smith from Encana
Program ink / 45.00 / 555.00 / 001 / Staples ink for programs
Pizza Fundraiser / 640.00 / 1195.00 / Team pizza fundraiser proceeds
Trophies / 750.00 / 445.00 / 002 / Signs by Laura Trophies




  1. Get a Tournament date from the Ice Scheduler
  2. Get a Tournament sanction number and ensure it is posted on the hockey Alberta web site and the programs/raffle table area.
  3. Prepare a budget with the Board of Directors.
  4. Set a Tournament registration amount and rules with the Board of Directors. Example 6 teams, non-refundable if team registration cannot be replaced with another team.
  5. Post the Tournament date on your webpage main content and under events.
  6. Seek Fundraising or donations to offset operating costs of the Tournament.
  7. Get a Raffle license from Alberta Liquor and gaming (Alberta Registries website).
  8. Order Trophies or Medals for each participant including prizes for at least 1 MVP or Heart and Hustle award. Laura Statton Signs by Laura is utilized by GCMHA.
  9. Design and print Tournament Programs enough for each family and a few spectators.
  10. Advise rec Centre staff, president, ice scheduler & ref in chief of the schedule.
  11. Gather supplies to prepare Goody Bags including 1 keepsake from the tournament. One per player
  12. Ensure the Ice scheduler, Ref in Chief, Arena and Fundraiser is aware of Ice time, refs, if you require Fourier, if you will be player movies or music.
  13. Book someone (chuck usually donates his time) or parents to run the score clock and game sheet.
  14. Borrow a Cash Box from GCMHA or another source retrieve a minimum of 300$ float including 5’s,10’s loonies and toonies.
  15. Organize or Delegate raffle table of Prizes, including purchasing tickets, poster board to advertise prices, prizes and prize winners.
  16. Ensure 50/50 tickets are available in the GCMHA locker.
  17. Ensure you have access to bags/bucket to place the raffle tickets in.
  18. Ensure you have poster paper to advertise and thank the sponsors.
  19. Ensure you have access to Game Books preprint the registered team rosters on stickers to save time.
  20. Complete Alberta Liquor and gaming paperwork for all prizes including recording the winners of each prize with their address and phone #. Mail in all your prize information as required this is very important as it is crucial to GCMHA to remain in good standing to be allotted our Casino fundraiser.
  21. Organize or delegate a snack table as well as provide a lunch if feasible. Nice to have a cake or cupcakes donated as well. Raffle license.
  22. Tell Chuck canteen is open for him all day.
  23. Send out Thank yous’ to all making the tournament a success such as businesses, parents, volunteers and kids.