Procedural Writing Assignment
Students will write a “How To” procedural piece on a given topic. Their work must consist of a preamble (introduction), a goal, a list of materials (and quantities), a sequence of steps and a conclusion. Students must employ effective text features such as illustrations, diagrams, labels, bold words and/or definitions.
Students will pass in pre-writing organizers, rough drafts and a typed final copy. Standard font and size (12 or 14) should be used. A rubric will be given to students to guide them in their task. It should be stapled to the front of their assignment for evaluation.
Procedural Writing Rubric Name (s) ______
1 / 2 / 3 / 4Content/ideas / Purpose may not be identified with an introduction.
Steps may not stick to main purpose or contain limited detail.
ingredients are not specific (type/amount) Difficult to replicate. / Purpose is identified with a basic introduction.
Steps mostly stick to the main purpose and contain some detail.
Materials/ingredients are specific (type/amount)
Somewhat easy to replicate the procedure. / Purpose is identified with an introduction.
Steps stick to main purpose and contain adequate detail.
Materials/ingredients are specific (type/amount)
People could replicate the procedure with limited difficulty. / Purpose is identified with an effective introduction.
Steps stick to main purpose and contain an excellent amount of detail.
Materials/ingredients are specific (type/amount)
Anyone could replicate the procedure easily.
Organization / Lack of Title, Headings and/or subheadings.
Steps may not be a numbered list. Transition words are missing or ineffective.
The order of the steps may not make sense. / Evidence of a Title, Headings and subheadings.
Steps are a numbered list. Transition words are somewhat present.
The order of the steps mostly makes sense. / Effective Title, Headings, subheadings.
Steps are a numbered list. Transition words are present.
The order of the steps makes sense. / Highly effective Title, Headings, and subheadings.
Steps are a numbered list. Transition words are strong.
The order of the steps flow effortlessly.
Word Choice / Lack of Imperative (Command) Verbs, technical language, adjectives and adverbs)
May not be present tense / Evidence of some Imperative (Command) Verbs, technical language, strong adjectives and adverbs)
Present tense / Effective use of Imperative (Command) Verbs, technical language, strong adjectives and adverbs)
Present tense / Highly effective Imperative (Command) Verbs, technical language, strong adjectives and adverbs)
Present tense
Special Features / Ineffective or lack of illustrations, diagrams, labels, bold words, and or definitions / Somewhat effective/evidence of illustrations, diagrams, labels, bold words, and or definitions / Effective illustrations, diagrams, labels, bold words, and or definitions / Highly effective illustrations, diagrams, labels, bold words, and or definitions
Conventions / Mistakes take away from the writing. / A significant amount of spelling/grammar/
punctuation mistakes. / A few spelling/grammar/punctuation mistakes. / No spelling/punctuation/grammar mistakes