Problems and Concerns EAP Can Help With
It’s Confidential. Call anytime, day or night: 800-432-5155 or visit
- Acute Stress Disorder
- Addiction
- Adjusting to the "Empty Nest"
- Adoption: Locating Resources
- Adoption: Handling Transitions, Challenges and Concerns
- Advanced Directives
- Adjustment Disorders
- Adult Care
- After a Disaster: Self-care Tips for Dealing With Stress
- After a Trauma: Self-care Tips For Dealing with Stress
- Aging Well
- Aging Well In Your 20s and 30s: Investment Strategies For The Future
- Aging Well In Your 40s And 50s: A Formula For Flourishing In Your Second Adulthood
- Aging Well In Your 60s And Beyond: Cooking Up A Life With Meaning And Joy In Later Years
- Agoraphobia
- Alcohol Abuse
- Alcohol Consumption During the Holidays
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Am I Depressed?
- Anger Management
- Anorexia
- Anti-Social Personality Disorder
- Anxiety
- Assertiveness
- Attitude: Choose to be More Positive
- Autism
- Bankruptcy
- Binge-Eating Disorder
- Bi-Polar Disorder
- Blended Family Relationships
- Body Dysmorphic disorder
- Budgeting
- Building Friendships
- Bulimia
- Bullying at the Workplace
- Bullying – What to do if your child is being bullied
- Bullying: When Adults Are The Victims
- Burnout in the Workplace
- Business Travel
- Finding Child Care
- Career Development
- Changing Jobs
- Child Abuse
- Codependence
- College Transition
- College Search
- Communication
- Conduct Disorder
- Conflict Management
- Conflict Management in the Workplace
- Consumer Rights
- Coping with Chronic Illness
- Coping with Chronic Pain
- Coping With the Diagnosis of Cancer
- Coping With the Holiday Blues
- Critical Incident Stress Management
- Critical Incident Stress Debriefings
- Cyclothymia
- Dealing with Transition
- Death and Dying
- Death of a Loved One
- Debt and Credit
- Dependence to Independence
- Depression
- Depression in Children and Teens
- Disasters: Coping with a Disaster
- Disaster Preparedness
- Divorce
- Domestic Violence
- Drug Abuse
- Effectiveness
- Elder Care
- Empty Nest – Making the Transition
- End-of-Life Planning
- Estate Planning
- Family Relationships
- Family Law
- Financial
- From Battlefield to Workplace: Hiring and Transitioning Heroes Back into the Civilian Workforce
- Gambling Addiction
- Gay and Lesbian
- Gender Identity Disorder
- General Health
- General Legal
- Get Motivated to Change
- Goal Setting
- Gossip
- Grandparenting
- Grief Processing
- Handling Issues with Sexual Orientation
- Health Care Law
- Helpful Hints For Quitters
- Helping Your Child Succeed at School
- Home Ownership
- How to Cope With Stress
- Hurricane Response
- Identity Theft
- Impulse Control Disorders
- Infertility
- Injuries
- Intellectual Disability
- Internet Addiction
- Internet Safety and Communication
- Is It Depression or the Blues, Bereavement or Grief?
- Laugh it Off
- Learning Disorders
- Legal Referrals
- Lift Your Mind, Body, Spirit
- Literacy: Finding Resources and Handling Concerns
- Live with Intention
- Living The Well-Aged Life
- Living and Working Abroad
- Living Well with Chronic Illness
- Making Love Last: Key Ideas
- Making New Friends After Relocation
- Manage Your Money
- Managing Change
- Managing Emotions
- Marriage Issues
- Medication Abuse
- Mental Health
- Mental Fitness
- Military Transition
- Modeling and Creating a Civil Workplace
- Moderate and Responsible Drinking
- Money Management
- More Results, Less Stress
- Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- Need a Little Guidance?
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Other Personality Disorders
- Overcoming Fears
- Overcoming Stress: Challenges for the Workplace
- Pandemic Preparation
- Panic Disorder
- Parent-School Interaction
- Parenting Skills
- Parenting a Child with Special Needs
- Parenting an Elementary-Age Child
- Parenting a Toddler or Preschooler
- Parenting an Infant
- Parenting a pre-teen
- Parenting a teenager
- Parenting a college or university Student
- Parenting Skills
- Pet Care
- Planning For Success At Work
- Positive Thinking
- Pregnancy
- Preparing a Disaster Supplies Kit
- Post-Partum Depression
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Recovery and Wellness
- Relocation
- Resiliency
- Respect in the Workplace
- Retirement
- Sandwich Generation: Simultaneously Managing the Care of Elderly Parents and Children
- Saving and Investing
- School Readiness
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Self Care
- Self-Esteem
- Separation Anxiety
- Setting Personal Boundaries
- Sexual Addiction
- Sexual Disorders
- Sexual Harassment
- Signs And Symptoms Of Melanoma
- Single Parenting
- Sleep Issues
- Social Phobias
- Specific Phobias
- Strengthen Your Parenting Skills
- Stress Management
- Stress And Change
- Substance Abuse Prevention
- Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery
- Suicide Prevention
- Supervisory Skills
- Support Network
- Surviving a Breakup: Your Personal Survival Guide
- Survivors of Disasters
- Taking Threats of Suicide Seriously
- Talking to Children About Death
- Talking to Your Children About Divorce
- Teaching Financial Skills to Your Children
- Time Management
- Tic Disorders
- Tips for Preventing Job Burnout
- Tips for Rebounding From Adversity
- Tobacco
- Tornado: Preparation and Workplace Recovery
- Training a Multigenerational Workforce
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Trim Unnecessary Expenses From Your Budget
- Tutor Search
- Violence and Trauma
- Violence and Trauma in the Workplace
- What Your Eap Can Do For You
- Women and Depression
- Work/Life Balance
- Working with Others