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1. If they say they aren't going to be home, don't bring it up.
2. Once you set the appointment, get off the phone so they don't have a chance to ask more questions.
3. Set up your appointments 2-3 days in advance.
4. Let your manager know at least 24 hours in advance what appointments you have so they can fill in the vacancies.
5. If prospects are married, have both husband and wife there during the presentation.
6. Schedule appointments 90 minutes apart.
Example: 6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
7. Learn how to double and triple book your appointments so that you're assured at least one.
Example: 6:00 - set two 1st's
7:30 - set two 1st’s
9:00 - set two 2nd's (closes)
8. Learn the “ish” principle when setting times. Example “I'll see you at 7ish or 7:30ish:” This way if one of the appointments cancel you may be able to come early and if one of the appointments run long, you can show up a little late. Do make sure you communicate with client though, if you're going to be more than 15 min. different than the time set!
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Along with working in the right market, your ability to effectively set appointments will determine how successful you’ll be. Obviously, if you can’t get an appointment, you never have the opportunity to make a sale or hire anybody.
Because this is such an important topic, make sure you practice several times before you attempt to make any calls.
Please stick to the phone scripts provided. We have found that these are the scripts that work the best. Giving someone information over the phone will not help you get the appointment. It will only give them the opportunity to say no.
Never say the word insurance. People will think you want to sell them more insurance, and nobody is interested in spending more money. (Note: It is illegal to talk about insurance until you are licensed).
It is a good idea to have your manager with you the first few times you make calls. They can give you pointers to help you out if you get into a bind.
If they say they aren’t going to be home, don’t bring it up.
Once you set the appointment, get off the phone so they don’t have a chance to ask more questions.
Set up your appointments 2 to 3 days in advance. Let your manager know at least 24 hours in advance what appointments you have so they can fill in the vacancies.
If prospects are married, have both husband and wife there during the presentation.
Most people give too much information over the phone: They key is, if they’re not going to be home, don’t bring it up (the business). For example if Monday night is no good say: I was going to be in the neighborhood and I was going to stop by, I’ll catch you next week.
Anyone who lives within his means suffers from a lack of imagination.
- Lionel Stander
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There is no meaning to life except the meaning man gives to his life by the unfolding of his powers.
- Erich Fromm
Hi John, this is ______, how are things going? (Short chat). John, the reason I am calling is I am starting a new business, I am even thinking about making a career change. But John, before I make that decision I want to get some feedback from people I respect. Would you help me out by taking a look at our company and product and asking a lot of questions?
Well, I am really not interested in buying anything.
Oh, I know John, that’s the last thing I’ll ask you to do. At this point I only need your opinion. If you see something that can benefit you and you’d like to take advantage, that’s fine. I just need your help making a big decision. You’ll help me, won’t you?
Great. I have Monday or Wednesday open, which day is better for you? Monday
Fine, is 6:00 p.m. okay or would 8:00 be better? 8:00 p.m.
Great. John, do me a favor. I have my calendar, would you get yours and make a note about my visit? I’ll hold on while you get it. (Repeat day, date and time). I am excited to see you. Good-bye.
Hi, ______, I’ve always respected and valued your opinion. I’m getting involved in this financial services company. I’d like to drop by with my manager and show you what I’ve been doing. I know you’d be able to provide me with some good ideas. Is Monday at 7 or Wednesday at 8 okay? We’ll see you then.
Hi, ______, I’m involved in this opportunity where I can earn from $1,000 to $3,000 a month part-time. (WFA) I’d like to come over and talk to you about it. Would mornings or evenings be better for you? Weekend or weekday?
Hi, my name is ______; we have a mutual friend in ______that referred
me to you. I own my own financial services business with a Fortune 500 company.
______& ______were excited and thought you might be interested in
hearing how I was able to show them how to save money and to potentially earn extra part time income – would that interest you?
Basically there are two opportunities. First is I’m expanding my business and I am
looking for some key people who would be interested in an awesome opportunity earning extra part-time income. Second thing we can do for you is to show you how to save money in areas, which you are already spending. Basically putting money back into your pocket, like we did for ______& ______. Which would you rather hear about? The business opportunity to earn extra income or the strategies to save money? (WFA)
Great, which day would be better for you? Monday or Wednesday for me to pop
by and show you the opportunity?
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I’m a local trainer on creating wealth.
I show people ways to make and save money.
I locate and place people for leadership positions with my company.
I work with someone who locates and places people for leadership positions with my company.
If they ask for clarification, “I’m having a fun time here and don’t like to mix business with pleasure. If you’re truly interested, give me your number and I’ll be happy to spend some time with you later in the week to explain it to you.”
We’re all looking for opportunities to reach our financial goals, aren’t we?
Not to be assumptive, but if you qualify to work with Primerica Financial Services what goals do you think you’d like to achieve with the income you’ll generate?
Not to be assumptive, but what would you use the extra $1,500 per month for?
If there were a way to improve your financial future, you’d want to know about it, wouldn’t you? I’m involved with some affluent people in the area and they have changed my life financially for the better, perhaps they could help you? Would you be interested? Do you have an hour for me to show you how they have helped me? Let me get your name and number so we can set up a time.
I sure could, but let me ask you a question. Are you basically concerned that I may ask you to get involved in something you really don’t want to, or I may waste your time? (Well, yes). Let me assure you that if I can’t show you how to save several hundred, if not thousands of dollars, I won’t even ask you to do business with me. Would that be fair enough? (I guess so). Great. I know you’ll be excited about our company. By the way, which day is better for you, Monday or Wednesday?
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.
-George Bernard Shaw
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You have to do this if you want to eat. Since you have to do this, why not have a good time doing it? Why not imagine every time you talk to someone, that you’re an actor on a stage and there is an audience looking at you. After all, what you’re doing is just as funny as something on stage, so why not put a lot of zest and enthusiasm into it?
- George Harb
That’s fine, Bill. I understand. Bill; let me ask you a question. Is this your first program or have you made a change from a previous product? (I made a change). And are you happy with that change? (Oh yes). So Bill, if after making a change and receiving more value why would you deny yourself that opportunity again? (Well, I am just pretty satisfied right now). That’s understandable Bill, but if there were an opportunity to substantially, and Bill I mean making a difference to you and your family of tens of thousands of dollars possibly even hundreds of dollars both short term and long term, it would be in your best interest to at least explore the potential wouldn’t it? (I am not sure). Bill, I give you my word that I will never ask you to do business with me unless I can make a difference of thousands of dollars, is that fair enough? (Yes). Great. So which day is better for you, Wednesday or Thursday, 6:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m.?
Then you’re already a client. (Well, no). I apologize then. They must not have shown you that we have the finest product in the industry and the best investment for Middle America. In addition, were you aware of our recent dramatic reduction in the price of our program? As good as we were before, we’re substantially better now. You’re interested in improving your financial situation, aren’t you? (Well, yes). Great. What day is better for you, Monday or Wednesday?
Unbelievable. But what’s more important is how you’ll do at it. And from talking to you and getting to know you, I know you have all the skills you need to be a success if you choose to. So the only question is, do you choose to?
Do you like Amway? (Not really). Great, you’ll love our company then, we’re really nothing like them. You see, with us you must get licensed to market our products. We have a very comprehensive training program. We market only financial service products, investments, second mortgages and insurance of all types. In addition, the average commission potential per client is between $500 - $2,000, not $1.98. So in every way, other than the opportunity to build your own sales force, we are different. By the way, the only realistic way to get financially independent is to get others to cooperate with you, wouldn’t you agree? (Yes). So you don’t see anything wrong with giving others the same opportunity you have, do you? (No). Great. How soon do you want to get started?
Let me ask you this, if being thin is healthier, why isn’t everyone? (I don’t know). Because it requires some discipline to be thin just like it requires discipline to be successful and not everyone has it. So let me help you develop some discipline, okay?
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I understand, but are you more interested in quantity or quality? (Well, I guess quality). Me too. I realized that most people get home from work after 5:00 p.m., eat dinner between 6:00 - 7:00 and then proceed to watch TV until 10:00 or 11:00. Let’s be honest, not much real interaction takes place. So what the majority of us are doing is spending quantity not quality time. Wouldn’t it be better to maybe invest a couple evenings a week in your future, set an example for our children that in order to succeed we sometimes need to do more than just what ordinary people do and dare to do something with our lives? I mean, if the return on your time were worth it, you could find some time, couldn’t you? (I think so). So, your real concern is that your time invested pays off, isn’t it? (Yes). If I can show you how it can, I assume you’ll give it a shot? I guess so. Great, let me do that for you.