Luke Michael Meola

Technology & Assessment

Stephen Cone

March 31, 2016

Assessment Project

Problem-Measuring the strength gained in relation to progress towards fitness goals.

1) This rating scale will be able to show and determine the quality and progress of clients exercises in their workouts through the client’s time training in relation to their goals.

Refining the Problem

2) This rating scale is designed to use on clients from all ages and gender. It can be used from adolescents all the way to the elderly. The skill level of the people using this rating scale can be entry level beginners with no experience to seasoned exercisers as well.

3) I would use a pretest to asses their starting point and provide them with a baseline. From there I will provide feedback to them on how to improve and keep their progress moving forward. Along the way I will give them verbal achievements in the form of reinforcement and praise for their progress or regressions.

4) I have chosen to asses their form, speed, endurance, strength, and breathing. Form is the basis for every lift and needs to be perfect or all other areas will suffer. Breathing goes hand in hand with form and speed. Without proper breathing while preforming each exercise, the clients speed will be erratic and that is detrimental to the exercise itself. These three components all work together in order to execute an exercise properly. Next is muscular strength and endurance. The client’s ability to execute a certain exercise at a given weight for a set amount of reps while maintaining proper form, breathing, and speed will determine their strength, which can then be compared to the national averages. The amount of repetitions that a client can preform continuously before fatiguing is their muscular endurance which can be compared to national averages.

Instrumentation and Methodology

5) My rubric will asses each of my five characteristics on a scale from one to five for a total achievable score of twenty five. I will have different components of each category that are needed to have a perfect five out of five. If any of these components are missing the score will go down.

6) The tester needs to have a complete understanding of the proper form, repetition speed/ pacing, and breathing cadence for each exercise being tested, as well as knowledge of the national standards for strength and endurance. The tests can be preformed anywhere the exercises can be preformed and all that is required of the client is that they understand what exercise they are doing and that they are proper warmed-up first.

7) A passing grade would be a 3 at minimum in each category but a 1 or a 2 would just indicate a need for serious teaching and improvement. More practice preforming the exercises and consistency in training will be able to raise a three to a five easily, but a 1 or a 2 will need more hands on teaching and guidance for a better understanding of each exercise.

Name: ______Date:______


5- Components of Exercise Evaluation

Form / Breathing / Speed / Strength / Endurance
1 / Does not understand the proper form. / Does not understand proper breathing technique and cadence / Does not understand proper speed and pacing of exercise / Far below the 50th percentile of national ranking / Far below the 50th percentile of national ranking
2 / Understands form but struggles attempting exercise / Understands the concept but cannot preform it / Understands the different types of pacing of types of exercises / Can preform lifts just below the 50th percentile of the national ranking / Can preform lifts just below the 50th percentile of the national ranking
3 / Understands form and can maintain for few reps / Can maintain proper breathing cadence while exercising for a few reps / Can preform an exercise with proper pacing for a few reps / Can preform lifts at the 50th percentile of the national ranking / Can preform lifts at the 50th percentile of the national ranking
4 / Can execute exercise with proper form through multiple sets / Can maintain proper breathing cadence throughout multiple sets / Can preform an exercise with proper pacing for multiple sets / Can preform lifts within the 70th percentile of the national ranking / Can preform lifts within the 70th percentile of the national ranking
5 / Can maintain proper form throughout exercise with no effort at all. / Preforms using proper breathing cadence without a second thought / Preforms different exercises with proper pacing like naturally without hesitation / Can preform exercise at the 90th percentile or above of the national ranking / Can preform exercise at the 90th percentile or above of the national ranking