Pro Forma & EIA to Be Completed and Submitted to the Relevant Convenor of Board of Studies

Pro Forma & EIA to Be Completed and Submitted to the Relevant Convenor of Board of Studies

/ Programme Closure Arrangements Pro Forma

Note: This pro forma is used when the permanent cessation of a programme has been agreed by the Executive Group.

1. This pro forma is submitted and endorsed by:
Head of School / Click here to enter text. /
Date / Click here to enter a date. /
2. Approval is sought for the arrangements for closure of the following Programme:
Programme / Click here to enter text. /
School / Click here to enter text. /
UCAS Code (if applicable) / Click here to enter text. /
3. Please confirm the date that the Executive Group approved the proposal:
Click here to enter date
4. Please confirm that consultation has taken place with Registry to inform applicants of the programme closure.
Yes ☐No ☐
5. Please confirm that students on the programme have been informed of the closure.
Yes ☐No ☐
6. Please confirm that all necessary amendments to the GSA handbooks, publications and website have been identified and will be updated once the students have been informed (please give details below):
Click here to enter text. /
7. Please confirm that an Equality Impact Assessment has been undertaken and Summary Reporting Form completed and submitted to Executive Group: (This form can be found here
Yes ☐No ☐
If YES, please submit with pro forma. If NO, please give details: Click here to enter text.
8. Please provide a statement setting out how the closure of the programme will be managed, specifically detailing arrangements for current students. (e.g. cease recruitment, teach out, etc.)
Click here to enter text /
9. Please provide details of consultation carried out with staff regarding the programme closure arrangements:
Click here to enter text /
10. Please provide details of consultation carried out with external examiners regarding the programme closure arrangements:
Click here to enter text /
11. Please provide details of consultation carried out with all affected students regarding the programme closure arrangements:
Click here to enter text /
12. Please confirm the proposed date for closure of the programme, in terms of academic sessions: (e.g. from the start of 2016/17 academic session)
Click here to enter text. /
13. Please confirm that the number and expertise of staff can continue to support student numbers at each stage and that it will be possible to continue to conform to existing programme regulations and GSA policies.
Yes ☐No ☐
If NO, please explain:
Click here to enter text.
14. Please confirm that any financial or estate issues have been discussed with, and approved by, the Director of Finance and Resources. Please provide further detail in both cases.
Yes ☐No ☐
Click here to enter text.
15. Please confirm arrangements for students on a leave of absence, or who may repeat or resit a year:
Click here to enter text. /
16. Will contracted-out teaching be required at any stage?
Yes ☐No ☐
If yes, please confirm that:
a) Appropriate teaching and other relevant resources will be available to students in the receiving institution. Yes ☐ No ☐
b) The curriculum being offered is appropriate for the students. Yes ☐No ☐
c) Practical arrangements are in hand to transport or otherwise enable students to attend the receiving institution.  Yes ☐ No ☐
If NO is answered for any of the above, please explain and give details:
Click here to enter text.
17. Is it proposed that students are transferred to another GSA Programme or Higher Education Institution (HEI)?
Another GSA Programme: Yes ☐No ☐
Another HEI: Yes ☐No ☐
If YES to either, please answer the following questions (if no, continue to question 18)
a) There has been appropriate consultation with the student body regarding the transfer to the receiving programme/institution.
Yes ☐No ☐
Please give details.
Click here to enter text.
b) Are there any cost implications beyond any transfer of funds to the receiving programme/institution?
Yes ☐No ☐
If YES, please give details:
c) The curriculum is compatible with that provided prior to the transfer.
Yes ☐No ☐
If NO, please explain:
Click here to enter text.
d) Please confirm that the other GSA Programme or HEI is aware that there will be no transfer of funded places.
Yes ☐No ☐
If NO, please explain:
Click here to enter text.
e) Are there any student, staff or corporate intellectual property implications?
Yes ☐No ☐
If YES, please explain:
Click here to enter text.
f) Are there any sub-contracting permissions or exclusions that apply?
Yes ☐No ☐
If YES, please explain:
Click here to enter text.
18. Please confirm that throughout the transition period GSA policy regarding the assurance and review of academic quality and standards will be adhered to.
Yes ☐No ☐
If NO, please explain:
Click here to enter text.
19. Is the programme delivered as part of a collaboration agreement?
Yes ☐No ☐
If Yes, please provide details:
Click here to enter text.
20. Is the programme a joint programme with the University of Glasgow? (If yes, please note that the process of closure should be managed in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement: Validation of Taught Programmes.)
Yes ☐No ☐
If Yes, please provide details:
Click here to enter text.
21. Is the programme subject to accreditation by a Professional Statutory or Regulatory Body?
Yes ☐No ☐
If Yes, please provide details and confirmation that consultation with the relevant professional body has taken place:
Click here to enter text.
22. Are there any professional support service delivery implications during the closure period for:
a) Student Support and Development?
Yes ☐No ☐
b) IT?
Yes ☐No ☐
c) Technical Support?
Yes ☐No ☐
d) Learning Resources?
Yes ☐No ☐
e) Any other GSA student administration departments?
Yes ☐No ☐
If YES is answered for any of the above, please give details:
Click here to enter text.

Pro Forma & EIA to be completed and submitted to the relevant Convenor of Board of Studies.

23. Once the Programme Closure Arrangements have been discussed at Board of Studies, please input the extract from the minute here and submit to the secretary for UPC.
Click here to enter text.

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