Due date: 16thApril 11.59pm (midnight) via Turnitin only! (No hard copies, No email submissions!)
40%of your mark
Word Count: 2000 words
Marking Guide (page 4) – Please make sure you attach this to the end of your answer.
- We are usingChicago 16 style of referencing – see
- Very useful introductory i-tutorial to referencing to refresh or if it is new to you:
- Study and Research Tools such as Endnote – Curtin library:
- Google Scholar – Curtin library: And Maureen’s guide to Google Scholar attached also.
This essay, like all the assessments in this course, uses academic writing style. Academic writing is an exercise in higher order thinking and developing intellectual rigor, skills which are beneficial for all aspects of your life. It is a life long learning skill and the hallmark of an educated individual so it is worth the endeavour. As William James, philosopher and psychologist said, “A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.”
You need to thoroughly read the recommended pages below of the 2 ebooks attached to your textbook as well as the recommended websites below.
- Please complete the essay in a Word document that you will need to upload to Blackboard via Turnitinby 16thApril 11.59pm (midnight) via Turnitin only!
- The file name of your Word Document should follow this format: Surname_FirstName_student number_P&P641 Ass2. For example: Jones_Mary_12465976_ P&P641 Ass2. docx
- At the top of the first page you must have your first and last name, your student number, your email address and the following heading: P&P641 – Leadership Essay Assessment 2.
- N.B. Please cut and paste a copy of the marking guide (below on page 4) at the end of your essay.
Assessment 2 consists of one 2000 wordessay worth 40%.
Choose one essay topic from this list:
- Leadership and emotional intelligence
- Leadership in project teams
- Leadership and change management
- Summarise the key themes from the literature on your chosen topic(1200 words)
- Discuss how this topic is relevant for project managers (800 words)
- Introduction
- Main Body
- Conclusion
Please refer to the following books in your ebook for information on how to correctly write these parts of an essay:
1.McCulloch, Ros and Andrea Reid Your Business Degree Pearson Australia, French’s Forest NSW 2012
Chapter 6 “Other Forms of Business Writing” – pages 95-101
- This section gives a concise overview of the three parts of an essay – the introduction, the main body and the conclusion
2.McCulloch, Ros and Andrea Reid Academic Skills for International Students Pearson Australia, French’s Forest NSW 2013
Chapter 4 “Developing Your Writing Skills” – pages 64 – 98
- This section provides a broader overview of academic writing covering the main qualities of academic writing, referencing, plagiarismand paraphrasing with many illustrative examples.
3.The University of Wollongong has produced a very useful short summary on the 3 parts of essay writing
Minimum 6 scholarly references from academic journals.
References from other sources such as textbooks, reputable magazines such as the Economist etc can be used as long as you have 6scholarly references.
Wikipedia is not acceptable as it has very little credibility since anyone can go in and change a Wikipedia page. Wikipedia is a wonderful quick reference for everyday enquiries but not suitable for academic writing which is aiming for intellectual rigor which is based on reliable evidence.
Google Scholar(using the updated version included under the Assessment Two tab on BBoard to workaround the technical problem at present) or the Curtin library databases or One Search will be very useful for the academic references.
The database Factiva is very useful for reputable magazines, newspapersetc and it is very up to date – it contains information up to yesterday. This fills in a gap in the academic literature, which is often one or two years old. Factiva is a mixture of scholarly and non scholarly sources, mainly non scholarly but nonetheless, reputable. It will be a very useful source for your assessment.
You can find Factiva in the Curtin library section “Databases A-Z”
Swinburne University in Melbourne has produced a very useful guide to using Factiva
Project And People
Marking guide for Assessment 2: Leadership Essay (40%)
Mark /40
1. Summarise the key themes from the literature - 60% /24
- Clear and coherent writing style
- Use of critical thinking skills such as compare and contrast and putting things into a context evident
- Level of analysis
- Writer demonstrates a good understanding of the topic
- Research well integrated into the essay
- Use of OB theories/models/concepts
2. Discuss how this topic is relevant for project managers – 30% /12
- Clear and coherent writing style
- Use of critical thinking skills such as compare and contrast and putting things into a context evident
- Level of analysis
- Relevance to project management is well done
- Research well integrated into the essay
- Use of OB theories/models/concepts
3. Academic merit and clarity of writing – 10% /4
- Clear and concise Introduction and Conclusion;
- Use of appropriate literature;
- Chicago referencing as per Curtin University Library Guidelines;
- Good logical sequence of argument
- Within word limit
- Structure, grammar, spelling, etc.