AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)
Audit Report for Geosynthetic Private Label Distributors

Note to Auditor: Auditor willreview information/records regarding source manufacturers used. However, the specific manufacturer names should not be included in the final audit report that is published. The auditor will verify which manufacturers were used, and that all private labeled products are traceable by the auditor to the source manufacturer test data that supports the private labeled product properties, and that the company’s processes and record keeping is in place and adequate to accomplish the same.

Proprietary Ownership
Company Name:
Physical Address:
Primary Contact
QC Manager:
Business Operations Manager:
Distribution Center/Warehouse
Physical Address:
Mailing Address:
(if different from above)
Auditor Contact
DOT Official Contact
Title / Organization:
DOT Official Contact
Title / Organization:
DOT Official Contact
Title / Organization:
Other Attendee Contact
Title / Organization:

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Auditor Name: ______
Audit Report Number: ______

REV 30– 2/11

AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)
Audit Report

Evaluation Program for Geosynthetic Reinforcement

Summary Report For



The National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) is a program under the sponsorship of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The NTPEP Evaluation Program for facilities producing geotextilesprovides a comprehensive review of the production and testing of geotextiles and of the quality management system. The evaluation starts with a desktop review of the facility’s quality manual and concludes with an on-site review of the facility’s processes and their quality management system documentation.

The desktop review and the on-site review were conducted by lead auditor ______. Geosyntheticdistributor______was represented by ______(Business Operations Manager) and ______(Quality Assurance Manager), during the on-site audit which was completed on ______.

The evaluation findings follow. Deviations from program requirements are noted in red.

Summarize audit findings here.

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Auditor Name: ______
Audit Report Number: ______

REV 30– 2/11

AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)
Audit Report

Table of Contents

Section 1: Geosynthetic Product Line Summary

Section 2: Manufacturing Plants Used by Private Label Product Line

Section 3: Company Organizational Geosynthetic Quality Policies

Section 4: On-Site Audit

Section 5: Geosynthetic Identification Markings

Section 6: Sample Geosynthetic Test Reports and Certifications

Section 7: Report Signature

Appendix A: Sample Private Labeled Source Manufacturer Test Reports and Certifications

Section 1: GeosyntheticProduct Line Summary

Product Line / Product Description (e.g., needle punched nonwoven, slit film woven, etc.) / Product Designation (style)

Section 2: Manufacturing Plants Used to Supply Private Label Product Line

Manufacturer Name / Manufacturer Location/address
Product Style / Manufacturer(s)
(list all manufacturers used to produce style) / Documentation of Agreement between Source Manufacturer and Private label Company Available? / Unique Roll Marking registered with NTPEP?

Describe how the company qualifies suppliers and verifies their current status in the NTPEP program?


Auditor Note: Auditor should verify that a current notarized letter describing agreement between the private label company and the source manufacturer (including equivalence between source manufacturer product designations and private label product designations) is available from each source manufacturer for each private labeled product listed.

Section 3: Company Organizational Geosynthetic Quality Policies

A) QMSManualor Equivalent Organizational Quality Policies / YES / NO / N/A
1) Quality Document/Manual Identification:
2) Date of Latest Revision of Approved Quality Policies Document:
3) Facility has this quality policies document available?
4) Does the quality policies document cover page contain:
a)The company name and/or logo?
b)The date of latest revision?
5) Does the company quality policy document indicate who in the company’s quality organization has authority to reject materials for distribution?
Identify Person: ______
B) Company Quality Policies for geosynthetic products purchased from others / YES / NO
1) Do the qualityprocedures as described in the company quality policies document:
a)Specify the quality process and procedures forgeosynthetics purchased and distributed under a private label?
b)Specify the company’s source manufacturer qualification and quality review requirements?
c)Specify the minimum frequency of required manufacturer certifications / manufacturer QC test results?
d)Require visual inspection of each product, verifying the as-manufactured product marking/labeling, manufacturer supplied certifications, and lot specific manufacturer QC/QA data?
e)Specify policies for addressing/documenting customer feedback?
2) Summarize below how the facility verifies incoming shipments of geosynthetic materials are compliant with the requirements established in the company’s quality policies document.

3) Does the company have property specifications for the geosynthetic products purchased for distribution under a private label?
4) Identify properties used in the company’s geosynthetic specifications:
  1. Mass per Unit Weight (ASTM D 5261)
  2. Permittivity (ASTM D 4491)
  3. Apparent Opening Size, AOS (ASTM D 4751)
  4. Grab Tensile Properties (ASTM D 4632)
  5. Trapezoid Tearing Strength (ASTM D 4533)
  6. Puncture Resistance (ASTM D 6241)
  7. UV Degradation (ASTM D4355)
  8. Asphalt Retention of Paving Fabrics (ASTM D6140)
  9. Melting Point (ASTM D276)
  10. Are lot specific values for all these properties included in the manufacturer data provided with each shipment of geosynthetic? If not, which ones are not included?

5) Summarize below how geosyntheticproductsthat are determined to not meet specification requirementsare identified, traced and quarantined.
C) Company Quality Policies for Records Retention and Traceability / YES / NO / N/A
1)Do the company quality policies include a process for storing and locatingsource manufacturer:
a)Geosynthetic product certifications?
b)Source manufacturer QC test results for any geosynthetic direct shipment from manufacturer or warehoused product?
c)What is your required minimum retention time for records?
2)Does the company follow their procedures for the following:
a)Test results and product traceability (storing and locating test reports)?
b)Resolving non-conforming test results?
c)Supplier qualifications / reviews?
d)Customer feedback?
3)Does the company quality policies documentestablish traceability from the final private labeled geosynthetic product back to the source manufacturerlot used?
4) Does the company quality policies documentinclude procedures for storing, shipping, and handling of finished geosynthetics?

Section 4: On-Site Audit

Auditor Note –The auditor should conduct an inspection of the geosyntheticsin the yard noting any physical defects. In addition the auditor should select three random samples of geosynthetic to verify proper quality control records. The “auditor” as defined herein may include the DOT inspector as the auditor’s on-site representative, especially if product is inspected at a DOT project site instead of a company warehouse. In the case the on-site audit is conducted at a state DOT project site, the auditor’s representative shall gather the as shipped product documentation provided to the state DOT (certifications, source manufacturer lot/roll specific QC test data, photos of the product marking and labeling, and any QA test results the state conducts/obtains.

A) / Visual Inspection of geoynthetic in the warehouse or product as shipped to a state DOT project site (conducted by auditor) / YES / NO
1) Indicate where visual inspection was conducted (e.g., company warehouse, or state DOT project site, and where located).
2) The auditor shall inspect geosyntheticproduct rolls to ensure that they are:
  1. free from rips, tears, or holes?

  1. free from thin spots/areas?

  1. free of foreign inclusion and visible defects?

3) Regarding the source manufacturer certification, and QC/QA data/test results:
a)Are they traceable to the final geosynthetic products sold under the company’s private label?
b)Was auditor able to verify traceability?
Indicate method used by the company to maintain traceability (e.g., finished product lot number included in final product identification, computer database maintained by manufacturer quality staff, etc.):
Indicate how auditor verified traceability:
Auditor Note: If a warehouse inspection is not possible, this inspection should be conducted using product as shipped to a specific state DOT project (identify products in the process of being shipped with assistance from the private label company, and then make arrangements with the local DOT to get the needed paper work, samples, etc.).
B) / Geosynthetic Markings Verification (Conducted by auditor) / YES / NO
1) Do geosynthetic markings:
a) exist along the geosynthtic roll at intervals not exceeding ___ ft [___ m]?
b) include the manufacturer’s name or code number?
2) Regarding the labels placed on the geotextile roll:
a) Are they properly located and firmly affixed in accordance with the NTPEP work plan?
b) Do they include the roll number?
c) Do they include the lot number?
d) Do they include the AASHTO M288 class(es)?
e) Do they include the property MARV’s?

Section 5: Geosynthetic Identification Markings

Auditor Note - Insert a picture(s) of the plant’s unique gesyntheticidentification markings. Refer to the plant’s pre-audit documentation or previous audit report.

Section 6: Sample Geosynthetic Test Reports and Certifications

Auditor Note – Maintain example hard copies of the test records, certifications, and reports gathered during the audit.

Sample Test Reports: Providesample reports representing source manufacturer quality control testing for private labeled products in accordance with the AASHTO M288 Specifications:

Test reports representing the source manufacturer’s QC/QA testing and source manufacturer certifications are included in Appendix A of this report.

Section 7: Report Signature

The Preceding Report has been reviewed and assured to be accurate by the Lead Auditor.
Auditor Name:
Auditor Name:
Auditor Name:

Auditor Name: ______Page 1 of 11

Audit Report Number: ______

AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)
Audit Report

Appendix A: Sample Private Labeled Source Manufacturer Test Reports and Certifications

Auditor Name: ______Page 1 of 11

Audit Report Number: ______