KSDE Accreditation Advisory Council

Monday, October 3, 2016, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Andover USD 385 District Office
1432 N. Andover Road, Andover, Kansas 67002


9:00Call to Order


11:30Lunch (short Executive Committee meeting during this time)




  2. Call to order
  3. Approvals
  4. (AI) Approve flexible agenda
  5. (AI) Approval of Minutes from Monday, August 29, 2016
  6. Remaining 2016-2017 meeting dates/locations

Next Meeting Locations in this order: Hutchinson, Emporia then in Wichita

  • (AI) Executive Committee recommendations for vacant positions (immediately after lunch)
  2. Brad Neuenswander, Deputy Commissioner, Division of Learning Services

(Scott Myers standing in)

  • Quarter 1 Trainings are in progress
  • Scheduling Quarter 2 Trainings now with service centers
  • What anxiety remains following the Qt. 1 trainings? When do we start? What group will we be in? OVT selection process?
  • Needs Assessments other than the one provided by KSDE, as long as it measures similar items as determined through a crosswalk with 5 R’s, can be used as a needs assessment by a district.
  • Potentially districts will have a list of trained OVT’s and districts can select members from this list with help of KSDE or KAESA to select OVT membership that has no conflict of interest. However, LIKELY, Chairs will need to be assigned.
  • Dr. Scott Myers, Director, Teacher Licensure and Accreditation
  • Zero Year - quarter one training (plan and booklet)
  • AdvancED - Dr. Nancy Bolz, Dr. Barbara Ramondini
  • As we listened to this presentation please consider KESA Guiding Principles. These principles would have to be met by anyone wanting to be approved as an Accreditation Model:
  • The Five R’s Framework (KESA Or equivalent)
  • Multi-year process
  • Systems approach
  • Process: Bldg-level needs assessment informs system-level growth areas (2 R’s)
  • Needs Assessment
  • Goal Development
  • Action Plan Development
  • Implementation
  • Assessment/Evaluation
  • OVT--trained
  • Transparency/Input (report card, system websites)
  • Data Collection (5 Rs outcomes indicators)
  • Compliance/Foundational Elements (Assurances)
  • Stakeholder Participation
  • Building and District Site Council
  • Committee Feedback:
  • Crosswalk provided on 5 R’s
  • Flexibility to add things that were missing
  • AdvancED will have to provide assurances of the list (1-9) above
  • We need a common application process for this
  • Final Council recommendation: Create a crosswalk document that they will share next time and then we can consider AdvancEd.
  2. Outside supporters - KSDE approval or vetting - use ARC?
  • Review of Council recommendations regarding KESA

5 year cycle

OVT’s will serve to provide feedback to systems

Goal Areas will be based on 2 R’s for growth (Not 2 Goals in 1 R)

Every building in the district supports the district 2 R Goals. Buildings may have separate goals but MUST support system goals first and foremost.

Staggered start must happen….districts will determine what group they will be in

Three levels of Accreditation: Accredited; Conditional Accreditation and Not Accredited

Foundational Elements: Examples: Systems of Supports (There are nine foundational items) (see additional attachment)

Compliance with KSDE Regulations

  • KESA Cycle Initial Report - for submission to Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) - Kelly Slaton
  • Viewed a sample Initial Report(DRAFT attached). Districts will complete this report but will review the report with the OVT and sign for submission to ARC and KSDE.
  • KESA Cycle Final Report - for submission to Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) - Kelly Slaton

Viewed a sample Final Report(DRAFT attached). Districts will complete this report but will review the report with the OVT and sign for submission to ARC and KSDE with their recommendation.

  • (AI) Outside Validation Team
  • It was mentioned that KAESA submitted a process to support KSDE with OVT application and assignments.
  • See attachment labeled Outside Validation Team (Approved with change in timeline of Year 1 Visit)
  • (AI) Accreditation Review Committee (ARC)
  • See attachment labeled Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) (Will be approved in the future—some changes need to be made to the document)
  • Executive Committee recommendations for vacant positions (Elementary Administrator and Business and Industry Representative)
  • For Next Meeting:
  • Defining KESA ratings (business rules)
  • Accredited
  • Accredited-Conditional
  • Not Accredited

KSDE Accreditation Advisory Council August 29, 2016 agenda - p. 1