Private Gardens Competition

Entry Form

This free competition is open to all residents of Leeds, and aims to promote a sense of pride in their gardens. There’s three categories to choose from:

  • Large garden - must be a complete garden, including back and front where applicable (should be greater than 500sq. yards or 418sq metres in total)
  • Small garden - must be a complete garden, including back and front where applicable (should be no more than 500sq yards or 418sq metres in total)
  • Floral plant containers - these can include window boxes, hanging baskets and planters.

Your details
First Name
Garden Category (please tick one only)
Large Garden
Small Garden
Floral Plant Container

The competition is split into ward-based areas across the city, so there are many local competitions. Judging takes place in July each year. Gold, silver and bronze prizes will be awarded for in each of the three categories in each ward, with certificates for Commended and Highly Commended entries.

Please return the completed form to;Richard GillFloral Initiative Officer

Farnley Hall, Hall Lane, LeedsLS12 5HA.

or email

‘Privacy Notice’

Leeds City Council complies fully with UK data protection legislation. Any personal information you provide on entering the Leeds in Bloom competition will only be used to notify you if you are one of the winning entries and to invite you to enter the next Leeds in Bloom competition. Your details will be kept securely and, excepting if required by law, will not be shared with any third parties. All the personal data you provide will be held for 2 years after this point it will be securely destroyed.

Should you wish for your information to be deleted Leeds City Council will then ensure that your details are removed from our records within 5 working days. You have the right to ask for access to any information we hold about you. To do this, please contact , who will advise you on the procedure.

The Council’s corporate privacy notice, which includes details of the authority’s Data Protection Officer and your Information Rights is available at: