Name: ______Due Date: ______
LiteracyBook Report
TurkeyBook Report Project
Goal: To create the perfect turkey book report.
Materials: chapter bookpencil crayons scissors glue stick dinner plates turkey “feathers” large paper
PART I: Preparing the bird
____As you read your chapter book, record important details or information onto sticky notes or the chapter mini-turkey. Important details and information would be:
- characters
- setting
- plot
____On the first line of your turkey, write the title of your book.
____On the second line of your turkey, write the author’s name.
____On the first dinner plate, record the main character’s full name and write a description of your character at the beginning of the story.
____On the second dinner plate, write a description for the setting of your story.
____On the third dinner plate, write a description for the plot of your story.
____On the turkey’s body write a summary of your book. Be sure to include:
- the character
- setting
- details from the beginning of the story
- details from the middle of the story
- and the plot
Remember that your cranium sentence should be ear catching, eye popping and interesting to your reader.
Name: ______page two
LiteracyBook Report
Goal: To build your Book Report on the large paper.
____Cut out all of the pieces for your bird.
____Arrange the pieces to form a turkey on your large paper.
____Place the feathers around the turkey on your large paper. Be sure to arrange
the feathers in the same order as we read. Remember which event or detail came first, second, etc.
____Arrange the dinner plates on your large paper.
____Move the turkey and feathers to form the “perfect” bird.
____Glue the objects onto the large paper.
____Decorate your book report.
Time Planner:
Use this Time Planner to help you schedule when to complete this project in small pieces of time over a few nights. Start by recording the due date for the report. Then, look at your schedule of after school activities and decided what days are best for you to work on this project. Record the dates below. As you complete each activity, place a check mark in the completed column and celebrate your hard work!
Book Report is due: ______
Date / Step to be completed / Completed!Finished my book for the book report
Completed my mini-turkeys
Completed the three dinner plates
Completed my turkey’s body
Completed my feathers
Cut out the turkey, feathers, and dinner plates
Arranged and glued the turkey, feathers,
and dinner plates
Completed my book report project!!
Name: ______Mrs. K-B’s Class
Literacy – Turkey Book ReportRubric Score
Rubric / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4Part I: / Preparing the Bird
Chapter Book / Chapter book not completed.
No sticky notes used / Book completed.
Few sticky notes used.
Info recorded. / Book completed.
Some sticky notes used
Info recorded. / Chapter book completed!
Sticky Notes usedand important information recorded.
Part II: / Preparing the Side Dishes
* Characteristics of the main character written on a dinner plate. / Directions not followed, few characteristics are listed / Directions followed, some characteristics are listed / All directions followed, many characteristics are listed / All directions followed, many characteristics listed and descriptions exceeds expectations
*The setting of the chapter book written on a dinner plate. / Directions not followed, few setting facts are listed / Directions followed, somesetting facts are listed / All directions followed, manysetting facts are listed / All directions followed, many setting facts listed and descriptions exceeds expectations
*The plot of the chapter book written on a dinner plate. / Directions not followed, few plot facts are listed / Directions followed, someplot facts are listed / All directions followed, manyplot facts are listed / All directions followed, many characteristics listed and descriptions exceeds expectations
Part III: / Dressing the Bird
* Title on the first line
* Author on the second line / None of the directions were followed / Some of the directions were followed / All of the directions were followed / All directions followed and exceeds expectations
Summary / Summary was unclear and difficult to follow / Summary was organized and clearly written / Summary was organized and clearly written with details and interest / Summary was organized and demonstratesa great understanding of story. Important details were included in the summary.
Facts / The feather was unclear and difficult to follow / Some feathers had details and/or were clearly written / All feathers were clearly written with details and great interest / Feathers exceeded expectations. Demonstrated great understanding of story. Important details were included in favorite feathers
*Spelling *Grammar
*Neatness *Organization / Too manyerrors to understand / Some errors made on written work / Few errors made on written work / No errors made
Excellent work!
Rubric / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Part IV: / Setting the Table
* the turkey and feathers
are arranged / Directions not followed,
Turkeyarrangement is poorly completed / Directions followed,
Turkey arrangement is messy / Directions followed,
Turkey arrangement is completed / All directions followed,
Turkey arrangement exceeds expectations
* dinner plates displayed / Directions not followed,
Dinner plates arrangement is poorly completed / Directions followed,
Dinner plates arrangement is messy / Directions followed,
Dinner plates arrangement is completed / All directions followed!
Dinner platesarrangementexceeds expectations
* items form a picture / Directions not followed,
Picture arrangement is poorly completed / Directions followed,
Picture arrangement is messy / Directions followed,
Picture arrangement is completed / All directions followed!
Picture arrangementexceeds expectations
* paper decorated / Directions not followed,
Arrangement is poorly completed / Directions followed,
Arrangement is messy / Directions followed,
Arrangement is completed / All directions followed!
Arrangementexceeds expectations
Comment: ______
Score: ______