Updated 11/08
Private and Local Scholarships
Blue Mt Community Foundation Scholarships
Graduates of WW county High Schools, GED, or Home Schooled. Also eligible are WW county residents for at least 3 years. Some OR schools eligible. Become available 1/1/09
Name of Scholarship / Eligibility / Qualifications / Amount of Award /Application
Altadel Beamer MemorialScholarship Fund / For Weston-McEwen High School graduates with a record of achievement or aptitude in music. /
Postmark 3/1/09
John P. and Anna Anderson and Family Scholarship / WSU AG Students /Postmark 3/1/09
Otto W. Anderson Scholarship / Beta Theta Pi Alumni for fraternity members at Whitman. /Postmark 3/1/09
Bayne Family Scholarship / Must be graduate of Wa-Hi who was active in student government. Enrolled full time. / Based on financial need / $851 / Postmark 3/1/09Ralph R. & Mary E. Bennett Scholarship / Must be Walla WallaCounty high school graduate
Enrolled full time. / Based on financial need and application inc. plans for college and career / Minimum of $300 / Postmark 3/1/09
BentonCity Wranglers Trust / Graduates of Kiona-BentonHigh School / Postmark 3/1/09
Ted Berry Memorial Scholarship / WW and ColumbiaCounty students pursuing a career in Emergency Medical Technician. / Postmark 3/1/09
Paul K. Bjorklund Memorial Citizenship Award / Outstanding senior man at Weston-McEwenHigh School. / Postmark 3/1/09
Bobby Cox Memorial Fund / WW County or Milton-Freewater high school senior of Latino descent. Enrolled full time. / Outstanding leadership qualities / $1000 / Postmark 3/1/09
Earl & Lucille Blake Scholarship / See application / Financial need based. / Minimum of $300 / Postmark 3/1/09
Howard and Pearl Burgess Scholarship / Members of 4-H in Walla WallaCounty / Postmark 3/1/09
ClarkstonHigh School Memorial / Graduate of ClarkstonHigh School / Postmark 3/1/09
Terry Copple Fund Scholarship / Must be Wa-Hi graduate. Enrolled full time. / Student must major in visual arts in college / $703 / Postmark 3/1/09
T.B. Elliott Fund Scholarship / Must be Walla WallaCounty high school graduate Enrolled full time. Financial Need based. / Must have earned and saved money to help further education; preference to students interested in medicine / Minimum of $300 / Postmark 3/1/09
William & Mary Falconer Endowment Fund / Preference given to students with farming background or who want to continue education in agricultural field. / Enrolled full time. Based on financial need. / Minimum of $300 / Postmark 3/1/09
Keith and Helen Fenner Fund / Columbia, Umatilla or WW County high school graduate with leadership and good citizen traits. / Enrolled full time. / $590 / Postmark 3/1/09
Dayl and Doris Graves Scholarship Fund
Ann Weatherill Memorial / Graduate of GarrisonMiddle School / Academic excellence and financial need / $573 / Postmark 3/1/09
Earl and Jane Ferguson Scholarship / Graduate of Weston-McEwenHigh School / Postmark 3/1/09
Edward F. Fields Memorial Fund / WW County 4-H or FFA graduate attending WSU with interest in livestock, veterinarian medicine, or extension services. / Enrolled full time. / $1721 / Postmark 3/1/09
Don and Nancy Fix Scholarship / Graduate of DaytonHigh School / Postmark 3/1/09
Katherine Guinn Memorial Scholarship / Postmark 3/1/09
William and Delora Harpe Scholarship / Graduate of Columbia-Burbank, Prescott, Touchet, Waitsburg high school with priority to those in field of education. / Postmark 3/1/09
Dorothy Hockett Kappa Alpha Theta Scholarship Fund / For Kappa Alpha Theta members / Postmark 3/1/09
Ward and Vera Hoskins Memorial Scholarship / Graduate of DaytonHigh School / Postmark 3/1/09
John Israel Scholarship / Graduate of DaytonHigh School / Postmark 3/1/09
Johnson/Bowe Junior Club Scholarship / Nursing students / Postmark 3/1/09
Roberta Bell Kraemer Fund / Must be Walla WallaCounty high school graduate
Enrolled full time. / Based on financial need; application includes community services & plans for college & career / Minimum of $300 / Postmark 3/1/09
James N. Lamar Foundation Scholarship / For West Platte R-2 graduates in Weston, Missouri and for WhitmanCollege. / Postmark 3/1/09
John W. McGillis Junior Memorial Scholarship Fund / Merit awards for residents of Walla WallaValley / Postmark 3/1/09
McJunkin Family Scholarship Fund / Graduates of HermistonHigh School / Postmark 3/1/09
Charlotte D. Mikkelsen Scholarship / WaitsburgHigh School Graduates / Postmark 3/1/09
Merwin F. and Alethea M. Neace Family Memorial Scholarship / DaytonHigh School Graduates / Postmark 3/1/09
Retired Teachers of Walla Walla and Columbia Counties Scholarship / For financial assistance during student teaching term. / Postmark 3/1/09
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Scholarship Fund / For Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Athena, Oregon members / Postmark 3/1/09
Lawrence Slater Scholarship / Graduates of PomeroyHigh School / Postmark 3/1/09
Tichi-Groom Scholarship / Parent must be in fire fighting service or law enforcement officer. Enrolled full time. / Preference given to Athena or Milton-Freewater students. / $3373 / Postmark 3/1/09
Peter Venneri Youth Scholarship / For students at DeSalesHigh School / Postmark 3/1/09
O. A. & Marion White 4-H Scholarship / Must be an active 4-H member living in the
Walla WallaValley. / Enrolled full time. / $752 / Postmark 3/1/09
Other private and local scholarships:
Name of Scholarship / Eligibility / Qualifications / Amount of Award /Application
Commitment to Agriculture Scholarship / High School seniors interested in pursuing a career in AG who demonstrate excellence in areas of academics, leadership, and AG experience. / Plan to enroll full-time in ag-related program. / $1500 /2/17/09
Alfred G. and Elma M. Milotte Scholarship Trust Fund / Interest in natural history or the arts. High school graduate or GED. WA State resident minimum of five years. / Must use photography or other forms of artistic expression, must have 3.0 cumulate GPA / Tuition awards up to $4000 /
Deadline 3/31/09
American Association of University Women Scholarship / Must be a woman seeking to complete her education (bachelor or graduate degree and must have attended one year of college), must be a resident of WW County, ColumbiaCounty, or M-F / Past academic performance, community involvement, need-based / $1000
WW branch awards
2 scholarships
$500-$1000 / Applications not available yet—check scholarship bulletin board for availability.
American Chemical Society / African American, Hispanic, Latino American, American Indian; a U.S. citizen or permanent resident majoring in chemical sciences & planning a career in the chemical sciences or chemical technology. Students in medicine or pharmacy are not eligible. / 3.0 GPA and able to show financial need / Up to $5000 / 11/1/08 – 3/31/09
Applications available at the Financial Aid office and online at
American Indian Endowed Scholarship / Must have financial need and close ties to an American Indian tribe. Enrolled full-time. / Must complete FAFSA; Not pursuing a degree in Theology. Must be WA state res. / $500 - $2000 / 2/1/09
Assoc. for Women in Communications
Seattle Professional Chapter / WA state resident sophomore student registered at 4 year university or 2 year community college. / See Financial Aid Office for application / $1500 /
BIAWBuilding Industry Assoc. of WA Scholarship / Washington resident pursuing a career in the construction industry. / Academic, work experience, community service/school activities, financial need / Varies; total of $30,000 split between winners. / See Financial Aid office for applications
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Two Year Colleges Scholarship Program / US citizen or permanent residents. Actively engaged in volunteer service or employed at least part time. / 3.5 GPA in last 5 years of school / 350 - $1000 /
Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington Scholarship / Must be a descendant of a pioneer who established residence in Washington (1870), Oregon (1853), Idaho (1863) or Montana (1863) / Must be a full-time student, resident of WW County, Dayton or Milton-Freewater; preference given to history, education, or English. / 2 - $750 / wapioneerdaughters.org/ scholarship.asp
Dorothy Yothers Memorial Scholarship
“Second Chances” scholarship / Must be a female student over 25 pursuing a vocational/technical program / Based on financial need, motivation, and aptitude / Up to $600 quarter
Renewable /
Educational Opportunity Grant / Must be a WA resident and reside in an eligible county, and attend a 4-year institution in WA State full time, completed AA degree or have junior standing, and financial need / Separate application must be completed by Financial Aid administrator at 4-year school. Based on place bound status and financial need / $2500 Renewable / See application
ESA Foundation / Students enrolled for training in a technical school or any person returning to school after an absence to retrain job skills or obtain a degree. / 3.0 GPA /
EWU 2009-10 Scholarships / Several Nursing scholarships too. /
click on scholarships
Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund / Dependent children or spouses of persons killed or permanently disabled due to terrorist attacks; must be an undergraduate student / Based on financial need, school costs, family’s ability to pay expenses / To be determined / See application
George F. Walker Scholarship / Must be a WA State resident pursuing a course of study leading to a surveying or mapping career. / Based on academic transcript, three letters of recommendation, and statement of career related experience and goals / $3000 / Applications available at F/A office
George T. Welch Grant Scholarship / Must be a graduate of a WW County high school; married students will be awarded a grant on an exception basis only / Based on financial need and academic merit / No grant in excess of $4000 / Application available at Financial Aid
See application for two deadlines (March 1 and April 1)
Hispanic Scholarship Fund / US citizen of Hispanic descent. Must be first in family to attend college (first generation college student) / See Financial Aid Office, must have minimum 3.0 cumulate grade point average / Several Available /
Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Community Transfer Scholarship Program / 3.0 – 4.0 GPA; US Citizen or legal permanent resident of Hispanic heritage. / Be pursuing or plan to pursue 1st undergraduate degree or graduate degree. / Must complete FAFSA /
Idaho Irrigation Equipment Association / Interest in using degree for a career in the water utilization related fields. Any major. / Previous recipients include: AG related fields, agri-business, business, accounting and engineering, horticulture, biology, and welding. / $500-$1200
Multiple awards / 2/15/09
See Financial Aid for Application.
Indian Health Services / Students interested in or presently in, health related prep or professional academic programs for fall 2008. / Online Application available 2/09
WA State Elks Association
Joseph Darimont Vocational Award / Adult under 50 years of age. Must be pursuing a 2 year or less technical vocational program. / Must have HS diploma or GED / $1000 / 3/1/09
WA State Elks Association
Vocational Grant / US Citizen pursuing a 2 year degree. 4 year degrees are not eligible. / Graduating high school seniors and general education students. / 3/1/09
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship Program / Current student at accredited US community college or two-year institution with sophomore status by 12/31/08 or recent graduate (5/08 ) / Have unmet need and nominated by 2 year institution. / 50- Max. $30,000 per year
3.5 -4.0 GPA /
John Deere Technology Scholarship
WWCC / Scholarship will be awarded solely for proven leadership abilities and academic/vocational potential / Must be enrolled in John Deere Program, 2.5 minimum GPA / $250-$500
(several scholarships) / First year students: Before first day of classes of their first quarter. Second year students: Before first day of classes of their fifth quarter.
– See John Deere Technology Website
Junior Club of Walla Walla / Must be either a nursing student or general education student / Women 24 and over, need based / 2 $1000 awards / Check scholarship bulletin board for availability
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, Inc. / Son or daughter of Marine on active duty or in the Reserve, retired or deceased. / Must have GPS of 2.0 and family income of $77,000 or less / Applications available in Dec. /
3/3/09 Graduating Seniors
4/15/09 All other students
MG James Ursano Scholarship Fund—Army emergency relief. / For children of Army soldiers (active, retired or deceased). Unmarried; under age 23 for entire academic year, registered in DEERS. / See application / Variable amounts / See for application Deadline: 3/1/09
Available in December
MontanaStateUniversity / Apply for admission to MSU for Fall 2009. / Varies /
National Federation of the Blind / Must be legally blind, pursuing or planning to pursue full-time post-secondary course of study / Must enter program fall 2009 in USA / Varies from
$3000-$12,000 / 3/31/09
National Italian American Foundation / Italian American student or major/minoring in Italian language, Italian studies, or related field. Demonstrates outstanding potential and high academic achievement. US citizen or permanent resident. / Based on academic merit 3.55 or higher.
Enrolled in a US accredited institution of higher education for fall 2006. Be “Italian-American” having at least one ancestor who has immigrated from Italy. / $2500-$10,000 /
Application available online only.
Due 3/6/09
National Scholars Honor Society / Must be Honor Society Member. / Outstanding leadership in politics, science, literature, arts or display outstanding initiative and embody the spirit of innovation. / $4000-$5000 /
No deadline noted
National Society of Accountants Scholarship / Must be a full-time student majoring in accounting at a 2 or 4-year college. / 3.0 GPA minimum.
Full or part time student. US or Canadian citizen. / $500-2000 /
Pacific Northwest Regional Council of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Scholarship / Must be resident or participant in Walla Walla Housing Authority Program. Academic achievement and service. / 2.8 GPA
Written motivational essay. / 1-$1000 Community College (Renewable)
2-$1000 4 year University (Renewable) / 2/13/09
Applications available at WW Housing Authority
Pride Foundation Scholarship / Available for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and straight-ally (straight and supportive of LGBT issues) / Or students from LGBT families. /
Sallie Mae American Dream Scholarship
(Through United Negro College Fund) / Graduating high school, US Citizen of African-American descent, who demonstrates a need for financial aid / 2.5 GPA minimum / $500-$5000 /
Sallie Mae Unmet Need Scholarship / GPA 2.5-3.00; combined family income of $30,000 or less; have unmet financial need of more than $1000 after F/A package has been awarded. / U.S. citizen
Undergraduate students / $1000-$3800 / See application, opens mid-January
Washington CPS Foundation Scholarship / Accounting student who has completed 2 quarters of accounting at time of application, and who plans to complete their education in WA State / 3.0 GPA, active in campus activities and community. Planning a career in accounting / 10-$3000
Need Based
Merit Based / See for application form
St. Elizabeth’s Health Services / Must be graduate of BakerCounty high school or current BakerCounty resident / Enrolled in health care field (RN, LPN, etc.)
College sophomore at least / $2000 / Check financial aid office
St. Mary Alumni Nursing Scholarship / Second year ADN program or final year BSN program / Check financial aid office
Talbots Women’s Scholarship Fund / Female currently residing in USA, high school diploma or GED at least 10 years ago, enrolled or planning to enroll in a full or part-time undergraduate program. At least 2 quarters (min. 24 credit hours) remaining to complete undergraduate degree at beginning of fall 2008 / Students with bachelor’s degrees cannot apply; first 1000 eligible applicants received will be processed / 6 - $10,000
60 - $1000 / Applications available at F/A office or online at
USA Funds Access to Education Scholarships / Plan to enroll in professional-degree coursework at an accredited two- or four-year college, Students must plan to enroll beginning with the fall-2009 term through Feb. 1, 2010. / Past academic performance and future potential. Leadership and participation in school and community activities. Work experience. / $1,500 / 2/15/09
U.S. Bank Internet Scholarship Program / Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien, and a high school senior planning to enroll in a 2-year or 4-year institution. / 30 - $1000 /
Vista Hermosa Foundation Scholarship / Children of Broetje Orchards employee or live in the Vista Hermosa or Snake River Housing. / Good academic standing, planning to enroll in a community, vocational, technical, or Bible college, or 4-year school. / $500 - $10,000 / June 10
November 1
Walla WallaValleyFederal Credit Union
Nola Crook Scholarship / Must be a member or child in good standing with WWVFCU, high school graduate. / 60% need based, 40% academic / $750 / Application available at the credit union.
Walter J. Clore Scholarship / High school graduate enrolled or planning to enroll in college/university in area pertaining to the wine industry. Preference given to WA State students, not limited to study at a WA State college/ university. / Academic merit, leadership abilities / $500-$2000 /
November 30th of each year
Washington Financial Aid Association Ethnic Awareness Scholarship / Must be a student of color attending a WFAA member college or university / Based on leadership ability, minimum 3.0 GPA, show financial need; must enroll at least part-time / Up to $1500 / See scholarship bulletin board
Washington Pulp and Paper Foundation Scholarship, University of WA / Paper Science or Chemical Engineering Major, US citizen or permanent resident / Academic performance and 3.0 gpa / depts.washington.edu.wppl/scholarships.htm
Washington State Business and Professional Women’s Foundation Educational Scholarship and Grant / Female students with proven academic ability; must be Washington resident two or more years; need to attend a WashingtonState school / Need of financial assistance—various scholarships refer to application / $500-$1000 / ?
See financial aid office
Washington State Department of Health
Health Professional Loan
Loan Repayment and Scholarships / For students training or professions in the following areas: Physician (MD or DO), Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner or Licensed Nurse (any level), midwife, pharmacist, dentist, dental hygienist / Must serve in rural or underserved urban area with designated shortages for a minimum of three years. /
WashingtonState Employees Credit Union Scholarship / Must be full time student / For students attending 4 year or Grad.-
For 2 yr. CC or vocational students / 20- $2000
7- $1000 /
WashingtonState Potato Foundation / Eligible applicants are those who pay assessment to the WA State Potato Commission, are commercial growers, processors, packers, or shippers of WA/OR potatoes, or their employees, or children of employees and reside in WA or OR. Must intend to pursue a 2 or 4 year degree or technical certification at a facility of higher education. / A commodity related education will be given preference / Provides financial assistance to meet education expenses
20- $1000 - $5000 / 2/15 of each year
Cougar Awards Program, WashingtonStateUniversity / If you apply for admission and complete scholarship application, you will automatically be considered. /
Wave 2009 / Washington State resident, currently enrolled student and by 6/30/078will--graduate from high school with min. of 360 hours in single vocational program or complete at least one year (min 360 hours) in a vocational program at public community or technical college. / Minimum 3.0 GPA / Two-year grant pays for 6 quarters or 4 semesters for undergraduate study only (one time award) /
Obtain application from Don Miller @ WWCC.
WhitmanCountyRetiredSchool Employees Scholarship / Must be a WhitmanCounty high school graduate, successfully completed first year of college, education major, and plan to be a teacher / Must demonstrate some degree of financial need / $1000
Nursing Scholarships & Financial Aid Resource Booklet (various scholarships) / See booklet in the WWCC Financial Aid office for eligibility requirements. / Various / Various
College of Business & Economics Scholarships / Various / Various /
WashingtonState Nurses Foundation / Student nurses with 12-15 nursing credits.
Currently enrolled in RN program. / Minimum 3.0 GPA
Resident of WA state or enrolled in WA state program. / 4- $1000 min.
3- $500-$1000 / Apply at
WashingtonState Foster Youth / Educational Training Voucher (ETV)
Governors’ Scholarship for Foster Youth
YMCA Transitions Scholarship
Treehouse Coaching to College Scholarship (CTC)
Passport to College Promise Scholarship Program / Must apply for the 2009-10 FAFSA
Senior in high school, enrolled in GED program, or high school graduate or GED graduate. Enrolling or enrolled full time / Various amounts and tuition waivers /
SeeFinancial Aid Office for application forms for the scholarships listed above (unless noted otherwise in application deadline column).