This Commissioner’s Requirementdescribes the procedure for long-term management placements and the required supporting processes.
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- Guiding principles
- Long-term management
- Recommending long-term managementplacements
- Reviewing long-term managementprisoners
4.1 Processes specific to managing medium-security long-term management prisoners
4.2Processesspecific toMajor Offenders and remand long-term management prisoners
4.Reporting on long-term management prisoners
5.Exit from long-term management
Schedule PM4.1: Long-term managemententry report – template
Schedule PM4.2: Long-term management Review Risk Assessment template
Schedule PM4.3: Long-term managementexit report – template
Related Policy & Procedures
Corrections Act 1986
Corrections Regulations 2009
Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006
SMM PM 3 -Separations Regimes
SMM PM 5 -Incentive Based Regimes
SMM PM 2 - High Risk Management Advisory Panel
1.Guiding principles
High security and management units are restricted regimes that limit prisoners’access to some aspects of a structured day. This include out-of-cell hours, access to some programs, frequency and duration of telephone calls, number and type of visits, access to other prisoners, access to work, and cell points.
Given the restrictions that prisoners may experience in these environments, the, Sentence Management Division along with the prison location must have a high level of oversight to ensure that the prisoner’s placement and any resulting restrictions remain appropriate. This oversight includes decision-making associated with the duration of the prisoner’s separation within a high security or management unit.
2.Long-term management
A long-term management placement refers to the separation of a prisoner in a high security or management unit in excess of 30 days.
3.Recommending a long-term management placement
In order for a prisoner to be endorsed long-term management, an entry report must be prepared and approved by the Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Division. This report (attached as Schedule PM4.1) is to be completed before the prisoner has been separated for 30 days.
The General Manager of Sentence Management Operations or Major Offenders Unit is responsible for ensuring the completion of timely long-term management entry reports. Where Sentence Management Operations is responsible for the report, preparation of such should include liaison with the Major Offenders Unit to discussthe case plan for the prisoner while in long-term management.
In development of long-term entry reports, staff preparing the reports should consult withprison location staff. This isto ensure all relevant information is captured and included to support the recommendation for long-term management, including details of any agreed case plan and review strategy activities.
Once the long-term management entryreport is completed it is forwarded from theGeneral Manager of Sentence Management Operationsor Major Offenders Unit to the Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Division for approval.
Where a prisoner is approved for a long-term managementplacement by the Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Division, responsibility for ongoing oversight and regular review of the prisoner is typically allocated to:
the Major Offenders Unit for all prisoners accommodated in high security or management unit within a maximum security prison
Sentence Management Operations for all prisoners accommodated in a management unit within a medium security prison.
Also following approval, a Sentence Management Panel is to be convened to formally classify the prisoner. This includes entering the prisoner’s intermediate and classified location as specified in the long-term entry report and formally identifying the prisoner as a long-term managementprisoner on PIMS.
A copy of the long-term entry report is scanned and saved in TRIM and a copy is forwarded to the location for filingin Section 4 of the prisoner’s Individual Management File. The appropriate separation register is updated indicating completion of the long-term management report, including any comments made by the Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Division.
4.Oversight oflong-term managementprisoners
All long-term management prisoners, regardless of their placement within a maximum or medium security prison, are to be reviewed at least monthly, or more frequently if necessary, by a Sentence Management Panel. Prisoners under the age of 18 years are required to be reviewed at least weekly. In managing the long-term management prisoner, the relevant unit within Sentence Management Division is responsible for working with the prison location on the case plan (including appropriate incentive regime) to improve behaviour and provide a pathway out of long-term management.
For maximum security long-term management prisoners, the General Manager, Major Offenders Unit is responsible for ensuring ongoing review these prisoners’ placement.
For medium security long-term management prisoners, the General Manager, Sentence Management Operations is responsible for the ongoing oversight arrangements for these prisoners’ placement.
These Sentence Management Panels focus on ensuring the active management and oversight of the regimes, restrictions and opportunities for individual prisoners. These frequent reviews ensure that placement in these environments is for the minimum time, and under the minimum restrictions necessary to ensure the management of the safety and security of the prison system and the prisoner. This includes the identification of strategies to minimise social isolation and enable a safe transfer at the earliest appropriate time. These Sentence Management Panels must:
Make appropriate introductions and clearly explain the purpose of the interview.For Indigenous prisoners, offer for a support person to be present during the interview (AWO or ALO).
Use interpreters when the prisoner has difficulties understanding English.
Liaise with Disability Prison Program staff regarding the placement of prisoners with an intellectual disability.
Update the prisoner Risks and Recommended Actions as required
Consider any run out requests
Review the Incentive Based Regime
Enter the panel decision in PIMS (using schedule PM4.2) and forward a signed copy to the prison location for attachment in the prisoners individual management file.
The Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Division must review alllong-term management prisoners annually.
4.1Processes specific to managing medium-security long-term management prisoners
In addition to the oversight arrangements that apply to both maximum and medium-security long-term management prisoners (as discussed above), any medium security long-term management prisoner who remains in a long-term management placement beyond a three month period must be referred to the Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Division for further review and determination of their ongoing placement.
4.2Processes specific to Major Offender and remand long-term management prisoners
The Commissioner, following a recommendation of the High Risk Management Advisory Panel (HRMAP), makes decisions relating to the classification and run out requests for Major Offenders accommodated in a high security or management unit as a long-term management prisoner.
The Commissioner is also required to make classification and run-out decisions associated with remand prisoners endorsed long-term management and accommodated in a high security or management unit in excess of six months, and who are referred to the HRMAP for oversight.
PM 2 of this manual titledHigh Risk Management Advisory Panelprovides information on these processes and procedures.
- Reporting on long-term management prisoners
For all prisoners endorsed as long-term management in a maximum-security high security or management unit, a quarterly report is to be prepared for the Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Division. This report is to, at a minimum, provide the Assistant Commissioner with information on the number and details of prisoners in long-term management placements, including details of the initial reasons for the prisoner’s separation.
These quarterly reports are to be tabled quarterly at meetings (next available) of the HRMAP for their information.
- Exit from long-term management
In order for a prisoner to be exited from a long-term management placement, a long-term exit report is to be prepared (attached as Schedule PM4.3).Exit reports are typically prepared by the unit—being either the Major Offenders Unit or Sentence Management Operations—responsible for overseeing the prisoner for the duration of their long-term management placement.
In preparing a long-term exit report, the relevant Sentence Management Division unit should consult with prison staff to ensure all relevant information is capturedand included in the recommendationand that there is agreement regarding the ongoing case management and strategy for the prisoner exiting the high security or management unit.
On completion, the long-term exit report theGeneral Manager of Sentence Management Operations or Major Offenders Unit is to forward the report to the Assistant Commissioner, Sentence Management Division for approval. Thereafter, if the prisoner is approved to exit a long-termmanagement placement, responsibility for that prisoner transitions to the Sentence Management Operations, except for Major Offenders who remain subject to oversight by theMajor Offenders Unit.
Once approved the signed long-termmanagement exit report is scanned and stored electronically in TRIM and a copy of the report is also forwarded to the prison location for placement on the prisoner’s Individual Management File (Section 4).The appropriateseparation register is also to beupdated (moving the prisoner from the unit worksheet to the historical worksheet) indicating completion of the long-term exit report.
Finally, a Sentence Management Panel is to be convened to formally re-classify the prisoner. This includes entering the prisoner’s intermediate and classified location, as specified in the long-term management exit report, and removing the long-term managementprisoner flag on PIMS.
This process occurs for all prisoners with the exception of any recommendations to exit a prisoner from long-term management who is subject to the governance arrangements of the HRMAP. In such instances, the Major Offenders Unit will prepare a report for consideration by the HRMAP and approval by the Commissioner. Again, further information on processes associatedwith HRMAP may be obtained from section PM 2 of this manual.
SchedulesThe following are attached as Schedules:
Schedule PM4.1: Long-term management Entry report – template
Schedule PM4.2: Long-term management Review Risk Assessment template
Schedule PM4.3: Long-term management Exit report – template
Schedule PM4.1
To seek your approval for a long-term management/placement of
DOB (& AGE):
Provide details of the unit/prison where he was initially separated and date.
Identify both original (if events/information have unfolded since) reasons for theSeparation.
In this section of the report provide details of a prisoner’s custodial history, including such details as their incident summary and any prior episodes of separation.
Identify the frequency of reviews during the prisoner’s separationand key issuesdiscussed during reviews – e.g. what has unfolded in terms of investigation (where they are pending investigation), what their behaviour has been, what else is known of the circumstances and rationale for remaining in long-term management. Where known please include comment on prisoner’s attitude to the current placement and placement reasons.
Document the prison location’s stance on the prisoner.Do they see him as suitable as long-term management, are there placement issues that are driving long-term management, what are they recommending…
Outline any requirements of the prisoner – particularly when his behaviour will determine when he exits long-term management.
Ensure if there are any specific differences or requirements in the regime for the individual prisoner (e.g. nature of runouts, separation requirement within the unit, restrictions or privileges) that they are identified here.
Include comment on prisoner's LSRNR assessment and program/treatment requirements, if applicable.
Provide an update on the progress of the prisoner's Parole Application, if applicable.
Where clear, identify likely duration of stay in the unit, and/or details of what information or outcome will impact duration (e.g. completion of police or prison investigation).
Identify frequency of review – must be at least monthly.
(Detail here any specific recommendation e.g. to remain in management unit for…. Or till….)
Your endorsement of the above is now sought.
Prepared by:
(Staff member preparing report)
Recommended/Not Recommended:
General Manager, Sentence Management Operations/Major Offenders Unit
Endorsed/Not Endorsed:
Assistant Commissioner,Sentence Management Division
Schedule PM4.2
Long-term management Review Risk Assessment Template
Prisoner xx was initially separated to the xxx management unit pending investigation/placement/lops on xxx date.
Prisoner x was approved for ltm placement on xxx and classified to the xxx mgt/hs unit as a xx sec rating. This meeting reflects a monthly review of that placement.
CATEGORY:(identify whether prisoner is special category or major offender)
Violence: (where applicable record explanation of violence risk alert)
Security: (where applicable record explanation of security risk alert)
Placement: (where applicable record explanation of placement risk alert)
Psychiatric: (where applicable record explanation of psychiatric risk alert)
Medical: (where applicable record explanation of medical risk alert)
Suicide: (where applicable record explanation of suicide risk alert)
INCIDENT UPDATE:(if applicable provide an update of the initial separating incident, whether it is still subject to local or police investigation etc.)
INTELLIGENCE:(detail any relevant intelligence reports)
INCENTIVE BASED REGIME (IBR): (note the current IBR and how long the prisoner is anticipated to remain on this IBR with a review date to progress to the next level)
RUN OUT REQUESTS:(record any run out requests / outcomes)
LOCATION REPORT:(record any advice / comments provided by prison staff)
PROGRESS / BEHAVIOUR SINCE LAST REVIEW:(provide a summary of behaviour since last review)
PANEL DISCUSSION:(detail the discussion with the prisoner, identifying any agreed actions or concerns raised during the interview)
OTHER FACTORS:(note any significant factors such as Media and/or Legal issues)
PANEL DECISION:(provide the details the classification decision)
SOURCES OF INFORMATION:(delete those that don’t apply)
Prisoner Interview
Prison Management
Intelligence Reports
Aboriginal Liaison Officer
Schedule PM4.3
To seek your approval for exit from long-term management/high security of Prisoner:
DOB (& AGE):
Provide details of the unit/prison where he was initially separated and date.
Identify both original (if events/information have unfolded since) reasons for theSeparation.
In this section of the report provide details of a prisoner’s custodial history, including such details as their incident summary and any prior episodes of separation.
Identify the frequency of reviews during the prisoner’s separationand key issuesdiscussed during reviews – e.g. what has unfolded in terms of investigation (where they are pending investigation), what their behaviour has been, what else is known of their circumstances. Where known please include comment on prisoner’s attitude to the current placement and placement reasons.
Particularly focus on the reason for separation and any action/outcomes that mean exit from management unit is now appropriate.
Document the receiving prison location’s stance on the prisoner. Identify here who has been consulted in terms of placement out of the management/high security unit and what has been said/organised by them.
Outline the key elements of the person’s transition to their new location/unit. Where there is a need for specific steps to manage the individual’s risk or their transition identify these and identify negotiation of these with the receiving unit/location. Where there are separation/segregation or other placement issues identify how these have been addressed within the placement.
Include comment on prisoner's LSRNR assessment and program/treatment requirements, if applicable.
Provide an update on the progress of the prisoner's Parole Application, if applicable.
Where a behaviour contract or specific expectation is set for the prisoner in order to remain out of the unit identify this.
Provide anything that indicates the elements necessary to a successful transition including step down and post step down placement goals (where appropriate).
(Detail here any specific recommendation e.g. to transfer to…)
Your endorsement of the above is now sought.
Prepared by:
(Staff member preparing report)
Recommended/Not Recommended:
General Manager, Sentence Management Operations/Major Offenders Unit
Endorsed/Not Endorsed:
Assistant Commissioner,Sentence Management Division
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