Supersedes: / 06/03/02 / SOP / 600.70 / Page 3 of 3
A. Purpose: To establish a policy regarding the search, restraint, and transportation to the proper detention and/or medical facility, of persons in the lawful custody of the Bureau of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad.
B. Scope: This policy will be followed at all times by all members of the Bureau of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad (including acting personnel while in acting status) who are tasked with law enforcement responsibilities and authorized to take custody of, and transport to a detention and/or medical facility, persons who have been arrested.
C. Author: The Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention (Fire Marshal) through the Supervisor of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad and the Deputy Chief of Administration shall be responsible for the content, revision, and annual review of this procedure.
All personnel within the Bureau of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad who are tasked with law enforcement responsibilities and authorized to take custody of, and transport persons who have been arrested, shall be with familiar with, and comply with this policy.
It is the policy of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue that the transportation of persons in custody will be performed with the safety and well being of the investigator and prisoner being of primary importance at all times.
A. Investigators shall search prisoners and take possession of all weapons and evidence prior to placing prisoners in a vehicle. Investigators shall not search prisoners of the opposite gender except when there is good reason to believe that the person possesses a weapon, poison, drug, or other means of causing death or injury, or when there is a reasonable belief that evidence is hidden about the prisoner and there is imminent danger that it may be thrown away or destroyed. When practical, prisoners will be searched by officers of the same gender. When searching prisoners, investigators should take appropriate precautions to avoid puncture injuries from knives, hypodermic syringes, etc.
B. An investigator operating a standard response van may transport an individual prisoner in the front passenger seat. When the number of prisoners to be transported exceeds the total number of vans available at the scene, or if the conduct of the prisoner (violent, physically resistive, etc.) makes it impractical or impossible to be transported while seated upright in the front passenger seat, transportation assistance will be requested from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. Unless physically impossible due to size, physical disability, etc., all prisoners transported in department vehicles that are equipped with lap/shoulder belts will be secured with these belts before the vehicle is set in motion.
C. The front passenger seat area will be searched prior to allowing a prisoner to enter the vehicle to ensure that no contraband, weapons, or other such items are present. This area will be searched again after the transport is complete, in order to detect any items concealed by the prisoner. While conducting these searches, investigators should take care to avoid puncture injuries from knives, hypodermic syringes, etc.
D. Except under extraordinary situations approved by the Supervisor of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad, no member will permit a prisoner to enter a department vehicle without first being handcuffed. Prisoners will be handcuffed behind the back unless impractical or impossible due to obesity, physical disability, or other reason. If prisoner conduct (violent, physically resistive, etc.) makes additional restraints beyond standard handcuffs necessary, transportation assistance will be requested from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
E. During long transports such as extraditions, alternate methods of restraint (handcuffed in front, belly chains, leg irons) may be used with the approval of the Supervisor of Fire Investigations - Bomb Squad.
F. Due to the relatively short distances involved, investigators shall transport prisoners to the appropriate detention and/or medical facility without delay, and shall not accompany them to their home, eating establishments, rest room facilities, etc., where control of the prisoner could be compromised. Prisoners shall be denied public contact with others and may not smoke, eat, or drink while being transported. The exception would be during long transports such as extraditions. Investigators will not divert to any other law enforcement activities while transporting.
G. When transporting any prisoner in a department vehicle,, the beginning and ending mileage (including tenths of a mile) will be voice transmitted to Fire Communications via radio, and an acknowledgment obtained. Every effort should be taken to prevent an opportunity for an allegation of misconduct.
H. In the event that a prisoner escapes from custody during transport, the investigator will make every effort to recapture the subject. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department dispatch will be notified and assistance requested. An Officer’s Report will be completed detailing the events of the escape.