PMB 433, 5114 Point Fosdick Dr, Gig Harbor, WA 98335
(253)858-4240 •
Terms & Conditions for Recipient Care of Therapy Dogs
As a condition precedent to any Recipient’s (potential or permanent) acceptance of a dog from the Prison Pet Partnership Program, the Recipients agree at their expense to perform the following terms and conditions:
- To properly feed, care for, and respect the dog and to fulfill all health care requirements such as: proper grooming which consists of flea control, appropriate bathing and nail trimming, weight control, annual veterinarian check-ups, worming, and annual vaccinations.
- Recipients also agree to provide annual documentation from the dog’s regular vet to a representative of PPPP concerning all of the above. This documentation must include the dog’s weight, vaccination status and overall health as it pertains to the dog’s working capabilities. This documentation must be received prior to annual recertification.
3. To never abuse or neglect the dog intentionally or through carelessness or neglect. Abuse or neglect consists of causing physical or mental injury to the dog. If abuse or neglect is suspected, PPPP will investigate the situation. If PPPP finds evidence of abuse or neglect, PPPP reserves the right to revoke and reclaim ownership of the dog from the recipient.
4. To notify the PPPP training staff promptly if there are any problems or concerns with the performance or behavior of the dog. If PPPP determines that said behavior or problems cause danger to the Recipient, other people or animals, or if the dog has become a nuisance and is not retrainable and/or acceptable by PPPP standards, PPPP reserves the right to revoke the program’s therapy dog status and identification from the dog. In the event of such behavior, appropriate measures will be taken by the training staff to resolve the problem(s) prior to revocation of identification. If the recipient does not show a willingness to resolve the problem(s), or if the problem(s) are not deemed by PPPP to be resolvable, therapy dog status will be revoked.
5. To notify PPPP training staff promptly if any changes occur in the pre-placement application, such as residence, telephone number, or any material changes in the family unit.
6. To obtain prior written approval from PPPP training staff if the Recipient wishes to transfer the dog to a new residence or owner. PPPP reserves the right to reclaim the dog if the recipient wishes to surrender the dog for any reason.
7. To obtain prior approval if the Recipient wishes to obtain another dog or other animal for any purpose, including as a pet.
8. To abide by all state and local laws and ordinances that apply to dogs, such as: leash laws and licensing requirements.
9. To allow a representative of the PPPP to visit the dog and conduct in-home evaluations of the dog’s behavior and performance, as well as the team’s performance. The Recipient will be contacted in advance by the PPPP in order to arrange the date and time to conduct the evaluation.
10. To return to WCCW with the dog for recertification and follow-up training. The Recipient will be contacted in advance by PPPP to arrange a time, date and place for the recertification or follow-up training.
11. To maintain a minimum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) liability home owner’s or renter’s insurance to cover harm or injuries that the dog may cause while placed with the recipient, and to supply PPPP with proof of insurance.
12. To not utilize the therapy dog while under the influence of intoxicating liquors, illegal drugs and/or prescribed drugs that inhibit the Recipient’s ability to safely care for, work or train said dog.
13. To only utilize this therapy dog in the manner for which it was intended. Therapy dogs placed through PPPP do not and will not have public access rights. A PPPP therapy will not be taken into public places and the recipient will not claim the dog has access rights as a service dog.
14. When the therapy dog reaches an age that inhibits its ability to properly perform the job for which it was intended, the dog’s therapy status will be retired. The Recipient may seek approval from training staff to retain the dog after retirement or may return the dog to PPPP for retirement placement.
Recipient agrees that if any of the above terms or conditions are not performed or are violated, the PPPP, upon written notice stating the terms and conditions so violated or not performed, may revoke the program’s therapy dog status and identification from the dog.
As potential Recipients to the Prison Pet Partnership Program, all applicants are expected to read, sign and return this document along with your application for a Personal Therapy Dog from our program
EXECUTED THIS ______day of ______, 20_____.
Applicant Signature