Issue no. 15

July 2004March 1999 December 1998


Stonegate Newsletter

Printed by the BOTStonegate Condo Association63 Stonegate RoadChelmsford, MA 01824



Hello and welcome to the fifteenth issue of the Stonegate Newsletter, a communication from the board to all residents with updates and news.

Board of Trustees (BOT)

Mike Breneman

  • Barry Mikoluk

Jerry Schmidt

John Smits

Newsletter Contact . . . Email

Please provide any feedback, information, notices to include in our next issue, etc., to


The board would like to welcome all our new neighbors who have moved in. We hope that you too find our community both safe and friendly. .

Annual Meeting

The 2004 annual meeting will be held on Tuesday November 16th, 2004 in the Continental Room at Skip’s Restaurant, 116 Chelmsford St., Chelmsford, MA 01824. It is very important to have one person from each household attend.

Summer Reminders

Now that Summer is here and since we have many new neighbors at Stonegate, we feel this is an appropriate time to remind our residents of his/her duties as unit owners. Each homeowner is responsible for the fertilizing, grub/insect/weed control, watering and maintenance of the lawn adjacent to their unit. In addition each owner is responsible for the fertilizing & shaping of the shrubs in front of each unit. The homeowner should replace any shrubs or plants that have died with like kind. It is important for the entire neighborhood to keep our yards in good shape and our property values up! Stonegate is known as one of the nicest & desirable sections of town, let’s keep it that way.

Speed Limit 15 MPH

The speed limit on Stonegate Road is 15 MPH. For the safety of all, please drive 15 MPH or slower on our road. In 2003, several speed limit signs were installed to remind all about this limit. This is a serious issue, so please remind all drivers in your house and all guests to drive carefully & slowly.

Rules & Regulations

Enclosed in this mailing are the Rules & Regulations for Stonegate. Please remember that any exterior change needs to be approved by the board. Our intent is not to hold any one back, but rather to be certain that we preserve the clean & attractive environment and to ensure the peaceful enjoyment of the neighborhood for all. Please review the rules and regulations and contact the board with any questions.

Rules & Regulations (Trampolines)

The BOT has been advised by our insurance agent that the presence of trampolines on Stonegate property is grounds for cancellation of our insurance policy. The BOT therefore will not allow trampolines on Stonegate property. To this end, we have asked that current trampoline owners remove them from Stonegate property. This is a very serious issue, and we cannot risk having our insurance policy cancelled. The BOT will take necessary measures (i.e., fines, legal action, etc.) to ensure compliance. Please contact the board with any questions.


Last year at this time, our deductible was $10,000. The current deductible has been lowered to $5000. If you need to make a claim, please note the board must be notified according to the “Rules & Regulations” for Stonegate.

Insurance (continued)

There was discussion at last years annual meeting about each unit owner insuring their own unit (structure only) and have the Condominium Association obtain a liability policy only for the yard areas, road, and any other common areas. The board discussed this issue at great length, met with an insurance agent and obtained a legal opinion on this matter from our attorney. The attorney’s response was that this insurance proposal was not recommended due to a number of reasons. The 3 page response from our attorney is available if anyone wants to read it. Please contact the board to obtain a copy. We can also email this to you if you like. Please email . One last item regarding insurance is water heaters. There have been claims filed in the past for water damage caused by leaking water heaters. Water heaters have a limited useful life ( i.e., 5 years, 7 years, etc.) based on the model you bought. To avoid insurance claims of this type, the BOT STRONGLY urges all residents to replace water heaters that have outlived their useful life.

Garbage and Refuse:

Please remember that trash cans, garbage, and other refuse must be stored in the interior of your unit. Yard areas, decks, parking areas, and common areas should be free from any rubbish and debris.

Annual Neighborhood Yard Sale

This year’s annual neighborhood yard sale was held Saturday, May 8th. Thanks to Kathy Fallier for a job well done in organizing this event.

Satellite Dishes: The board has adopted guidelines concerning satellite dishes. These guidelines are in alignment with the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Please see the guidelines on the last page of this newsletter.

List of Contractors:

Late in 2003, the board asked all residents for the name and number of any reliable contractors that have done good work for you. All the companies listed below were submitted. The BOT cannot take responsibility for the quality of work performed.

1. Dave Jelly, Country Construction, 978-433-9829, Finished basements, Garage doors, or any carpentry related item.

2. Paul DeSisto, 73 Stonegate Rd., 256-2041, all projects

3. Joe Cavallaro, Jr., The Bulkhead Man, 603-673-2718, Bulkheads,

4. Dave Corbett, 250-0379, Plumber

5. Hilliard Plumbing & Heating 978-251-7153

6. N.E. Cooling Towers, 978-649-6001, A/C

7. Winchester Mechanical, 978-251-0525, Heating & Air Conditioning

8. Mad Hatter Chimney Sweeps, 508-797-3991

9. Bravo painting 978-204-9745

10. Anthony’s loam 978-671-0000

11. Carpet Network 603-598-9560

12. American Gutter, 978-851-6045, gutter cleaning & installations

13. N.E. Gutter Kings, 978-256-0092, gutter cleaning & installations

14. Bruce Kunkel, 978-250-1182, clock repairs

15. Wayne Carmichael, 781-275-3667, Electrician

16. Remco Flooring, 978-452-8207,tile, hrdwd

6D Certificates: When re-financing or selling your home, a 6D certificate is usually required. This one page document states that your condo fee is paid up to date and that you are in full compliance with the Stonegate Condominium Rules and Regulations. Please try to give us at least one weeks notice to provide you with this document. Contact a member of the board if you need a 6D certificate.

The Summer Water Management Program

The Water Districts of Chelmsford have once again announced a Summer Water Management Program effective from May 15th through September 15th.

Levels in effect will be posted throughout the Districts and in the local media. The signs will show the level number in the following colors:

Level 1: GREEN

Level 2: YELLOW

Level 3: RED

Level 1: 6am – 9am or 6pm – 9pm (Odd numbered addresses on odd numbered calendar days and even numbered addresses on even numbered calendar days are allowed to use automatic sprinkler systems and non-automatic sprinkler systems during these times only.

Level 2: 6pm – 9pm only (Odd numbered addresses on odd numbered calendar days and even numbered addresses on even numbered calendar days are allowed to use automatic sprinkler systems and non-automatic sprinkler systems during these times only.

Level 3: NO OUTSIDE WATER USE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. As good neighbors and conscientious townspeople, please observe these regulations.


Flowers will be planted at the entrance of the neighborhood in the near future. Please look for signs at the mailbox for more information about this community activity.

Significant road repairs were done in the summer of 2003. Moving forward, with regular crack sealing maintenance, we expect the road to last another 7 to 10 years. After this, the board believes the road will need to be repaved.

Our road repair company, NE Sealcoating Co., Inc. made a donation in our name during this past Holiday season to 7 charitable organizations: Globe Santa Fund, Mary Martha Learning Center, Pine Street Inn, Project Bread, Rosie’s Place, The Salvation Army, and Toys for Tots.

The board asks that you do not direct snow (shovel or with snow blower) onto the street that we pay to get plowed.

Please be considerate with pets and do not let them leave waste in neighbor’s yard area.

Rivco in Nashua, NH (1-800-572-1869, 603-889-4174) supplied the windows and inserts for the Stonegate. The windows carry a lifetime guarantee (i.e. against broken seals, condensation between the glass panes) and Rivco will provide a replacement at no charge. Please note; a) Rivco now supplies the glass only at no charge. There is a charge to get the wood (primed, but not painted) with the glass, b) there will be no lock, you will need to reuse the existing lock on your window, c) the French door replacement is the glass only, and d) the windows can be shipped directly to your house, but installation is your responsibility.

Problems with rotting wood panels on either side of the front door? Riverside Glass Co. (978-649-7755) offers a good, inexpensive solution – “storm windows” about $90/each.

Have a rotting garage door panels? Or need garage door repairs? Fimbel Door Corp. in Nashua, NH is the original installer of all the Stonegate garage doors (603) 424-9786.

House Painting Procedure

As summer approaches, the board would like to make all homeowners aware of the necessary procedure to follow if they plan to paint their house. Hopefully this will curb any problems that have been encountered in the past.

  1. ALL homeowners who wish to paint their house MUST send a letter notifying the board of the selected color scheme (even if it is the same as existing color scheme – house, trim, shutter, door), and when they plan to have it done.
  2. Anyone wishing to change any part of their color scheme (house/trim/shutters/ door) must first receive approval from the board. They must know the exact brand and color name of the paint they will be using. They also must inform the board of when the house will be painted.
  3. Note: Anyone who currently has house/ trim/shutters/door of an unapproved color may NOT repaint his or her house/trim/shutters/door the same color.
  4. Note: Anyone who paints their house with an unapproved color scheme will be responsible for the cost of having the house repainted – either at the present time, or as a lien upon their house for a future paint date.

Below is a list of the original 12 color schemes upon Stonegate’s inception. They were individually prepared by Hamilton Paint (in Plaistow, NH) and cannot be duplicated elsewhere, as the colors are not a standard. We have enclosed our list of Benjamin Moore colors that best match the originals. Please note, not all of the original color schemes were chosen or used with the coordinating combinations. The additional color schemes and shutter colors, which have since been added, are also listed. PLEASE contact the board if you are in doubt of your house color status, or have any questions at all with regard to painting your house.


Benjamin Moore Paint
Cromwell Gray
Timid White
Chrome Green
Chrome Green
Philipsburg Blue
Cotton Balls
Cotton Balls
Philipsburg Blue



Platinum Gray


Cliffside Gray


Cliffside Gray


Classic Burgundy



Quincy Tan


Lancaster Whitewash


Lafayette Green


Lafayette Green



Cotton Balls


Cotton Balls




Raspberry Truffle



Linen Sand


Cotton Balls







Revere Pewter


Monterey White


Puritan Gray


Puritan Gray



Coventry Gray


Linen Sand


Linen Sand


Mayflower Red



Wickham Gray


Cotton Balls


Coventry Gray


Coventry Gray





Cotton Balls







Winter Gates


Mountain Peak White


Mountain Peak White


Raspberry Truffle



Brookline Beige


Crème Fraiche


Caldwell Green


Caldwell Green

Happy Summer

Stonegate Condominium Association

63 Stonegate Road

Chelmsford, MA 01824



Satellite Dish Guidelines for Stonegate Residents

  • The dish cannot be greater than 1 meter in diameter
  • The dish must comply with all FCC regulations
  • Location:
  • Whenever possible a dish should be installed on the rear of a home
  • If a ground level installation is opted for, the dish must be shaded

or hidden by some sort of landscaping (shrubs, etc)

  • That all efforts are made to hide any external wiring from view. If at all possible wiring should be routed internally.
  • The color of the dish should be as muted as possible. All efforts should be made to choose a dish color that blends rather than contrasts with the home.
  • The dish must not be placed in such a manner as to impede, block or obstruct a neighbor’s view.
  • The dish cannot be installed in any area designated as ‘common area’
  • The satellite dish, wiring and all other apparatus used to install the dish must not encroach on any portions of the property which are not within the owner’s exclusive use or control. Any apparatus that extends or encroaches into common areas may be removed at the owner’s expense
  • The dish must be installed in a safe and proper manner.
  • The owner installing a satellite dish must execute a Hold and Harmless Agreement that requires the homeowner to indemnify and defend the association in the event there is any harm to person or property resulting from the installation, maintenance and use of the satellite dish.

It is strongly recommended that a unit owner contact the BOT prior to installing a dish so as to ensure all guidelines will be met. We would not want a homeowner to have to pay to have a dish moved or re-installed according to the guidelines.