Principal’s Greeting
On behalf of the staff of AltarioSchool, I would like to welcome our students back to another year of learning and enjoyment.
Altario is an outstanding school. Over the years, we have established a reputation of excellence in academic performance and provincial achievement. More importantly, though, AltarioSchool is characterized by the integrity and moral fiber of its students. In a world that is growing increasingly turbulent, it is a point of great pride that our pupils are so respectful, diligent, and personable. For this, we have a team of people to thank. This team consists of parents, community members and teachers alike, all of whom contribute to our children’s development in a positive, compassionate way. As we move into the future, we have only great things to anticipate.
This handbook is offered as a guide to the various rules and expected behaviours of our school. It is based largely on the PLRD Policy Handbook, combined with staff and parent suggestions.
Teaching Staff
Main Areas of Instruction and Phone Numbers
Mrs. Maggie BaierGrades 1/2/3552-3841
Ms. Jalisa KeltsGrades 4/5/6 403 575-7006
Mr. Kevin Van Lagen Elem/Jr/Sr Phys.Ed. CTF 403 849-2116
Ms. Lynley Felzien Jr. Social & Jr./Sr.English, CALM 780 718-1916
Ms. Lauren Baier Jr. Science, Chemistry/Biology, CTS 780 297-8082
Ms. Alicea Sliwkanich Jr./Sr.Math, CALM, CTS 780 996-0409
Substitute Teachers:
Nancy Ference577-2236
Jinel Ference552-3755
Tilly Baier552-2296
Angela Murphy552-2265
Joan Bousquet577-2342
Stacy Devos575-5732
Bryan Cunningham 780 887-1683
Bus Drivers:
Ms. Corinna Hagen 753-6985
Mrs. Diane Evans575-5392
Ms. Heidi Salt 780 872-3184
PLRD #25 Personnel
Mr. Wes NeumeierSuperintendent
Mr. Cam McKeageDeputy Superintendent
Mrs. Sharon OrumSecretary-Treasurer
PLRD #25 Phone Number: 1-800-601-3898
Maintenance Staff
Mr. David Anderson 575-5190(cell)
Mr. Ken Williams577-3009 (shop)
575-4043 (cell)
Parent Council
Vice-ChairMrs. Jodi Roesler
Community Rep.Mr. Doug Noble
AdvisoryMr. Kevin Van Lagen
Staff Rep.Mrs. Maggie Baier
Meeting Schedule: Parent council meetingsare held once every two months.
General Information
School doors open at 8:30 and are locked at 4:00. Classes begin at 8:52. Town students need not arrive before 8:40 a.m. If the student is wearing rubbers or other outer footwear, these should be placed on the shelves in the entrance. To prevent loss, footwear should be marked with a name or initial. Footwear should be cleaned on the mats.
School Day Schedule:
Period One:8:52
Period Two:9:30
Four Minute Break:10:08
Period Three:10:40
Period Four:11:18
Period Five:12:38
Period Six:1:16
Four Minute Break:1:54
Period Seven:1:59
Period Eight:2:37
Prior to the morning bell, at 4-minute break, and at noon, students should prepare the books they will need for the preceding two-period block. This will enable students to proceed directly to their next classes. It is imperative that students be within the classrooms on time.
School Fees
The resource fees for the 2014/15 school year are:
Grade 1 to 6- $70.00
Junior High- $75.00
Jr. High Options- $40.00
Senior High- $80.00
Fees for extra-curricular activities
Per Team SportParticipated In$30.00
Community Use of the School
The AltarioSchool is available for adult education classes, sports activities and meetings. Applications for use or rental are available at the school office, and are subject to approval by the principal. A fee for opening may be applied.
School Achievement
Regular attendance in school is a vital factor in the success of any student’s work. Unnecessary absence creates a needless handicap to student progress.
Students who absent themselves from any study or class must have prior permission from a member of the staff. Students who become ill are required to report to the office before leaving school or going to the infirmary.
Where there is sufficient reason for staying away from school, students will, upon request, bring to the homeroom teacher a written statement from home giving dates of absence and a reasonable excuse or explanation of such an absence. The statement must be properly signed and dated by a parent or guardian. Without such a statement, the school administration shall consider the absence inexcusable.
Pupil Progress
Pupil progress is reported to parents by means of a report card four times a year for junior/senior students and three times per year for elementary students. Parent-Teacher interviews are held after the first report cards have been sent out, and between the second and third reporting period.
The school will send letters to parents of elementary students who are at risk of retention, as indicated by the marks of the first and second report cards. Additional conferences with parents may be requested at this time or any other time if circumstances so indicate. Students are encouraged to discuss their progress with their teacher or principal at any time.
Promotion Policy
Grade 1 to 3:
In Grade 1, 2 and 3, a number of strategies for assessing and reporting student growth will be used over the year. Work will be assessed for achievement (that is, whether it meets grade level expectations), and for the quality of performance (excellent, proficient, acceptable or limited).
Early in the year, the school will notify the parents of students who are not meeting grade
level expectations.
Grade 4 to 6:
As in grades 1-3, a number of strategies for assessing and reporting student growth will be used over the year. Work will be assessed for achievement (that is, whether it meets grade level expectations), and for the quality of performance (excellent, proficient, acceptable or limited).
Final grade standings shall be calculated on the basis of the three reporting periods, and the final examination. The final mark for each subject shall be a cumulative evaluation of the terms and the final mark.
The following final evaluations shall be determined:
-One final evaluation each for Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Mathematics.
Early in the year, the school will notify the parents of students who are not meeting grade
level expectations.
Students achieving a rating of excellence in the four core subjects will meet the criteria for honors standing.
Grade 7 to 9
-One final mark each for Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and
- One final mark for Physical Education and HPLS
-One final mark for each complementary course
-Four reporting periods – 1st, 2nd, 3rdreport cards, 4th – June cut off about June 15.
The final exam may be up to 30% of the final mark.
Marks are calculated as an average of the tests and assignments given.
High School
High school teachers set the weighting for their individual courses.
The final exam in grade 10 will be worth 30% of the final mark, and in grade eleven, it will be 40% of the final mark.
Diploma courses are weighted as follows:
Final Course Mark:50%Diploma Exam:50%
Evaluation Policy
Teachers are responsible for determining the basis for evaluating pupil progress in his/her subject area, following established School Board guidelines. Tests are administered as one means of determining student progress. Since teachers administer small, regularly spaced tests throughout the year, students should maintain a consistent effort all year. They should remember that effort counts a great deal in promotion decisions and that performance on assignments is just as important as performance on tests.
As a year-end procedure, there is a testing program for all students, which is a review type, covering material taken during the year. These final exams occur during the latter part of June for all core subjects.
Small quizzes, tests, projects, and assignments are all utilized in arriving at an achievement mark. A performance rating is also assigned for student effort and attitude.
The school administration is responsible for ensuring that the evaluation procedures are fair and consistent.
Formal Report cards are issued three times each school year in the elementary: November, March and June.
Formal report cards are issued four times each school year for the Jr and Sr High students: November, February, the end of March and the end of June.
Students should NOT expect to see substantial changes in their final report, if they do well only in the last term.
School Awards
Annually, awards are presented to students who have excelled in academic achievements.
The following awards are given yearly:
Artistic Achievement – a) Visual Arts
- interest, participation & skill
b) Performing Arts
- interest, participation & skill
Citizenship Award - This student consistently demonstrates those qualities we all expect of a good citizen, including responsibility, courtesy, caring, sharing, and relating to others.
Governor General Medal - Top grade 12 student, with an 80% or more average in core subjects. This award is presented at the Christmas Concert.
Gramlich Memorial Scholarship – to the top academic students in grade 9 and grade 11. The students receive a monetary award. (Interest from trust fund). This award is presented at the Christmas Concert.
Honor Roll – Grades 3 to 12 – students with an average of 80% and over.
Jim Hagerty Athletic Award – to the top athlete in each of the following groups: Junior high girls, junior high boys, senior high girls and senior high boys. The student’s names are engraved on plaques, which are kept at the school.
The Nicholas Baier Memorial Award of Excellence– the award is offered to a student who completes his or her grade 12 studies with an average of at least 80% in four core courses.
Three Star Award – to the students who show the most academic improvement in a given year in each of the following groups: elementary, junior high, and senior high. The students receive a cash award and a certificate of achievement.
Special Service Award – presented to the students who help in the ECS room.
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship
There are a number of scholarships available to the student who wishes to attend a post-secondary institution. The Alexander Rutherford Scholarships for High School Achievement recognize and reward exceptional achievement at the senior high school level and encourages students to continue their studies. The scholarships are based on scholastic achievement in Grades 10, 11 and 12. The maximum value is $1,500.00.
The minimum required average for consideration at each grade level is 80% as calculated from marks on a valid Alberta transcript. A student need not have achieved this average in all three grades or in all courses to qualify for a portion of the scholarship. Recently the Rutherford Scholarship has been expanded to include students achieving a mark of 75% or higher for inclusion in the scholarship.
NOTE: Averages will not be rounded-up for scholarship purposes.
All courses must be completed prior to commencing post-secondary studies
PLRD Scholarship – Details regarding this scholarship are available on the PLRD website at
KAC LIONS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP - is awarded annually to a graduate enrolled in a post-secondary program which is not a university or university transfer program. The value of this annual scholarship is $1000.00. The student’s high school grades determine the award.
KAC AGRICULTURE SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIP (2) - is awarded annually to a graduate enrolled in a four-year university program and to a graduate enrolled in a two-year diploma program. The value of the degree program scholarship is $1500.00, and the value of the diploma program scholarship is $1000.00. Both awards are determined by the student’s marks at the end of their first year of post-secondary study.
EmergencySchool Closure
The decision to send children on the bus is that of the parents, even if buses are running and the school is open. The parents should consider factors such as age and health of children, distance from school, weather, and road conditions when making their decision.
In cases of inclement weather prior to the commencement of school:
Bus drivers are expected to exercise their own discretion in determining whether
to operate their bus route. Consultation with parents on the route, other drivers
and transportation personnel is desirable in order that the driver reach an informed
decision based on more than one source of information.
Specific weather factors will define when school buses within the Region will not operate:
a)Temperatures colder than –400 Celsius.
b)Any combination of weather and/or road conditions making bus operation
When any of the above conditions exist or if a bus driver determines not to make his/her run, they should make every reasonable effort to notify the parents of students on the route. The driver should ensure that the school principal is notified as early as possible. The principal should notify the appropriate radio stations (see below for a list) as early as possible in accordance with school procedures. The driver should notify the Facilities and Transportation Manager of the cancellation as soon as possible after Central Office opens.
The Principal has the authority to close the school in the event that inclement weather conditions make it unsafe to operate. The appropriate radio stations should be notified as early as possible in accordance with school procedures. An information fan-out system for all families who have students attending the school might be used in addition to or in place of, the radio (see below for a list).
During any period of inclement weather when delivering students home, the driver must ensure that the students are able to enter their home before leaving them. If it is not possible to deliver the student home, the driver should keep the student on the bus until she is able to deliver the student to a safe place and to ensure that the guardian is aware of any alternative arrangements.
When leaving in advance of regular dismissal time, before taking students from the school, the driver and/or school must contact the parent or guardian of each student to make them aware that students will be delivered home early. Unless the guardian has given permission, K-6 students will not be left at their home unless an adult or an older sibling is present.
Should parents wish to make alternative arrangements for transporting students home before regular dismissal time, they must notify the office before the student will be allowed to leave the school.
In the event that safe conveyance home of the students by bus at the regular dismissal time is not possible due to adverse weather or road conditions specified above, the students whose parents do not take them home shall be billeted.
Radio Stations:Key 83 WainwrightQ 91 Drumheller
Bus Policy
- Students must sit in seats, facing front.
- Students may talk only at conversational level and only to passengers who are seated nearby
- Profane, obscene and abusive language shall be strictly prohibited.
- Students may not throw any objects.
- No unnecessary physical contact between students is permitted.
- Garbage is to be disposed of in the container provided.
Each student shall wear or have available in the school bus proper clothing and footwear during the winter months to insure his/her own safety in the event of the bus becoming stalled or inoperative. The driver may refuse to pick up any student who, in his or her opinion, is not dressed appropriately for the weather conditions that exist.
Bus students must ride on their assigned bus unless:
a)The parents make direct contact (in person or by phone) with the driver to have their children excused from this rule on a specific day/or days.
b)The driver is presented with a note, signed by the parent, which indicates the
child is to be excluded on a specific day/or days.
c)The parents contact the school and a proper official of the school notifies the
driver directly that the child is to be excluded on a specific day/or days.
Repeated infractions of these or the reasonable rules and regulations of the driver, shall
be reported to the school principal by the driver in charge of the bus and may result in suspension from riding the bus or further disciplinary action.
It is the responsibility of the driver to remain in the bus to supervise the loading and unloading of students at all times.
Each driver shall establish a schedule for pick ups and drop offs and inform students and parents of same.
Students are to be at their stop before the bus is scheduled to arrive. This ensures that students are waiting for the bus and not running out to catch it. Students have the responsibility to be ready to board at the designated time of pick up and to behave appropriately while waiting for the bus to arrive. Parents are responsible for their children en route to the bus stop and during their wait for the bus. In the case of a student who is running behind schedule, the bus will wait for them no more than two minutes beyond the regular pick up times.
If a student should miss the bus to go home for some reason, s/he is to report to the classroom teacher or to the office. THE STUDENT MUST NOT LEAVE THE SCHOOL. Bus students must go home by bus unless written permission has been presented to the bus driver that the child is in the custody of the parents.