What is ebXML?
ebXML is the Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language. It is set of specifications of a frameworkthat is intended to support electronic interchange by parties in a peer-to-peer relationship. The specifications was have been or are being defined by OASIS and UN/CEFACT. The ebXML specification isframework enables compositioned of distinct components that can be used alone, or together or with other emerging technologies to accomplish a larger activity or business goal. The initialoriginal objective of ebXML was to enable electronic business by trading partners.
Five technologies are important to conduct electronic trading relationships among business parties. They are:
-Having aAgreed upon semantics and methodology
-having fFramework and methodology for assembling business transactions
-having aA secure and reliable transport
-having dDefined framework for publishing, finding and storing and making available needed artifacts and services
-having fFramework and methodology to configure a technical contract between business parties that effectively links the business process and underlying transport
Each of these technologies has an ebXML specification which has been recognized by one or more standards organization; theand specifications (many now of which are standards) continue to evolve and be enriched while maintaining their ability to be used in coordination with emerging technologies. The specifications are:
-Core Components(CC)
- ebXML Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS and ebBP-bp)
-ebXML Messaging Service (ebMS)
-ebXML Registry Services and Registry Information Model (Reg/RepebRIM/ebRS)
-Collaboration Protocal Protocol Profile and Agreements (CPP/A)
What is ebBP-bp?
The ebBPIt is a technical businessprocess specification that defines a standard language by which business systems can be configured to support the execution of business collaborations which are the result of a expressed through choreographyies between/among business parties and result leverage in reusable business transaction(s). The formal designation has been eBusiness eXtensible Markup Language (ebXML) Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS), commonly know as ebBP (after the OASIS ebXML Business Process Technical Committee)..
What is the status of ebBP-bp?
The existing standard of BPSS is version 1.05. The OASIS ebXML-bp BP Technical CommitteeC has just completedreleased for p Public Ccomment on version 2.0.1.
What is the adoption process for eb-BP version 2.0.1?
How does eb-bpBP relate to BPSS?
Briefly and simply, ebBP is a short name or alias for the technical specification that realizes business collaboration, ebXML BPSS.
They are the pursing the same objective. That objective is to The goal is to define business processes in a standard way to allow interoperability between systems/organizations. This will enable B2BeBusiness.
Labeling thelatest and substantive new version eb-bpBP focuses on the goal, an ebBP-bpprocess definition, rather than the mechanism for achieving the goal, the technical specification (aka ebXML BPSS technical specification).
Define an ebBP-bp definition?
A business process definition created with the ebBP technical specification is referred to as an ebBP definition.
What is included in ebBPXML-bp version 2.0.1?
-the technical specification
-the core schema
-the Business Signal schema
- transformation example for v1.05=>v2.01
- scope of v2.0.1 changes
What are the additional capabilities/features in version 2.0.1?
mm1: See user community updates for this section.
What user communities are interested in or moving to applying ebBP-bp?
- Textiles
- Transport
- Local government
- High technology
- Health care