Princess Empowerment Project

Historically, fairy tales about princesses have not had much to do with the princesses themselves. Often, brave knights on their noble steeds have had all the action and glory before winning the hand of one-dimensional princesses and living happily ever after. In fact, many movies, despite being marketed toward young girls, leave their princesses unconscious or mute (aside from longing for a prince) throughout most of the films.

As a herald to your chosen princess, you will speak on her behalf.

First, you will research her character and actions using only Disney canon (the princess’s most central movie, not including sequels, prequels, straight to DVD releases, and merchandise).

Then, you will write a persuasive essay (format to follow) convincing your audience that your princess is the most empowered based on the definition and criteria supplied (below).

Finally, you will debate heralds of other princesses in your conference (“old” or “new”). The winner of each bracket will advance until a victor for each conference is left standing. The last two victors will battle each other in a final debate for the crown and your princess’s glory.

The debates will proceed as follows:

  1. A coin toss will determine the first to begin (winner chooses).
  2. The first herald will have three minutes to state why zir princess is the most empowered.
  3. The second herald will have three minutes to state why zir princess is the most empowered.
  4. Each herald will then have the opportunity to ask three questions to the opponent, who will have one minute to answer each. Questions will alternate.
  5. Each herald will have one minute to present zir final argument before stepping outside for The Empress, Ms. Taklender, to determine the victor.

Grades will be determined based on the essay (worth 100 points) and the quality of debate (worth 100 points). (This is the introduction to the gender and identity unit).

“Empowerment” for the purposes of this project means: The capacity of an individual to make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes.

The Criteria for Empowerment for the purposes of this project fall into four categories:

Bodily Autonomy: To what extent is she in control of her body? NOTE: Events that happen to her without her consent (ie rape) do not detract from her autonomy.

Society: To what extent does she have the respect of society? To what extent does she influence society?

Independent Thought: To what extent does she make choices and have opinions of her own?

Action: To what extent can she transform her choices into reality?

Good luck, faithful heralds!