Prince Phillip Cup 2015

To help assist with entry forms for competitions and also to allow us to provide you with information and updates regarding training etc, please can you return this form completed ASAP either as a hard copy at training or by email to

Rider Information



Age (as 1st Jan):

Tests Passed:

Weight (kg):

Pony Information (please detail each pony you may want to compete)


Height (cm):


Passport Number:

Contact Information

Parents Name:

Contact Number/s:


Preferred Contact :

(Please bear in mind internet connection may be limited)


Please state any days/evenings unable to train:

(Please note it will not be possible to accommodate everyone but will try our best)

Please confirm availability for competitions below if you would like to be considered for teams. We will endeavour to put out as many teams in each age group as possible.

West Hants Friendly, New Park, 28th & 29th March:

Mendip Friendly, 4th & 5th April:

Area 14, Southfield House, Somerset 19th April:

United Pack, Netley Hall, Shrewsbury: 3rd & 4th May:

Zone, Taunton Racecourse: 5th July (subject to qualification)

(Please note the above dates are subject to change and additions)

Please Note

Team training for our season ahead will begin from February to get orders perfected. As you are all aware there are 5 children in each team and in most cases there are several more children that are at a similar standard making team selection very difficult. Should a rider not be in the top 5 at the start of the season please do stick with it. Keep focused and working hard, we might need to just help you improve on some aspects or try a few different team combinations to get it right. Let’s have a good fun year and get the best possible results we can.

Thank you for your co-operation