Faculty of Arts
First Semester / Academic Year 2017
Course :……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……
Date :…………………………………………………………………………… Time :…………………………………………………………
- Students have to wear correct Chulalongkorn University uniform.
- Do not bring textbooks, lecture notes, documents, dictionaries, cell phones, electronics equipment, (e.g. smartphones, tablets, smartwatches) or other examination-related materials into the examination room unless allowed by the instructor of that course, with the exception of student ID card, wallet, pens, pencils, erasers, correction markers.
- Write your first name, last name, ID number, and all other statements required by the invigilator on the answer booklet and/or the answer sheet clearly and completely before the examination begins.
- Students arriving later than 30 minutes after the examination begins are not allowed entry into examination room.
- Do not leave the examination room during the first 45 minutes of the examination. Temporary leave is not allowed except in case of emergency or sickness.
- Do not talk, communicate, or make signals or noise with other students during the examination.
- No borrowings are allowed unless permitted by the invigilator.
- No part of the examination paper is allowed to be taken out of the examination room.
- Students who violate the examination rules (e.g. bringing in materials or equipment related to examination, which are not allowed by the instructor(s), helping others complete their examination) will receive the following penalties :
9.1 Students who cheat on the examination will receive the penalty grade of “F” in the
subject and “W” in all other subjects registered in the semester. The cheating may also
result in behavioural points deduction or permanent expulsion from the university.
9.2 Actions that imply cheating can result in the penalty grade of “F” in the subject and
behavioural points deduction
- Students must strictly observe Chulalongkorn University’s Regulation on Students’ Conduct in an Examination, B.E. 2523.
Student’s signature………………………………………….