PenkridgeMiddle School

Head of Modern Foreign LanguagesJob Description

Pay Scale: MPS/UPS + TLR 2 (£2,535)

Responsible to Head Teacher & Deputy Head Teacher

Job Role:

The language taught at PenkridgeMiddle School is French.

To promote, direct and monitor high standards of learning and teaching, pupil achievement and progression in Modern Foreign Languages (French)

To assess, track, analyse and monitor pupil data, holding staff to account andplanningintervention for individuals and identified groups to closelearning gaps.

To ensure that all pupils make good or rapid progress, achieving their full potential in the subject and contributing to high standards across the school.

To lead beyond classroom-basedFrench curricula, promoting and developing Frenchand other extra-curricular opportunities/activities.Please note that the successful candidate will also be required to organise and lead the school’s annual Y8 Study Visit to France each year.

To take responsibility for the organisation of Teaching Assistants and staff/volunteers who work with pupils in, and beyond, French lessons.

To lead, manage and promote MFL/French in school and participate positively in Collaboration activities & developments, especially in relation to MFL.

To plan and deliver information evenings/activities involving parents and lead/ contribute to training activitiesfor MFL/French teaching staff, also contributing to whole school Inset as required.

Strategic Direction and Development

1. Support the vision, ethos and policies of the school including those which secure effective teaching, successful learning and promote high levels of achievement and self-esteemfor all pupils, irrespective of background, ethnicity, gender or disability.

2. Contribute to the development and implementation of the school strategic plan, identifying priorities and targets for ensuring pupils’ achievement and high standards. Jointly secure school improvement and take responsibility for appropriately delegated aspects of the Whole School Improvement Plan. Lead and write the MFL/French Departmental Improvement Plan and Self-Evaluation Documents to increase school and departmental effectiveness.

3. Support evaluation of the effectiveness of the school's policies/ developments and analyse their impact on the learning and teaching of MFL/French.

4. Raise standards of pupil achievement, ensuring that good attainment is maintained by providing a model of high quality, effective teaching.

5. Ensure parents are well informed of curriculum, targets, pupilprogress & attainment in French.

6. Develop and maintain good relationships with colleagues in partner First, Middle and High Schools to develop seamless transition experiences, ensuring the continuity of pupil learning, progress & achievement.

7. Develop and maintain good relationships with parents, outside agencies and the local community.

8. Create a safe learning environment for all pupils which supports high pupil achievement and standards.

Leadership and Management

  1. Update relevant staff of changes to the MFL/French curriculum, ensuring that French is delivered effectively.
  1. Carry out self-evaluation and Teacher Appraisal processes in line with school policy.
  1. Contribute tomiddle leader decision-making and policy development across the school.
  1. Support the CPD of MFL/French teaching staff and colleagues.
  1. To arrange/organise arrangements forthe school’s Y8 study visit to France andother activities/days for MFL/French, PLTS and cross-curricular development requirements.
  1. To manage order requests, recording & managing resources andremaining within budget.

Pupil Progress:

  1. Manage pupil review processes and procedures.
  1. Monitor and trackthe progress of individuals and be accountable for the performance of all pupils within classroom-based MFL/French.
  1. Design and apply intervention strategies to close learning gaps and stimulate gains in pupil progress, attainment and achievement.
  1. Meet with SLT/Key Stage Leaders/other Subject Leaders as appropriate.
  1. Facilitate and support annual reports of pupils for MFL/French.
  1. Liaise with parents/carers and agencies as required, throughoral and written reports on progress, achievements, concerns and matters relating to pupils’ academic success and pastoral well-being.

Subject Responsibilities.

  1. Plan effectively to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to meet their potential and follow plans laid down with line-managers.
  1. Organise and coordinate all aspects of the learning and teaching of MFL/French throughout the school.
  1. Secure a good standard of pupil behaviour in the classroom by establishing routines and high expectations of conduct. Take action to pre-empt and deal with inappropriate behaviour in French classes and community areas of school in line with school policies;rewarding that which is positive and taking appropriate action on that which falls below our high standards and expectations. Support classroom staff in this as necessary.
  1. Lead and organise extra-curricular activities.
  1. Assist in improving and maintaining high and outstanding standards of work through your advice, expertise, enthusiasm and efficiency.Advise on, support and develop the curricular framework and schemes of learning for MFL/French.
  1. Keep abreast of new ideas and current thinking and after appropriate consultation, modify and updatetheschemes of learning, as appropriate.
  1. Monitor and evaluate the learning being undertaken in MFL/French by regularly sampling pupils’ workand participating in related monitoring activities.
  1. Evaluate new equipment and materials and advise as tosuitability and likely effectiveness.
  1. Prepare departmental budget requests for the Head/Bursar and efficiently maintaindepartment resources as linked to priorities outlined in the subject improvement plan.
  1. Monitor any Health and Safety issues, advisingDeputy (Premises)of issues as they arise.
  1. Liaise with other staff in school, and subject leaders in partner schools, when such meetingsare called.
  1. Deploy a range of teaching strategies to meet the needs of all learners, encouraging high standards, creativity and independent learning.

Maintenance of Professional Standards

  1. Keep fully appraised and aware of educational and other appropriate developments whether national or local, and assess their impact on the schooland the subject for which you areresponsible.
  1. Be positive at all times. Ensure the highest standards of professional conduct, confidentiality & dress at all times, and in particular when with staff of the school, partnership colleagues, parents and the wider community.
  1. Ensure the development and maintenance of a team culture that enables all members of the LeadershipTeam to be effective in their respective roles.
  1. Ensure the development and maintenance of a collaborative culture which demonstrates loyalty and integrity towards all levels of school leadership.


  1. Take an active part inleading, planning, arranging & executing wholeschool activities.
  1. Support the personal development and well-being of an allocated class/form of pupils.
  1. Monitor attendance/lateness taking appropriate action.Carry out duties/pupil supervision.
  1. Teach PSHE/Citizenship/SEAL in line with syllabi and deliver annually allocatedlessons in other subject disciplines as may be required of all teachers in a middle school.
  1. Lead and participate in school and year assemblies.

Other Duties and Responsibilities:

Undertake any other reasonable professional task as directed by the Head Teacher.

The duties outlined in this job description are in addition to those covered by the most recent School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document. It may be modified by the Head Teacher, after discussion, to reflect or anticipate changes in the job, commensurate with the salary and job title.