Primary Sub Committee Meeting
Saturday 24 March, 2012
Art Gallery Cafe
- Meeting opened: 10.10am
- Apologies Tara Daniel /Attendance Cheryl Bromell, Kerry Adams, Rosie O’Keefe, Jane Marron, Jeanette Rengel, Jeanette Lyons, Jenny Ayres, Pauline O’Brien
- Previous Minutes – December 2011 – accepted and used to review plans already in place
- General Business
Review of plans in place so far and adding in Network sessions and other initiatives
- Term 1
- Photographic Network/PD at Cooper Studio and Beaconsfield PS – Beaconsfield will have a group exhibition in 2012 at the cooper studio 17th March to 13th April Pauline to run a PD for teachers on how to run photography in a primary classroom Sat 31st March networking session 10.00 to view exhibition, back to school for networking until 12.00 then– lunch Freo Art Centre. Bring any ideas of your own to share.
- Term 2
- Networks Weeks 3& 4 show, share and tell – a general theme of Art History and Appreciation – tagging onto the Modern Masters Exhibition - copy of the resources for all attendees as many were unable to attend with both Gallery sessions being booked out.
NB: A new initiative this year – the network coordinators will collate a summary of sharing at network sessions. This will then be forwarded to the coordinators of other networks, who will in turn forward it to all of those people who attended their network session i.e. you give and share, you get back. Ideally have your sharing in a digital format for the Coordinator.
- North –Jenny Ayres @ Ash dale PS Wk 4 Weds 23 May.
- Central – Rosie Edmiston – Mt Hawthorn PS, Wk 3 Tues 8th May
Sidney Nolan - Printmaking to sculpture - Hills – Rob Hancock (Jeanette Lyons) – Glen Forest PS Wk 3 Mon 7 May.
- Deep South – Cheryl Bromell & Kerry Adams –Week 8 – date TBA
- Castaways Saturday 9 May 10.00 – 12.00?– format still TBC – plan is to meet at Rockingham beach in the morning, have a speaker talk about the use of recycled materials in sculptural work, hear about avenues for funding, view professional sculptors work and the local schools sculptures… coffee or lunch break to further socialise and network.
- Visual art animation AiR project – Melinda Cockerill @ Churchlands PS - show and tell of artist in residence - Date TBC maybe 2nd July, end of Term 2
- Studio Visits – Mandurah Trail in Term 2 – coordinated by Kerry Adams on a Sunday Date and venues TBC. Planned for end of Week 8 – details to be forwarded.
- Term 3
- IPSHAA Network -26th to 31st Aug at St Marks, Hillarys –
- Networking Week 6, 29th August– dinner at Hans in Whitford shopping centre - Jeanette Rengel to organise
- Networks TBA
- Term 4
- Art Blast Network week 3 term 4 – part of the Fremantle Festival 29thOct - 2 Nov
- PD Wed 31st Oct - Dinner afterwards.
- Networks TBA
- Other PD opportunitiesalready offered –days and dates to be negotiated/announced
- Annette Appleby – Riso Screen printing @ Aubin Grove – maybe Term 3 on a Saturday – good one for country folk to be able to come up to?
- PFDaysTerm ??PAINTING PD – coordinated by Jane Marron – to be run at North Woodvale PS – date TBA – but plan is to make it a useful way to spend a PFDay.
- Further Studio visit suggestions
- Trudi Pollard – Natural dyeing – Pauline
- Marie Magaw – print maker – Jenny Ayres
- Leon Pericles – print maker and now painter – Jeanette Lyons
- NjalikwaChongwe – raku pottery - Pauline
- Other requests and wonderings re network themes/PD opportunities
- How to mount and present art works to the best effect – window dressing our art programs to continue to raise the profile of the importance of the Visual Arts within our own schools and even out in our local communities. Who? Where? When? Pauline to investigate – Art on the Move? PICA? Maybe run it over 2 Saturdays a fortnight apart so you have time to implement ideas and bring back samples/photos of what you did.
- Australian Curriculum – what is happening re the consultation process with State based Arts associations? At the time of the meeting we are still waiting for information to be disseminated By President Yvonne Wiesse –ACVARA newsletter indicated we are supposed to be having State Arts Associations level discussions and to give feedback during March. Pauline continuing to make contact to determine when this will be.
- Other business
- Feedback from Management Committee Meeting – by Cheryl & Jane
- Journal – request by Dionne to MC members to encourage Primary contributions to the magazine – next issue is on an Indigenous theme. Cheryl to follow up via Dionne and the discussion list.
- This led to a discussion re a Primary based Publication – so much out there on interneti.e.Princeton online, Deep Space Sparkle, do we need to do another book? Could we set up a drop box formatting within our own website where we could post our ideas – always the problem then with copyright and permissions for photos of kids work…? Yvonne Wiese as the new Co webmaster may be interested/prepared to look at getting some specialist help to develop the webpage further to enables such options. (NB: Pauline now only doing the Primary connected elements of the website) Idea to be discussed further at coming meetings.
- Communication Strategies – Cheryl and or Jane will have a report prepared by Pauline to be tabled and spoken to at each Management Committee Meeting
- We want for our Primary members to know that we are out there doing something for them
- Keeping current members and spreading the word wider
- Get the planned program of events out to them now before the 30 March cut off to encourage m/ship renewals
- Supporting our country members
- Plan some events for holiday breaks so they can be involved
- Plan for weekend PD/Networks if possible – ensure sufficient prior notice so they can organise time to travel, Principal’s permission…
- Automatically include them in the network sharing session summaries as they do not have the opportunity to attend mid week sessions in Perth and are too far distant to create their own network group sessions.
- Pauline to encourage country members to share via email, contact their other local art teachers, investigate what the new Network Principals are doing to provide specific PD for Specialist Teachers re the roll out of the Australian Curriculum – work as a team!
- Close of Business: 11.30am
- Next Meeting: date TBC when we know the dates set for future Management Committee Meeting date – i.e. prior to that meeting so that we can generate a report to be tabled (e.g.: Cheryl stated next M/Committee meeting is proposed for Tues afternoon 23 April at which a report from this meeting will be tabled for discussion.)