PRIMARY PE and SPORT PREMIUM Funding at Wrenthorpe Academy.
Last update: September 2017
Our vision:
All our pupils will leave school with a good knowledge about the importance of health and fitness and the skills and motivation to equip them to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.
Our aims:
ü Physical Activity: to ensure that all children access 60 minutes of high quality physical activity each day.
ü Physical Education (PE): to ensure that all children access 2 hours per week of high quality PE.
ü School Sport: to ensure that all children have access to high quality physical activity after school.
ü Health and Well-Being: to ensure that all children have a good understanding of how to lead healthy lifestyles through access to Health Education and Change for Life Clubs.
ü To use PE and Sport in school to promote academic improvement: to use PE and Sport to improve positive learning behaviour and pupil concentration which will impact on improved academic performance and progress.
How has the Sports and PE funding been spent over the last 3 years and what impact has it had?
2014/15 = £9,129
2015/16 = £9,129
2016/17 = £9,129
Skilled Sports Coaches = £7,262
Resources and Equipment = £1,867
It has been our aim to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in our school. We aim to ensure that our spending of the PRIMARY PE and SPORT PREMIUM will have a long lasting impact that will continue long after the funding is no longer available to us.
WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED over the last 3 years? 2014/15, 2015/16 & 2016/17IMPACT REPORT
Key Priorities / Spend/Action / Impact / Is it a self-sustaining improvement?
To engage all children in regular physical activity. / PE Sports Coaches have worked across the dinnertime period. They have trained pupils in leadership and encouraged children to engage actively in a wide range of activities.
Staff on playtime duty and supervisors at dinner time supervise an area of provision and encourage active play. / All children enjoy access to quality active opportunities during the day/week:
20 minutes morning play (daily)
40 minutes dinner time play (daily)
30 - 60 minutes (per week) active lessons other than PE
Children report that they are happy at playtimes and enjoy being active.
There has been a reduction in reported incidents: children falling out, injuries, bullying as children are engaged and busy. / YES
The coaches have trained up children as sports leaders and worked alongside lunchtime staff who will continue to manage, organise and lead children in active playtimes/dinnertimes.
All staff plan at least one lesson per week which involves children in active learning (often outdoors) which is addition to the PE lessons.
To raise the profile of PE and sport across school as a tool for whole school improvement.
To increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and Sport. / Professional PE Sports Coaches/Teachers have worked alongside staff in PE lessons to model lessons and team teach.
Professional PE Sports Coaches/Teachers have worked with identified G&T groups and vulnerable groups (those pupils who display negative attitudes to PE and/or obese pupils).
The whole school have used the Olympic values (introduced during Sports Week) to encourage the same attitude towards sports and PE and applied this to the teaching and learning experience in all subjects. / All staff have an increased knowledge and confidence in teaching all aspects of PE.
Improved positive behaviour of pupils in PE and other lessons within the school curriculum.
Pupils exhibit a good sense of fair play, turn taking and showing respect for others. Pupils sense of working together in a team has been enhanced.
G&T pupils have further developed their skills. They have represented school in Pyramid Tournaments with other G&T pupils.
Vulnerable/less engaged pupils have taken part in Tournaments with similar pupils from across the Pyramid, including supporting and working alongside pupils from our Special School.
Pupils have developed an increased awareness of other vulnerable pupils.
All PE lessons are at least good and some are outstanding.
Children report that they enjoy PE lessons with their teacher and taking part in the additional challenges organised by the PE Lead. / YES
This is a self-sustaining improvement as now all staff are competent at delivering high quality PE lessons without the support/assistance of a Sports Coach.
Support from Sports Coaches will be used in the future for NQTs who have been identified as requiring additional support and for whole staff CPD where a priority has been identified.
Over time less pupils are being identified as having poor engagement in PE lessons.
To broaden the range of sports and activities offered to all pupils. / During Sports Week and/or whole school events a range of unusual or different experiences are introduced to all pupils:
Wheelchair basketball,
Hula-hoop challenge,
Run to Rio!
After School Clubs:
Samba Band
Healthy Cooking Club
HIT Training / Staff in school have the resources they need to deliver high quality After School Change for Life Samba Classes.
Self-confidence and self-esteem has been improved as children perform at school events such as Sports Day and Sponsored Events.
The Samba Band requires skills of increased concentration, rhythm, teamwork and strength.
All children report their love of these opportunities and parents enjoy watching their children perform.
There has been a significant increase in the % uptake of the 30 places on offer (for each age range) for the active After School Clubs/Change for Life Clubs over time:
Year 3/4:
Year 5/6:
Year 3/4:
Year 5/6:
Year 3/4:
Year 5/6:
100% / YES
The resources purchased for Change 4 Life clubs are used year on year.
The Samba Band is now well established with Year 5 children. Staff are confident and act as excellent role models for children who want to learn this skill in After School Club.
The PE Leader is very skilled and organises a wide range of additional experiences and challenges throughout the year to appeal to a wide range of interests such as, a whole school sports week with a focus on different themes each year as well as fun challenges such as; power goal, hula hoop and skipping challenges. These events often have an incentive by raising money for a range of different charities. .
Potentially obese pupils from Year 5 have been selected to take part in the Healthy Cooking Club so that good eating patterns can be established before children start High School.
Pupils take home recipes and are encouraged to share messages of healthy eating with families.
Children are encouraged to take responsibility for packing their own healthy school lunch box and have regular reminders of this in lessons and during whole school assemblies.
To increase the participation in competitive sport. / The PE Leader organises whole school competition and challenge:
Sports Day
Multi Skills tournament
Rounders tournament
The Outwood pyramid of schools collectively purchase the skills of a sports lead to organise and run the school to school pyramid tournaments.
Our school takes part in events organised by the Trust (10 children from each year group compete against other schools in the Trust in a range of activities). / There has been an increase over time in the % of children taking part in Competitive Sports and/or activities with other schools:
Intra School Competitions:
Reception: 0%
KS1: 0%
KS2: 0%
Reception: 100%
KS1: 100%
KS2: 100%
Reception: 100%
KS1: 100%
KS2: 100%
Inter School Competitions:
KS1: 0%
KS2: 21%
KS1: 0%
KS2: 30%
KS1: 11%
KS2: 47% / YES
The organisation and participation in competitive events is very well established and is repeated year on year.
Each year the PE Leads look to include more children and encourage the less able/less engaged to take part
To ac To achieve a School Games Award in PE. / To reward the school for the commitment to the development of competition across the school and the community.
To motivate and inspire the children at Wrenthorpe Academy to take part in more competitive sport both at intra school and inter school level.
To make a meaningful difference to the lives of EVERY child at our school / The school has achieved the SILVER mark in PE. We aim to achieve gold in the academic year of 2017/2018 by increasing the number of teams that are sent to any inter school tournaments. To achieve the Gold standard there is a requirement to have the participation level at least at 50% in KS2 (The participation level is not measured within KS1).
We have introduced many Change for Life clubs, however we now have the intention of ensuring further opportunities for ALL our pupils to access these fun and exciting opportunities to allow them to have a healthier and more active lifestyle next academic year.
Each year has shown an increase in the participation level at both the intra and inter school competitions.
EVERY child now takes part in intra school competitive sport each half term as part of their PE lessons / Yes
The participation levels in both intra and inter school competitions have increased year on year and will continue to do so.
This participation level for inter school sports will improve dramatically in 2017/2018 by creating opportunities for an A, B and C team to represent our school at these events. This will increase the number of children who take part and therefore ensure we achieve the Gold standard in PE.
We intend to introduce further Change for Life clubs across the school curriculum to enhance the opportunities for the less active children to encourage a healthier and more active lifestyle.
to achieve self- sustaining improvement.
Allocation for 2017 – 2018 = £19,040
Priority 1ü To improve the quality of and the engagement in regular physical activity (at least 60 minutes every day).
School focus/planned actions: / COST / Impact / Sustainability
Range of led/supervised physical activities to be set up every morning playtime (20mins)
Leaders: Teachers, HLTAs, TAs and children. / None
Range of led/supervised physical activities to be set up and organised every dinner playtime by the additional teacher, Sport Coach, Dinner Supervisors and trained sports leaders form year 6. / Sports Leader
Dinner Supervisors
Teachers to plan active lessons (30 - 60mins) at least once every week. (eg work in allotments, outdoor science/maths investigations) / None
Leaflets from Yorkshire Sports sent home to all families.
PE Leader and HT to invite parents to school for a meeting to share the message regarding all children being fit and healthy.
Parents will receive ideas and links with local clubs/groups to encourage children to take part in 30mins physical activity every day after school, which is addition to the school offer. / £15
Priority 2
ü To maintain high quality PE lessons for all children across school (2 hours per week).
Task / Cost / Impact / Sustainability
PE Lead to administer audit of staff confidence – plan CPD opportunities for staff who require additional support. / None
PE Lead, HT and AHT to monitor the quality of staff teaching of PE and plan support if required. / PE Lead cover cost:
PE Lead to monitor staff planning and provide support (Team Teach) where needed. / None
PE Lead to collect pupil views about all aspects of PE and plan actions for improvement where needed. / None
Teacher with specialism in PE to teach gymnastics and dance across school, G&T groups and support for less engaged pupils. All pupils across school will receive 3 high quality Gym and 3 high quality Dance lessons. / 1 afternoon per week
Priority 3
ü To maintain high quality sport opportunities for all children after school
Task / Cost / Impact / Sustainability
Appoint Sports Coordinator to organise After School Tournaments and to meet and plan with all PE leads across the pyramid. / Full cost shared across 8 schools
WA cost = £350
PE Lead to ensure all staff are accountable for organising and leading their allocated tournament after school. Staff will teach the skill in PE lessons and then select the teams to take part (A, B and C Teams). / None
Purchase Sports KIT for participating children to wear at tournaments. / £1,500
PE Lead to continue to plan to introduce pupils to new sports and activities both across the year (whole school challenges) and during Sports Week.
Book CPD opportunities for all staff where needed. / Purchase of equipment:
Staff training:
Hire of mini-buses, coaches and/or taxis to transport children safely to after school tournaments and in school competitions. / £2,000
PE Lead to coordinate all staff to lead an After School Club linked with offering a range of experiences to children:
· Being Active - Dance Club, Cricket Club, Netball Club….
· Well Being – Choir, Samba Band…
· Change for Life – Gardening Club, Healthy Cooking / £250
Priority 4
ü To promote health education and encourage participation in Change 4 Life clubs and activities.
Task / Cost / Impact / Sustainability
Whole School Assemblies to promote Health Education: how to pack a healthy lunchbox, danger of being overweight (% of children who are obese) and stress this puts on NHS, level of sugar in food and drink, / None
Continue to involve children in Health Education workshops which promote healthy lifestyle messages to children (various led by School Nurse: Healthy Teeth, Sun Safety, Healthy Food….) / None
All staff to plan for DT Healthy Cooking Week in school. / £250
Appoint teacher to lead Change for Life groups across school to teach the value of eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. Pupils will work in the allotments and the DT cooking area: Plant It, Grow It, Cook It, Eat It.
100% of children will take part in this. / Teacher 2 afternoons each week.
Priority 5
ü To build on the current provision for PE and Sport in school by achieving the SCHOOL GAMES AWARD – GOLD standard (Silver achieved in 2016/17)
To continue to increase the participation in inter school competition by creating further opportunities for children through the creation of A, B and C Teams entered into planned tournaments. / None
Every child in school will take part in Change for Life activities. Every child will work with the Change for Life Teacher in a small group of 15 pupils for a total of ten one hour sessions.
Activities aim to improve:
Behaviour, self-confidence, social skills, mood, health & fitness and improve levels of performance in school.
Activities will include:
Planting and growing healthy food in the school allotments and learning about food nutrition, planning and making healthy food, creating healthy recipes and sharing with families. / See cost for 4d
Total Allocation = £19,025