Primary Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Title: Class Rules by Jacob Fink / Genre:
Informational / Text Structure:
Narrative Informational / Level:
Literacy Core Objective: Standard 7 Objective 2 Identify topic/main idea from text / Enduring Understanding: Purpose for reading
Rules helps us work together safely.
Content Core Objective: Standard 2 Objective 2 Follow class rules / “I Can Statements” - Essential Questions:
I can follow rules at school.
ELL Strategies: Use picture clues to obtain information
Before Reading
Vocabulary: High Frequency—all, look, made, work
Content—sign, rule, agree, follow
Activate/Build Background Knowledge: What do the students have in their hands? What does it say? Where are the students at? Do picture walk reading the signs on pages 3.4.5,6,7 What rules do we have in our class? Establish days of the week pattern.
Read to find out why rules are important. / Phonics/Mechanics: compound words--classroom
Comprehension Strategy: Identify topic/main idea
During Reading
Using appropriate Guided reading strategies, students will be reading at their own pace and teachers will be listening to students read, monitoring, giving feedback, taking anecdotal notes and running records.
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
After Reading
Within in the Text--- What were some of the rules the children made posters of?
What materials did the children use to make their signs?
Why did they make signs?
Beyond the Text---- Why do you think rules are important?
Where are some other places besides school that we have rules?
Why do you think the author included photographs in the book?
What do you think the author most wanted us to know by reading this book?
Comprehension--The idea that the author most wants us to know is called the main idea of the book. Sometimes authors give you clues as to what the main idea of the book is . In this book he puts one sentence that he keeps repeating-- It(rules) helps us work together. Let’s read and practice that sentence on each of the pages
High Frequency Words—See Attached sheet
Phonics—Look at the word classroom that was in our book today. It is called a compound word. This means that it is two words put together. Each word can stand alone by itself. Demonstrate.
Contrast this with words like walked, jumped, hops. These types of words might appear to be compound words but they are not. Match the different parts of the words together and then let’s write the compound words we come up with. (See attached sheets) Run on cardstock and cut out—put words together to make compound words
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.)Social Studies
Assessment: Take anecdotal notes on which students are able to identify the purpose of rules. Note responses on Beyond the Text questions.
Phonics—Take anecdotal notes. Can students form compound words with sheets. Practice in the word work center.
High Frequency—Can Students recognize words in context? In isolation? Practice daily with word wall. Record on running record / Activities: Write and make a poster similar to the ones in the text which illustrate our classroom rules
Word Work Center—Make compound words by putting two words together to from one

*Not all activities will be done in each lesson. Some lessons may take multiple days to complete. However, all students should be reading each time you meet.