23rd November 2016 / 6.15pm / The Masonic Hall, Middleton
Meeting called by / Wendy Craven - Chair
Type of meeting / Local Optical Committee
Note taker / Lindsey Flynn - Administrator
Attendees / Wendy Craven (WC) –Chair Paul Cheetham (PC) – Treasurer
Nigel Burgess- Vice Chair (NB)
Lindsey Flynn (LF) – Administrator Faheem Sarfraz (FS)
Amir Hussain (AH) Clare Stones(AS)
Howard Fisher (HF) Toni Blanchon (TB)
Azida Ali (AA) Mohammed Bilal (MB)
Linda Nuttall (LN)
Apologies / Manowar Haidery (MH), Alison Stanley (AS), Gerard Sweeney (GS)
Presented by / Wendy Craven - Chair
WCwelcomed everyone to the meeting.
The minutes taken at last LOC meeting on 21st September 2016; confirmed that the minutes were a true and accurate record AH and PC verified, and there were no matters arising.
WC updated the committee with regards to Actions listed from the last LOC Meeting minutes.
All Actions from last meeting were completed.
Presented by / Paul Cheetham - Treasurer
PC gave a brief update to the committee on the current finances;
The LOC account balance is looking good at £27,000. If you wish to view the finances PC can make these available at any time and they are always available at each LOC meeting.
PC gave a brief update on the LOCSU training course for Treasurers which he attended with Amir; they advised that the ideal balance to run an LOC is 6 months’ contribution of the Statutory Levy. PC advised that he will hand over the position of Treasurer to Amir in the new year.
PC reiterated to members to submit outstanding invoices to
PC advised at the Levy will remain the same.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Email Standard Invoice to members for attendance / Lindsey Flynn / Complete
Presented by / All Committee Members
WC requested comments from the committee with regards to the Strategy; which was circulated prior to the meeting.
NB gave a brief update on the diabetic screening; considering a centralised screening admin team over GM as access is a problem.
WC advised the importance of the LOC’s input in to this strategy and suggested that all members read the Strategy and email Lindsey to enable WC to feedback a collective response to Bury CCG.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Email Bury PC & Well-Being Strategy to members
Read and Feedback on the Strategy / Lindsey Flynn
All Members / Complete
30th Nov
Presented by / Wendy Craven – Chair
WCbrieflyexplained the reasons behind sending the various service reports (Bury MECS, HMR MECS, HMR Repeat Reading) these reports are sent to the commissioners.
PC advised that GMPEC Board go through the various service reports quarterly basis to ensure the services are run effectively. WC asked if anyone had any questions; no questions were raised.
WC advised that MECS service running well, number of self-referrals into the service are high. The data is currently being looked at to investigate where those px would have gone had the service not been operating.
GRRS numbers are low; it is essential optoms record repeat pressures to show deflection rates.
It was suggested to do a refresher on repeat pressures; WC advised that GMPEC are holding an Education Event next week where all service pathways will be discussed.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Presented by / Wendy Craven - Chair and Toni Sweeney
TS and WC met with the Bury Triage team; TS gave a brief update to the committee, the key points from the meeting are that Optoms are submitting incorrect data on the referral forms and suggested that all Referral forms to be audited.
Next steps suggested were TS/WC to work together with the triage team; devise an action plan and send out joint communications/referral packs to opticians. All members agreed for TB/WC to support Bury Triage Team.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Presented by / Wendy Craven–Chair
WC advised that all updates and notes for GM Confederation, Devo Manc, OAG and PCAG were circulated with the agenda for committee members to read prior to the LOC Meeting and asked if anyone had any questions; no questions were raised.
The key things covered in all updates are around
- Primary Care Optometric standards
- Antibiotic Awareness; which was circulated to every Profession across GM
- New Models of Care
- Confed are looking for Optical Assistant to assist with Healthy Living Optical Practices
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Forward the Optical Assistant Letter to the committee
Feedback to Lindsey if you would like to put anyone forward for Optical Assistant / Lindsey
All Committee / Complete
Presented by / Paul Cheetham and Amir Hussain
PC gave a brief update on the National Optical Conference which they attended. The key point from the conference was Implementing Strategy of an LOC Company.
Presented by / Wendy Craven – Chair
WC advised that the latest information regarding NHS form submission is Preston is now closed please send all forms to Darlington.
NB advised that there is a delay on Pre-Reg numbers. Any issues around Capita contact LOCSU.
Presented by / Azida Ali and Mohammed Bilal
MB and AA gave a brief update on the current position and discussed their ideas with the committee around Peer Review topics, CET Points, facilitators, best months to hold the event and possible numbers.
The committee suggested to hold the event in Feb/March for approx. 100.
Peer review topic around referrals; suggested to contact Trevor Warburton to Speak at the event.
WC thanked MB and AA for their input.
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Contact Trevor Warburton with regards to Peer Review / AA/MB
Presented by / Wendy Craven - Chair
WC gave a brief update on the Workforce Data which was circulatedmonths ago; they have had a very poor response, only 46 practices across GM have completed. Health Education NW are assessing Optometry data which is essential for future planning and funding of services and training. Please encourage your colleagues to complete.
Presented by / Wendy Craven - Chair
WC advised that the LOC Website needs updating with referrals and protocols; Lindsey and Wendy will work together on the website and ask members for comments.
Presented by / Wendy Craven - Chair
WC advised that the Confed have funding to set Optoms up with an N3 connection; they plan to pilot the IT in 20 practices ideally a mix on independent and multiple practices which use different software packages.
If you are interested in getting involved in the IT pilot, please contact Wendy; first meeting scheduled for 2nd December.
NB advised plansare developing Healthy Living; Diabetic; Pride in practice; LD and Dementia champions in optical premises.
Please add the following LOC Meeting dates to your diaries:
- Wednesday 18th January 2017
- Wednesday 29th March 2017 all to be held at Middleton Masonic 6.30-8pm
- Wednesday 17th May 2017 AGM The Crimble 6.30-8pm followed by meal
Action Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Contact Wendy if you are interested in getting involved in the IT pilot. / All members
Presented by / Wendy Craven - Chair
No further comments to report; meeting closed at 8.10pm