Gamification 101 Resources

Ish Stabosz

Chris Terranova

Cory Budischak


This link will take you to the presentation that we used. It was created using Google Slides.

Team Registration

Teams registered their names by completing a Google Form on their mobile device. To learn more about Google Forms, go to

[Note: We experienced some technical difficulties after the third workshop and stopped using the Google Form. At that point, we just manually entered team names into the score keeping spreadsheet. We actually found this more streamlined than the Google Form.]

Score Keeping and Score Board

Team registration responses were fed into the first tab of a Google Sheet that you can view here:

The second tab contains the spreadsheet that the moderators entered scores on and tracked team hearts. This spreadsheet was not seen by the players.

The third tab was projected on the screen to display team progress. The columns on this screen were pulled from the second tab and automatically sorted by total XP.

Blank Templates

I have created a blank template for score keeping and score board that you can access here:

After copying this template, you can enter your own column names. Instead of having teams register with a Google Form, you can just manually enter the team names into the spreadsheet.

Scratch-off Quizzes

The scratch-off quizzes used are called IF-AT forms and they are created by Epstein Education. They can be purchased at

Ish Stabosz and Kim Bates both have some available for faculty to use.

Online Quiz

The online quiz that teams completed was created using QZZR, a free online app that is often used to create those “What type of ______are you?” quizzes that populate Facebook. QZZR can be accessed at

Kahoot! Quiz

The summative challenge at the end of the workshop was created using Kahoot!, a free online student response system. Create a free Kahoot! account at

True/False Sort

This was just a different, more kinesthetic and messy way of conducting a traditional true/false quiz. If you’d like to create your own true/false sort, just swap out your own statements with my template provided at the end of this document.


The custom URLs used in the workshop were created using

It’s a free, super-easy way to transform a long complex url into a tiny manageable one.

1 / According to one study, surgeons who played video games for more than 3 hours a week performed 37% fewer errors during laparoscopic surgery.
2 / As a student’s extrinsic motivation increases, his or her intrinsic motivation decreases.
3 / The aesthetics of a game (i.e., the artistic design of its visual elements) are an important part of its educational value.
4 / The instructional value of a game diminishes if it is not followed by a debriefing.
5 / Studies have found that the type of video game played (violent, neutral, or pro-social) has no effect on a person’s tendency to help others immediately following gameplay.
6 / Immediate feedback improves learning.
7 / Players often learn the rules of a video game through trial and error.
8 / The primary method that players learn the rules of a video game is by watching tutorials.
9 / Blackboard has a built in Achievements function that allows instructors to automatically award students badges based on grade center results.
10 / The three most important elements of a gamified class are levels, points, and achievements.