St. matthew’s parish newsletter

St Matthew’s

Priests of the Parish: Canon Robert Hill & Fr. Eamon Friel
Telephone: 0141 772 1619

Priests of the Parish: Canon Robert Hill; Fr. Eamon Friel

Telephone: 0141 772 1619

New Parish Email:

New Parish Website:

Items for inclusion in the newsletter can be sent to . Items must be received before the Friday prior to the publication.

Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil:5.30pm. Sunday: 9.30 am, 11.00 am and 12.15 pm

Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday: 10.00am. Saturday:10.00 am

Holyday of Obligation Masses: Vigil Mass: 7.30pm. 7.30 am, 10.00 am and 7.30 pm

Confessions: Saturday after the 10.00 am Mass, and from 5.00 pm to 5.20 pm

PRO-LIFE MASS: This month’s Pro-Life Mass is on Wednesday, 18th April in Bl. John Duns Scotus, 270 Ballater St, Gorbals G5 0YT. There will be Adoration at 6pm, followed by Rosary at 7pm and Mass at 7.30pm. All welcome. The celebrant will be Fr Dominic Towey.

VIGIL FOR VOCATIONS:Friday 20th April, 7–9pm at St Conval’s, 21 Hapland Road, G53 5NT. Mass; Exposition and Silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; Reflection; Intercessions; Night Prayer and Benediction. All welcome.

NEWMAN ASSOCIATION:“The Acts of the Apostles and Today’s Church”A talk by Father Joe Boland. The Ogilvie Centre, St Aloysius’ Church, Rose Street, Glasgow, G3 6RE at 7.30pm on April 26th2018. All welcome. Non-members: admission £3 -includes refreshments.

THE CATHOLIC NURSES GUILD OF SCOTLAND:International Nurses Day Mass takes place in the Glass chapel, Carfin, on Wednesday 9th May 2018 at 7pm. All health care workers and friends welcome. Contact , phone 01475 725252or 0131 665639.

SCIAF 6K FAMILY FUN RUN:Millions of people walk for hours every day in search of food and water. Others flee across continents to get to safety. The steps you take can help share their journey. Whether you’re old or young, running or walking, with SCIAF’s 6k Family Fun Run you can raise money and show solidarity with people in need around the world. Your entry fee will go towards our work helping people in poverty across 27 countries. With plenty of music, stalls and games this will be a perfect summer’s day out for the whole family. Whether you run, jog or take a stroll around the course we hope to see you at the starting line. Saturday 2nd June 2018 @ Strathclyde Country Park. Fun starts 10am, run starts at 11am. Adults £10 / Children £5. Sign up at call Teresa on 0141 354 5555.

FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN: We have had a truly excellent response to our campaign with 290 parishioners so far signing up to pledge regular monthly contributions by standing order and we have also received many generous one-off donations from parishioners and other donors. Together with the 2nd collections for the Building Fund, your continued generosity means that our fund has now reached the amazing figure of £940,000!

SVDP LENTEN APPEAL:The SVDP Conference would like to thank everyone for their usual very generous response to our Lenten Appeal. All the toiletries were very welcome at the Ozanam Centre and are being handed out to those in need over the next few weeks.

ROSARY ON THE COAST: The UCM are hoping to organise a trip to Largs to be part of the Rosary on the Coast gathering, on Sun. 29th Apr at 3pm. We plan to have lunch there and attend Mass at the Benedictine Monastery.Any members wishing to go please contact Karen ASAP. 562-5013.So we can book the minibus.

UCM COFFEE MORNING:The UCM are holding a Coffee morning on Fri. 27th Apr in the church hall after 10am Mass proceeds from this will go to the children's charity CHAS.

LOTTERY: The March winners were,1009 Tommy Murphy £201

1149 Margaret Dibble £201

1056 Marjory Devlin £100.50

We have raised over £72,300 towards the Church Building Fund, thank you.

The April draw will take place on Sunday 29th of April, with Sunday 22nd of April the last date for payment. Yearly, Half Yearly and Quarterly payments are now overdue.

We are still looking for more new members, joining forms are available at the back of the Church. If you require clarification, please contact John Feechan on 563 3914.

SCIAF: Please return SCIAF ‘WEE BOXES’ as soon as possible.

CHURCH CLEANING: Team C will be on duty Thursday,19th April

GIFT AID DONORS: Thank you for uplifting your envelopes, there are only three sets left. If not collected soon, they will be removed and stored in the Presbytery. Donors must pay sufficient income tax or capital gains tax to cover the amount reclaimed by the Archdiocese on our behalf. For most people there is no need for concern as the tax claimed is small compared with the amount paid on their income or capital gains .e.g. For every £100 paid in donations we can claim back £25, therefore £25 of tax must have been paid by the donor.


Name / Reception / Funeral Mass
Donata McCulloch / Tuesday 17 April 6.30 pm / Wednesday 18 April 10.00 am
David Laird / Sunday 22 April 6.30 pm / Monday 23 April 10.00 am


DATE / 1st Collection / Special / Building Fund
30 March / Holy Places (Good Friday)
1 April / £1629.94 / £1130.75
8 April / tba / tba

Many thanks.


Ecclesiastical Students (Vocations Sunday) / 22 April
Communications Sunday / 13 May

GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE: Recently Pope Francis published his latest Apostolic Exhortation. The theme is Holiness in today’s world, or how everyone is called to be holy. Pope Francis has provided practical advice on how to achieve holiness in our everyday lives. The Holy See has issued a summary and guidelines on the content of each chapter of this important and highly inspiring document. We will include a paragraph from each of the chapter summaries.

This week:


“Holiness keeps you faithful to your deepest self, free from every form of enslavement, and bearing fruit for our world. Holiness does not make you less human, since it is an encounter between your weakness and the power of God's grace. But we need moments of solitude and silence before God, to face our true selves and let the Lord enter

APPROVAL TO TEACH IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL: The law requires that everyone who teaches in a Scottish Catholic School must have been approved by the local Bishop (or his delegate). This applies to all, whether Catholic or not. Catholics should ordinarily have references provided by a priest who regularly sees them at Mass; preferably the priest in the parish in which they reside, but if they attend Mass elsewhere, the reference should come from a priest who would know them from Mass attendance.

If you think you may require Approval to teach in a Catholic school, then please make sure you are known to the priest you will approach for your reference. If you have any questions/concerns regarding approval and whether you will be eligible to teach in a Catholic School, please make an appointment to chat to Fr. Hill sooner rather than later. This will be an entirely confidential conversation!

PATIENT'S RELIGIOUS DECLARATION: Please copy, sign and use this declaration if you are being admitted to hospital. Alternatively copies of this form can be obtained from Fr. Hill on request, or download it from the website, past parish newsletters tab

Patient's Religious Declaration

I am a Roman Catholic.

While a patient in hospital, I wish to exercise my human right, as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, of practicing my Religion.

I request that the Roman Catholic Chaplain be informed of my admission to hospital, and that I receive a visit from the Roman Catholic Chaplain.

I give explicit consent for this information to be made available to the Roman Catholic Chaplain and I would request that this document form part of my personal case notes.


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