Minor Party Project
We have spent the last week discussing the importance and necessity of minor political parties in this country. Your job is to get into groups and create a 3rd party for the United States of America. This party CANNOT be part of the Democrat or Republican parties!!! Written below is an outline of the assignment with due dates. As we approach deadlines more information will be given.
Step 1: Get into groups of3-5 (No, you can’t work alone. Learning to work with other people, even if you don’t like them, is part of becoming an adult). DUE 10/26/2015
Step 2: Pick a name for your political party (can’t be Republican or Democrat and must be school appropriate).
Pick a Presidential candidate and a Vice-Presidential candidate. (10 Points)
DUE 10/26/2015
Step 3: Figure out your political platform (what does your party believe?). This will form the basis of your campaign and must be detailed and well researched. There must be a cover page with the name of your party and that lists all the members. There are 4 issues that MUST be addressed as part of your platform and 1 issue that your party feels strongly about that you must choose. Each of the 5 platforms should be 1-2 full-page lengths, double-spaced. You must cite sources to back up your points for each issue! (100 Points)
DUE 11/12/2015 (A Block)
DUE 11/13/2015 (B Block)
Issue 1: What type of economic system does your party favor (Capitalist? Socialist? Communist?)? Why?
Issue 2: How would healthcare work if your party took power (Universal healthcare? Insurance companies?)? Why? How?
Issue 3: National defense (Big military or small military? How much of the budget should be military spending? Drones? Spying?)
Issue 4: LGBT rights and abortion rights. Your party must take a firm stand (either for or against) on these issues.
Issue 5: Your choice
Step 4: Create a campaign poster that positively portrays your candidate, creates interest in your candidate and gets people to want to go and vote for your candidate. There must be a catchy and memorable slogan included as well! (20 Points) DUE 11/19/2015 (A Block),
DUE 11/20/2015 (B Block)
Step 5: Create a 1-2-minute long campaign commercial that identifies your candidate and where your candidate falls on the issues and that gets people to want to vote for your candidate. (40 Points) DUE 11/30/2015 (Both Blocks)
Step 6: Participate in a debate against your fellow class candidates. I will moderate the debate asking questions based on party platforms. The Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates in each party will be the focus of the debate, but each person in the group must be ready to field at least one question. (80 Points)DEBATE ON 12/3/2015 (A Block), 12/4/2015 (B Block).
Step 7: There will be a vote for President right after the debates. 12/3-4/2015