PRG Meeting Minutes – 2.2.15

Present: Paula Sharpe, Tracy Parker, Jackie Meadows- lea, Julie Parker = surgery staff

Reference Group: Sylvia Harris, Stan Cooke, Noreen Spendlove, Jeffrey Parrans, Chris and Geoff Fox

Apologies: Linda Starkey, Barry Appleby

1)Welcome to Geoff and Chris Fox

2)Review of previous minutes from 28.10.14

DNA update by Jackie, information was given on 2013 v’s 2014. Slight increase in the number of DNA’s due to overlap in staff (nurse training with Julie Harris before her retirement and the registrar started) The more appointments that are scheduled into a rota the higher the risk of DNA’s.

Car Park Safety / Winter closures– Paula, currently have a process in place to ensure that exits/ramps etc are gritted as a minimum in order to keep the surgery open. A contractor has been set up to clear car park using a snow plough – this is still to be tried and tested.

Stan did mention that the Crem have someone to grit around their premises – ACTION: Stan to look into who does this.

Fundraising statement for £1000 review limit for waiting room – Paula, the statement was given out and everyone agreed that okay to use. ACTION: A copy to be put up in waiting room and put onto the website under the PRG tab (Jackie)

3)Balance of PPG HSBC Bank Account/Purchases - £465.39, 1 fridge monitor purchased – need to assess accuracy before any further purchases or cross charging from Newhall Surgery account to PPG account. Agreement to purchase 1 per fridge if funds permit.

ACTION – accuracy to be assessed and software installed before further purchases are made (Tracy / Paula)

4)Xmas Fundraising Activity Review–Raffle £398.47, Guess the name of the Teddy £25.00, Xmas hamper raffled off to staff £20.00, Remembrance Tree Donations £27.30, Sweet Money £4.60 = £475.37 (still to be banked in post office account)

Tracy has asked the PRG to monitor all incoming and outgoings for auditing purposes. All receipts etc need to be kept and logged in a book or on a spreadsheet.

The surgery is happy to hold the book in the safe.

Auditing to take place 12 months after the post office account is opened. Previously used Yvonne Scott.

ACTION: A book to be obtained (or spreadsheet created) to write all expenditure and receipts of money into (Jeffrey)

5)Update on PRG Post Office Account - Jeffrey/Linda

Jeffrey confirmed that due to personal circumstances he has not been able to open the account up with Linda. Sylvia will speak with Linda about setting the account up as a second signature but in the meantime it was agreed to add on a 3rd signature – Stan Cooke and that the account could be opened if Linda not available when Stan is back from holiday.

ACTION: Post office account to be opened asap (Jeffrey and Stan and/or Linda)


Friends and Family Test (FFT) –since 1.12.14 required by NHS England to do FFT and to send results into NHSEngland at regular intervals. Results to date were shared with the group via hand outs. Currently no PRG involvement but this may change in the future.

Review of complaints for 2014– Paula shared with the group the complaints received within the period 2013/14. 10 complaints had been received in this period which appears to be the average over the last few years. A discussion around the type of complaint and outcome took place.

Staff and their roles– a roles and responsibilities sheet was handed out to the group and this was discussed at length. The surgery work hard to analyse when the busiest times of day are on phones/front desk etc and staff are deployed accordingly. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes such as prescriptions (2000 prescriptions produced in a week)but this normally only takes place after 10am when the phones are quieter. We don’t have spare staff so anyone you see will have a job in hand.

Easter Bingo – room booked for Thursday 19th March 7pm at Newhall Social Club. Tracy gave her apologies for this event and her daughter will also not be available.

  • Prizes are required (chocolate/easter eggs etc) – PRG/Staff to bring in one item each to make up a chocolate hamper which will be raffled off, tickets for this will be sold in surgery and on the bingo night. All of these items need to be dropped off to surgery no later than 13th Feb so that Sylvia can make up the hamper and have it ready for Monday 16th Feb. ACTION: ALL by 13/2/15
  • All group members to contact local businesses and supermarkets for the donation of prizes – anything that they obtain to be brought in no later than 3rd March. ACTION: ALL by 3/3/15
  • Bingo ticket / Raffle ticket stock to be counted to see if any more tickets need to be purchased. ACTION: Tracy to count stocks and report back to group on 3/3/15
  • Raffle tickets will go on sale at 50p a strip in the surgery from Monday 16th Feb. Where possible we would like all members of the PRG to come into surgery at some point to sell raffle tickets, a rota was put together as follows:

Mondays (all day) – Stan

Tuesdays (PM) – Jeffrey

Weds (PM) – Geoff and Chris

Thurs and Friday’s – Noreen/Linda/Barry or Sylvia

  • Lisa Scudieri to be contacted to see if she can produce us a poster to promote the Easter Bingo. ACTION: Jackie to contact Lisa will all information by 6/2/15
  • Agreed that on the night the following activities will take place: Easter Bingo, Raffle, Easter Bonnet Competition (for all ages) and a black out.

Confidentiality Agreements – Geoff and Chris would like to continue to support the PRG and will therefore be coming to future meetings. A confidentiality agreement will be sent out to them in the post for signature and return back to the surgery asap. ACTION: Tracy to send out.

Barry Appleby – although Barry did not make the meeting he did send information on what he has been doing since we last saw him. A copy was given out to all.

7)Future Meeting Dates: Tuesday 3rd March 2015 at 2pm (discussion around contractual obligations and funding, plan for future activity including health education events)

Apologies for the meeting on 3/3/15: Tracy Parker