University of California, Davis

School of Medicine

MEDICAL STUDENT Research Fellowship Program Instructions


The overall goal of the Medical Student Research Fellowship Program is to promote medical student research in clinical investigation, basic science or health care-related disciplines. Funds for projects of four weeks to one year of full-time effort are available. Awards will be based on merit of the proposed studies, the potential of the student, and the research record of the sponsor.

A list of student resources which includes a link to the faculty research interest database is at:

Instructions for preparation of the proposal

Use the following instructions to prepare the fellowship application. Be sure to provide all requested information.

Page 1

Self-explanatory; transcripts are not required. Please note that the number of weeks requested refers to FULL-TIME research, not while enrolled in medical school. Applications which are not clear on this point, or where there is overlap with enrollment with classes will be returned.

Page 2 - Mentor Information

To be completed by Research Mentor

Page 3 - Applicant Information

This section should be presented in sufficient detail to allow it to be evaluated for scientific merit. This section is to be written by the applicant in consultation with the sponsor, and is not to exceed 4 pages using a 12-point font.

  1. Research Interest and Career Goals: Provide the committee with a sense of how this research will fit into your interests and goals
  1. Previous Research: Self-explanatory
  1. Publications, Abstracts or Manuscripts: Self-explanatory
  1. Research Plan:
  1. Specific Aims: State the specific objectives of the proposed research.
  1. Background & Significance: Sketch briefly the background supporting the proposed research. Describe the basic biological and/or medical observations that led to the hypothesis to be tested by the proposed research plan. State the hypothesis underlying the research plan. Finally, describe the benefit of testing this hypothesis to the practice and/or science of medicine.
  1. Experimental Design & Methods: Provide an outline of:

a)the experimental design for achieving the specific aims and testing the hypothesis stated in part A

b)a tentative sequence for the proposed work

c)brief description of the procedures, including:

  1. the endpoints to be monitored in the experimental design
  2. the controls for these endpoints
  3. quantitative information about the number of treatment groups, samples per treatment group, and expected variance within the control group for the endpoints that will be monitored in the experimental design
  4. the types of statistical analyses that will be performed to resolve differences between treatment groups
  5. a discussion of possible outcomes and their interpretations with respect to the hypothesis/es being tested by the experimental design

Also include a discussion, where appropriate, of alternative approaches that can be taken to achieve the objectives of the research plan.

  1. Literature Cited: Provide abrief list of literature citations. Include the names of all authors, title of the article, name of the journal, volume number, page numbers and year of publication.

Submit completed applications by email to:

Jenifer Wang

UC Davis School of Medicine

Phone: (916) 734-8494


Deadline for applications:

Midnight, Tuesday, February 20, 2018

(NOTE: Late applications will NOT be accepted)