Requisitions / Purchasing

FMTrack for Purchasing : Table of Contents

Introduction...... 1

How to Log On...... 1

Only One Password...... 1

A Standard Windows Interface...... 3

Revealing Required Fields:...... 4

Moving Around the Screen...... 4

How to Use Drop Down Arrows...... 5

How to Use Hot Keys...... 5

Key Requisitions Terminology...... 5

How to Enter a Requisition (Purchase Order)...... 6

How to Enter a Line Item...... 8

How to enter Notes...... 9

Drill ... Enter a Requisition...... 10

How to Enter a Work Order Split...... 10

Queries...... 10

How to Query Requisitions...... 10

In Summary ......... 11

Final Drills ......... 13


The new tracking system for UCSF Facilities Management is a Windows based program that follows standard Windows rules. The following advantages are available:

  • Running more than one Windows programs at a time
  • Starting modules (such as Contracts) without backing out of others
  • Instant switching back and forth from one area of the new system to the other
  • Cutting and pasting from one screen to another

How to Log On

In order to gain entry to FMTrack you must have been assigned a User ID and Password.

Different IDs and passwords have different levels of access assigned to them. Only the System Administrator may give you an account and password.

For the purpose of instruction you may have more or less access rights in today’s class than your actual account permits.

Only One Password

In the old system different passwords unlocked various screens.

In the new system, only one password is entered when you first log on. It remains in effect until exiting FMTrack. You no longer need to enter in multiple IDs / Passwords.

Once you are “in,” you’re in!

Warning: if you leave your computer without exiting FMTrack, you are still logged in. This means anyone may sit down and enter data in your name. For security reasons, it is very important to exit FMTrack before leaving your area.

Locate the FMTrack icon in the FM Main Folder program group in Program manager

Double click the icon.

Your UserID and Password are entered in once.

Type in your User ID

Tap the Tab key

Type in your Password

The Main Menu for all activities on the new system

Click the OK button
The following menu will appear:

A Standard Windows Interface

Your new system adheres to the “standard” windows interface. This means you may click buttons and use the keyboard via “hot keys”.

The usage of the mouse, Tab and Enter keys are consistent with all Windows applications.

Click on the Requisitions Menu button

Click on the Requisitions button

Create a new purchase order or edit an existing one. You may also perform queries and review invoices, status histories and items received.

Revealing Required Fields:

Tapping the CTRL-R keys will display the required fields on any screen. Try it! Try it a second time

Field:The data which goes into ONE line (or box) in your data entry screen (see above: Requisition ID, Description are two fields).

Required Field: a field which must be filled in.

.Moving Around the Screen

Move to various fields using the mouse

If keyboard movement is preferable, try tapping the tab key

Try using Shift-Tab key combination to move backwards on the screen

While maneuvering through the requisitions screen, take notice of the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Use the information provided here as a “mini-help” resource.

How to Use Drop Down Arrows

Any field with a drop down list arrow to its right can be searched.

a)Click on the Priority Field drop down arrow.

b)Select “Rush” from the list.

c)Go to the ShipTo drop down arrow.

d)Select the location you work in.

e)Click in the Vendor ID field and type in Ciber.

f)Click in the address field, scroll down the field.

g)Tap Esc to clear the screen.

Note: tapping the Esc key will undo all unsaved data in a record.

How to Use Hot Keys

As with all Windows programs, a button with an underlined letter means it is a hot key.

Holding down the Alt key, keeping it depressed and tapping the underlined letter will have the same effect as clicking the button with the mouse.

Hold the Alt key down, keep it depressed. Tap the C key.

Use the hot key to close the screen that now appears (You should be at the main menu at this point).

Key Requisitions Terminology

Requisition: An internal request to purchase goods and / or services (from UCSF FM personnel to UCSF FM buyer).

Requisition ID: Five digit number on the requisition form or number generated by the computer (usually begins with R).

Purchase Order: A written or verbal order to an outside vendor for goods and / or services (from UCSF to an external vendor).

PO Agreement/Tag: The number given to the vendor which identifies to goods / services, consisting of a constant (assigned PO Agreement) and a variable (Tag # generated by the computer)

Alt PO ID: The purchase order number issued by Material Management for goods/services over $2,500 or a reference from Oyster Point Storehouse for an order.

Work Order (Job Number): Provides the tracking identification for the funds being committed for goods and / or services.

How to Enter a Requisition (Purchase Order)

Certain fields MUST be filled in order to save your requisition for the first time. An error message will occur if one or more are omitted.

Press the CTRL-R keys to reveal required fields

The fields highlighted in yellow are required fields. The following arerequiredfields:

  • Requisition ID
  • Description
  • Req Type
  • Ship to
  • Ordered For

  • Authorized sig

a)Tab / click to the Requisition ID field.

b)Type in an asterisk R*, tap the Tab key.

c)Type in your PO Agrmt# (if unsure, use 2DP1638G). Tap the Tab key.

d)Enter in an Asterisk (*) in the Tag field. The system automatically creates a Tag.

e)Tab to the Description field. Type in a brief description.

f)Tab to Vendor ID field, type in C*. Tap the tab key.Click the OK button (or tap the Enter key) in response to the error message.

g)Try CO*, select any vendor.

h)Tab to the Req Type field and enter in type that matches the PO agreement.

i)Tab to the Ship to field. Using the drop down list, select your work location.

j)Tab to the Status field, change status to Placed.

k)Tab tothe Ordered for field, enter a name.

l)Tab to the Auth sig field, enter a name.

m)Click in the Work Order field, click on the Yes button to save the requisition.

n)Enter in a Work Order ID (used to be Job No). Use 011210 if needed. *

o)Tab to the Unit field, click on drop down arrow, select unit.

p)Tab to the % Split field, enter in the number 1 (for 100%).

q)Tap the Tab key to save the entry.

Though the Work Order field does not appear to be a required field, you cannot exit the requisitions screen without entering a WO split. An error message will occur.


a)Tab to the Project field. Enter the Project ID

b)Tab to the Budg field. Click on the drop down arrow and select budget level.

How to Enter a Line Item

After you have entered in the basic data in the Requisitions Screen, it is necessary to input the items or services you are purchasing.

Click on the Items tab.

An alternate method is to tap the Alt-2 key combination (Alt-1, Alt-2 and Alt-3 activate each of the tabbed areas)

If you order an item from the UCSF storehouse, enter the Inventory part number in the Inv Item ID field. Many of the fields for the line will automatically fill for you.

The following steps will walk you through creating a line item for a items or services purchased from an outside vendor.

a)Click in the Mfg. field. Enter a catalogue # if desired. Tap the tab key. The Line field fills in automatically.

b)Enter a part # in the Part # field if desired . Tap the tab key.

c)Type a brief description in the Description field. Tab to the Qty field.

d)Enter in the Qty of the item you are ordering.

e)Tab to the Unit Price. Enter the exact cost of the item.

f)Tab to the % Disc (Percent Discount the vendor give UCSF). Enter in a discount (such as 8 % or .08) if desired. Tab to the Tax? field.

g)If this is a taxable item, leave the default entry Y (yes). If tax does not apply to the item, change to N (no).


h)Tap the tab key. The Total field fills automatically.

i)Tab to the next line to save your the line item.

j)See the Contracted field on the Requisitions screen to view sum total of line items and tax.

How to Enter Notes

Click on the Notes button

Type a brief note, double click the notes box to expand view

Click the Close button to save

The Notes button turns blue whenever there is note connected to the requisition.

Drill ... Enter a Requisition

  1. Create a requisition. Enter in two line items and a note.
  2. Have your instructor observe your work.
  3. Create a second requisition, but stop at the % Split field in the W/O Split portion of the Requisitions screen.

How to Enter a Work Order Split

A “Work Order Split” enables you to spread the cost of a requisition between more than one cost centers.

a)Enter a WO ID, Phase, and Unit. Type 75% in the % Split field.

b)Tab to the next line. Enter a Work Order ID, Phase, and Unit. Type 25% in the % Split field.

The split must equal 100%.


How to Query Requisitions

You may query Requisitions in the system based on:

  • Req #
  • PO/ Tag
  • Buyer ID
  • Alt. PO
  • Status

There is an “accumulative” effect when query conditions are entered. This means if you decide to limit the query of “Req #s” with a status of “Placed” AND a specific “Buyer,” only those requisitions which meet both conditions will be found.

Example of a Query limited to PO/Tag, Buyer, and Status

a)In the POfield, enter in your DP number.

b)In the Tag field, enter in an asterisk (*) Tap Enter.

c)Scroll through the list, select a Tag number.

d)Type in your initials in the Limit to Buyer field and an asterisk (*) in the Goto Req #: field.

e)Experiment with various queries until you are comfortable.

In Summary ...

Perform a query, limited to your Buyer ID with a status of “filled”.

Select a requisition

Click the Invoices tab (or tap Alt-3 key combo). Check to see if the req. has been invoiced and paid.

Click on the Recv button at the bottom of the screen. Have your items been received?

Click on the Close button

Click on the Status Hist button.

Check here to track the progression of your requision.

Final Drills ...

  1. Create a requisition including two line items and a Work Order split.
  2. Add a note to the requisition.
  3. Check out the Receiving status.
  4. Check out the Status History.
  5. Run a query to bring up a requisition made by you that has a status of “placed”.
  6. Repeat steps 1 - 5 above until you are sure you can easily create requisitions and look them up.

Alert your Instructor if you need assistance.

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UCSF Facilities Management