The “Name” of the organization shall be “Scottish Cultural Organization for Traditional Dance in British Columbia”.
- To organize Inter-Provincial Championships when they are held in British Columbia.
- To promote, encourage and foster Highland Dancing in British Columbia by offering guidance and participating in organizing Provincial Championships.
- To keep the membership up-to-date on all matters relevant to Canadian Inter-Provincial business.
- To encourage representation from all areas in British Columbia.
- To promote the aims and objects of the “Scottish Official Board of Highland Dancing” throughout British Columbia as the recognized world governing body.
III.In the event that the Society should at any time be wound up or dissolved, the remaining assets after payment of all debts and liabilities shall be turned over to a recognized charitable organization within the Province of British Columbia as directed by the members. This provision is unalterable.
- Full Membership of Scottish Cultural Organization for Traditional Dance in British Columbia is open to individuals who are members in good standing of a professional teachers association recognized by the Scottish Official Board of Highland Dancing.
- Or members in good standing of the Scottish Official Board of Highland Dancing Adjudicators Panel.
- New members must submit organization’s application form along with membership dues to a member of the executive committee to become a member.
- Annual dues to be determined yearly and payable at the Annual General Meeting.
- Any member ceases to be a member in good standing when his monetary obligation to the organization fails to meet the conditions of these by-laws or upon a member’s failure to abide by the by-laws or the organization.
- Any organization member may cease to be a member by handling in his resignation to the Secretary in writing at least thirty (3) days before the first day of November in each year; otherwise, the annual dues for the ensuing year shall be payable.
- The Executive Committee shall have the right to suspend or to cancel the membership of any member for cause, provided that the suspension or cancellation must be by a vote in favor of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is obliged to give reason for its decision to suspend or cancel of the membership to the member who is suspended or deprived of membership as a result of the vote aforesaid.
- A member suspended or cancelled by the Executive Committee shall have the right of an appeal to the general membership; such appeal must be delivered to the Executive Committee in writing within seven (7) days of suspension. The suspension may be rejected or upheld by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the general membership present at the next meeting.
- The Annual General Meeting of the organization shall be convened within the month of October each year.
- There shall be a minimum of three (3) General meetings yearly, to be set by the membership.
- Executive meetings shall be held when required at the call of the President.
- Every member in good standing shall have a vote at Annual General and General meetings of the organization. There shall be no proxy voting.
“Scottish Cultural Organization for Traditional Dance in British Columbia” will be required to pay annual or other fees as may be deemed necessary at the Annual General Meeting of “Scotdance Canada”.
- The officers and Executive of “Scottish Cultural Organization for Traditional Dance in British Columbia” shall be professional representatives in good standing elected by qualified members of “Scottish Cultural Organization for Traditional Dance in British Columbia”.
- The Executive will consist of President, Vice President and where appropriate Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Provincial Registrar, Executive Member, Financial Administrator of Memorial Fund and four (4) members at large to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Executive committee shall appoint committee chairmen as it shall see fit from time to time.
- Delegates to Scotdance, Canada will be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Will be a two year term.
- Subject to the provisions of the “Societies Act”, the Executive Committee may for the purpose of carrying out the objectives of the organization, borrow or raise or secure payment of money in such manner and upon such terms and conditions in all respects as the Executive Committee think fit.
- A member of the Executive Committee may upon written notice to the Executive Committee resign their office. All materials entrusted to the resigning officer must be turned over to the Executive Committee within seven days (7).
- Any member of Executive Committee can be removed from their office for cause, provided that the removal is by a vote in favor of not less than two-thirds of the General Membership present at the meeting. The member to be removed has the right to be present at said meeting and present an appeal against removal.
- All members of the Executive Committee or special committees of this organization shall donate their services and receive no remuneration of any kind except as may be first approved by the Executive Committee as a body.
PRESIDENT - The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and shall sign all notes, contracts, deeds, mortgages, releases, bill of sale, leases and all papers and instruments required to be executed by the organization in it’s name. The President shall guide and direct all activities of the organization. At Annual and General Meetings the President shall exercise his/her voting privileges only in the case of a tie vote.
The President shall have an equal vote and may vote in all cases at Executive Committee Meetings.
VICE PRESIDENT – The Vice President shall serve as chairman of all meetings of the organization in the absence of the President. He/she will assist the President in every aspect of his office.
PAST-PRESIDENT – The Past President will assist all members of the Executive Committee and will act as an advisor when need be.
SECRETARY – The Secretary shall keep full and accurate minutes of all the meetings, both regular and special, of the Executive Committee and of the membership at large of this organization. The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee and of the membership at large shall be recorded in proper books to be kept for that purpose. The Secretary shall be custodian of all correspondence to and from the Club.
TREASURER – The Treasurer and two other signing officers of the Executive Committee shall have full control of all expenditures made by the organization and custody of all funds belonging to the organization. The Treasurer shall be directly responsible for all application forms and for collecting membership dues and any other assessments that may be levied. The Treasurer may be required by the Executive Committee to post bond to secure faithful performance of his or her duties in such amounts as shall de designated by the Executive Committee, cost of said bond to be paid by the organization.
PROVINCIAL REGISTRAR – The Provincial Registrar will administer the B.C. Registration System for dancers, professionals and organizers. Responsible for collecting fee set by Scotdance, Canada and issuing of cards and organizer certificates. The registrar will forward a balance sheet and appropriate monies to the National Secretary.
- Attend all ScotDance Canada and Executive Committee meetings, participate in conference calls and represent the views of Provincial Affiliates and Associates. Provide a written report of proceedings to the body.
- Attend all Provincial Affiliate meetings and regularly report activities and correspondence from SDC and SOBHDA to membership.
- Ensure Affiliates submit minutes after each provincial meeting and financial statements after their year-end.
- Either directly or through a representative, provide relevant information to Provincial Associate and/or relay the concerns or questions of the Associate to SDC
- Service as liaison between Provincial Organizers/Provincial Affiliate and SDC Championship Series Organizers
- Liaise with Provincial Affiliate Executive to prepare agendas and notices
- Establish and maintain a system of ensuring maximum input from Affiliates that takes into account the time constraints that are imposed by SDC or SOBHDA
- Field inquires by directing them through the appropriate channels
- Ensure that elections/appointments are held by April 15th.
FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR OF MEMORIAL FUND – The financial administrator will maintain all records pertaining to Memorial funds. Invest monies appropriately, distribute scholarships to B. C. Champions annually and issue recognition of donations to the fund. An annual report to be presented at Annual General Meeting.
MEMBERS-AT-LARGE – Members-at-large will be such persons elected by general membership for the purpose of assisting Executive Committee members in duties of running the organization and shall have voting rights at Executive Committee Meetings.
All meetings will be conducted under “Robert’s Rules of Order”.
Constitution dated 2nd July, 1989
Amended 5th December, 1993
Amended 3rd February, 2001
Amended 1st March, 2004
Revised September 28, 2004