Previous Week S Minutes Have Been Approved and Distributed

Previous Week S Minutes Have Been Approved and Distributed

Call to Order

Speaker of the House Wang called the regular meeting of the Undergraduate House of Representatives of the Georgia Institute of Technology to order at 7:30pm.


●Officer Gutierrez

●New Reps Sworn in

Approval of the Minutes

●Previous week’s minutes have been approved and distributed.

Officer Reports

●Secretary (Stelzel)

o No Report

●Treasurer (Spuhler)

o No Report

●Vice President for External Affairs (Dada)

o Night @ the Fox Tickets on sale next Tuesday

oSaturday during I <3 GT week will be I <3 ATL day, with a service opportunity at the Beltline

●Vice President of Information and Technology (Dass)

oFinished undergrad website

oAdded UHR minutes

oAdded new reps :)

oFinished Tell Burdell

●Vice President of Communications (Ford)

oI <3 GT Week - I <3 Atlanta Day on Saturday

oGT Day at the Beltline

oCheck out our T-Shirts! Survey coming out this week for sizes - please fill it out ASAP

●Vice President of Academic Affairs (Eidson)

oNagela and I presented the CIOS resolutions to the Faculty today!

●Vice President of Campus Organizations (Francis)

o Chartering window for new organizations has closed for the semester! ~60 new organizations are in the queue for this semester!

oWill be sitting on a committee for risk management of organizations including topics like: minors, campus affiliates, and more. If you have concerns on a particular topic, please let me know!

●Vice President of Campus Services (Peramanu)

o Hammocks have been bought! The contractor says that he will most likely be able to start installing the poles by the end of the week

oOfficial Dates for extended hours for Panda and Chik Fil A - April 3rd to May 3rd

oStudents will be able to use one meal swipe per day from 9 pm to 12 am at these two restaurants

●Vice President of Student Life (Bradley)

o New Wellness Chair: Kenji Bomar

oInternational Football Clinic Update

oSeeking new ways to partner with Student Athlete Advisory Board

oAtlanta United Takeover Tuesday 2/28

●Vice President of Finance (Onken)

o Meeting with our last organizations for budgets on Thursday

oHaven’t heard from Symphony Orchestra

oWill probably be ~$200k over target after JFC review to bring it in line with policy

oGSS Budget Review

oTier II: 3/31 - 4pm-6pm

oTier III: 4/3 - 6pm-9pm

oUHR Budget Review

oTier II: 3/28 - After regular business

oTier III: 4/4 - After regular business

●Vice President of Internal Affairs (Berry)

oSGA Office Hours Rate | 60%

oSGA Self/Performance Assessment

oSGA Banquet Planning Help

oSGA Transitions: Let’s talk about it

o#ZoeFromTheHeart – “I am ready to face any challenges that might be foolish enough to face me.” – Dwight Schrute

●Chief of Staff (Nickel)

o Marguerite & I are meeting with OIE next week to discuss how we can better serve international students

oGreek Life Task Force to begin preparing final report

oPlease text me questions for the T-Square survey project

●Executive Vice President (Mudrinich)

o Updated Bylaws are in New Business! Please check them out and review the changes for a fruitful discussion next week.

oElections moving under Judicial

oInclusion of Chief of Staff position

oRestructuring of IT into Development Board

oMore flexibility for Comms/Campus Services committees

oRemoval of gendered language

●President (Nukuna)

o Master of Data Analytics approved

oCIOS Project Update

●Advisor (Stein)


●Speaker of the House (Wang)

o Come see me if you are wearing Pink!

oPlease stay afterwards so we can get a picture!

oFill out the RSVP for the Bowling Social (FB Page)

oPlease let Erin or me know if you would like to be part of the Open Forum Action Adhoc Committee

●GSS Coordinator (Onken)

oSee GSS Report

Open Forum

●College Dems of Georgia Tech

Roll Call

●Roll was called with 34 members present.

Old Business

1 17J161 - Joint Allocation to Women's Club Volleyball @ GT - Author: Taylor Spuhler

●Org Rep - Kelly P Nardone - This is for a tournament, travel, and membership fees

●Rep Runnels - I move to waive section 8 of JFC policy and amend per GSS - passed

38 - 0 - 0 passes

17J167 - Joint Allocation to Bowling Club - Author: John Proctor

●Org Rep - Ramy K Imam - This is for equipment for training

●Rep Owenby (Q) - What is the purpose of the Ball - see-saw

●Org Rep (A)- It’s purpose is to clean the ball

●Rep Scott (Q) - What is the purpose of the sign

●Org Rep (A) - to distinguish us from a group of friends playing together

●Rep Runnels (Q) - Who are the T-shirts meant for, the event or the team

●Org Rep (A) - They’re for the team members

●Rep Runnels - Question to VP Finance, why was the Banner not struck, and why were the shirts not seen as Jerseys and instead are giveaways.

●VP Onken (A) - they requested to keep the T-Shirts, Ultimately the sign was not necessarily not in policy

●Rep Runnels - I’m generally in favor of funding things in general, and I see value in funding things for this team to give value to this small organization and giving them a visible brand and helping them recruit people, and I think it’s worth helping them out, so I am against

●Shumway - I agree with the previously stated - this is no different from decorations, and I move to ammend per JFC - passed

oRep silver - in regards to the previously stated - it is for the reason of recruitment which is against policy and am therefore against funding

oRep Owenby - as a former competitive bowler, this banner gives the organization space so that people know they are serious and we should fund it. Many people will attempt to join your team, and it’s courtesy to leave a lane free between players and everyone else.

oRep Low - we should leave the banner discusion till later

●McGee - I move to ammend per GSS - failed

●Rep Desai - although I understand it’s for the growth of the organization, but I don’t see the need for that advertisement and does

●Ayo - I agree with the previously stated, it’s pretty close to being out of policy and I’m not convinced of it’s usefulness

●Rep Owenby – (Q) permission to yield question to org rep. Do you rent out entire floor or section

●Org Rep – (A) We rent out 2 - 4 lanes

●Rep Owenby - So essentially the argument against this being like a dance practice is there aren’t other people practicing at the same time, so I see this as useful

●Rep Lidback (Q) - why isn’t this a cheap poster

●VP Onken (A) – Because you can’t put up a poster just on your lane

●Rep Lidback – I don’t think the cost is efficient so I agree with striking the line

●Rep Stephens (Q) - what is going to be done with the sign when not it use

●Org Rep (A) - It will be stored

●Rep Stephens - The fact that they aren’t keeping it visible then it’s not used for recruiting

●Rep Scott (Q) – When you are practicing, can other people join in?

●Org Rep (A) - Only club members will be playing

●Rep Runnels – I’m still not in support of striking the line Item, I also did bowling, and we only had t-shirts, people will try to join your team and it made us feel more legit, and since we can’t fund t-shirts the sign will do that, its cheaper than paying for t-shirts

●Rep Stelzel - I too did bowling and people will join and will take your balls

●Rep Desai - I understand the previously stated so people don’t bother you, but for the teams that practice on stamps they also share the area, and this is a similar situation

●Rep Aladesami (Q) – There are times when the space is free, is there any reason you can’t use that time?

●Org Rep (A) – Simply so it’s not crowded

●Rep Aladesami – I’m still not convinced this is really necessary for the club, but you have your own space anyways, so I’ll be voting for this motion

●Rep Salesky - motion to strawpoll on the current motion

●Rep Salesky – We’re spending a lot of time arguing over a poster and should make a decision, i will be voting to amend per GSS

●Rep Jain - The money we give to orgs comes from Student Activity Fee, I don’t think we should fund things that make it more convenient because it doesn’t add to the organization

●Rep Owenby - The definition of our job is making things more convenient for the organization

●Rep Lowe - I think if I were to ask my constituents to spend this money, they’d be cool with it- aka I vote nay


●Division 19 - 20 - Motion Fails

34 - 2 - 1 conference committee

17J170 - Joint Allocation to Bowling Club - Author: Jake Salesky

●Org Rep - Ramy K Imam - This is our first event and want money to rent Tech Rec, for advertising, breakfast bowling

●Rep Sieling (Q) - FB ads what up with that?

●Org Rep (A) – We can better Target the ads on your FB feed.

●Rep Shumway (Q) - Is this a recruitment event?

●Org Rep (A) – no

●Rep Desai - I move to amend per JFC – passed

●Rep Aladesami (Q) – What’s difference between posters in this bill and the sign in the previous bill?

●VP Onken (A) - This is for the event not for recruitment

38-1-0 passed

17J165 - Joint Allocation to Equestrian Club - Author: Jared Metzger

●Rep Metzger - This bill is to receive funding for travel to a Western show in Marion, Alabama. The cost is roughly $12.01 per rider.

●Rep Stelzel – I move to amend per JFC - passed

37 - 0 - 0 passed

17J166 - Joint Allocation to Equestrian Club - Author: Jared Metzger

●Rep Metzger - This bill is for entry fees for the Western show at Berry College.

38 - 0 - 0 passed

17J168 - Joint Allocation to Alternative Service Breaks - Author: Jared Metzger

●Org Reps - Nic Laconico and Shannon McGeary- This bill is to help cover travel expenses for our Spring Break trips, we have already done a ton of fundraising and have multiple sources of funding. We received frequent flier miles for the Costa Rica trip and are striking that line item.

●Rep Juvekar - I love this bill I move to amend per JFC – Passed

36 - 0 – 1 passed

17J171 - Joint Allocation to Chinese Friendship Association - Author: Jared Metzger

●Org rep - Zhengyang Weng - This is for the Chinese gourmet festival

●Rep Sumway (Q) – What is the house manager in line 3?

●Org Rep (A) – That was requested by Ferst.

●Rep Desai (Q)- Is there a reason the documentation was late?

●Org Rep (A) - We requested documentation from the restaurant and the restaurants didn’t get back to us until late

●Rep Runnels (Q) – what’s the expected attendance?

●Org Rep (A) – 250

●Rep Shumway (Q) – Would this meet the cap/policy if it were submitted on time?

●VP finance (A) - ,There’s a per plate value, but this meets policy because it meets the cap

●Rep Low – I move to amend per GSS – passed

36 - 1 - 0 passed

17J152 - Joint Allocation to Hapkido - Author: Vathsan Ramprakash

●Org Rep - Graham J Saunders - this is a bill to get funding for century focus mitts, we didn’t know about receipts and retroactive funding

●Rep Sieling – We should fund this because there was no mal- intent as is an honest mistake.

●Rep Lowe - I move to waive article 8 of JFC policy – passé

33- 4 - 0 passed

17J185 - Joint Resolution Appointing the VP of IT- Author: Preet Shah

●Rep Shah – This is for the appointment of our new VP IT, Nathan Dass

●Rep Daigle – As much as I would love to have confirmation hearing like they do in Congress, I move to accept per Unanimous Consent - passed

New Business

17J172 - Joint Allocation to Bhangra - Author: Mahalakshmi Srinivasan
17J173 - Joint Allocation to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. - Author: Matthew Daigle
17J174 - Joint Allocation to Interfraternity Council - Author: Anju Suresh
17J175 - Joint Allocation to Caribbean Students Association - Author: Xavier Galloway
17J176 - Joint Allocation to Tau Beta Pi - Author: Erin Gant
17J177 - Joint Allocation to Cordao de Ouro Capoeira - Author: Zoe Sieling
17J178 - Joint Allocation to Student Planning Association - Author: Dana Krzyzaniak
17J179 - Joint Allocation to India Club at Georgia Tech - Author: Mahalakshmi Srinivasan
17J180 - Joint Allocation to Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. - Author: Anju Suresh
17J181 - Joint Allocation to Womens Leadership Conference - Author: Evan Gillon
17J182 - Joint Allocation to TEDxGeorgiaTech - Author: Craig Owenby
17J183 - Joint Allocation to Caribbean Students Association - Author: Leo Zheng
17J184 - Joint Allocation to Caribbean Students Association - Author: Leo Zheng
17U021 - Undergraduate Resolution Regarding Bylaws Updates - Author: Nagela Nukuna

17J162 - Joint Allocation to Society of Physics Students - Author: Andrew Shumway

17J151 - Joint Allocation to Unmanned Flying Club - Author: Alexander Casado

17J164 - Joint Allocation to American Society of Highway Engineers - Author: Poonam Patel


Presidential Review, Nagela Nukuna


Speaker of the House Wang adjourned the meeting at xx PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Zoë Sieling

Secretary Pro Temp

Undergraduate House of Representatives