Preventing Falls Together Members’ Workshop
Date: Thursday, October 11, 2007
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Debert Hospitality Centre (directions and map on page 3)
Tentative Agenda: The session will include:
Ø a workshop on social marketing,
Ø a summary of the PFT evaluation report,
Ø an update on the revised Preventing Falls Together: A Population Health Toolkit,
Ø the opportunity to network and share ideas with Preventing Falls Together coalition members from across the province,
Ø fun, laughter and a good time!
Getting the Right Mix — Behaviour Change through Social Marketing
Facilitator: Julian Young, Nova Scotia Health Promotion and Protection
This workshop will provide some basic background on social marketing, including how it can be used as a tool for developing comprehensive health promotion strategies that truly meet the needs of diverse target audiences. Participants will explore the principles of social marketing using falls prevention examples.
The facilitators will highlight some of the challenges with social marketing; while participants will be encouraged to think about how social marketing could be applied to the issue of preventing seniors' falls.
Participants beware! This workshop only scratches the surface of social marketing and will leave people wanting more.
Members’ Workshop Registration
Mailing Address:
Postal Code:
Do you require overnight accommodations for the night of October 10?
______no ______yes
If yes, do you have any special requirements that should be considered? Please explain.
(i.e. room on a lower level with fewer stairs, etc.)
Do you have any special dietary requirements? _____ no ______yes
If yes, please explain any allergies or dietary needs.
Phone: 662-4074
(After taking exit 13, our signs are highly visible.)From Halifax
Traveling northwest on Highway 102, stay to your left as you pass Truro and enter Highway 104. Approximately 10 kilometers past Trurotake exit 13. As you come off the highway you'll notice a Tim Horton's on your right. Continue on for 4 kilometers and on your leftyou'll see our sign. Enter and proceed another .7 kilometers to the Center.
From New Glasgow and Cape Breton
Traveling west on Highway 104 continue past Truro (as if heading to Amherst) approximately 10 kilometers, Take exit 13. Coming off the highway you'll notice a Tim Horton's on your right. Continue on for 4 kilometers and on your left you'll see our sign. Enter and proceed another .7 kilometer to the Center.
From Amherst and New Brunswick
Traveling east on Highway 104 in Nova Scotia take exit 13. Coming off the highway proceed to your left Just ahead on your right, you'll notice a Tim Horton's. Continue on for 4 kilometers and on your left you'll see our sign. Enter and proceed another .7 kilometer to the Center.