Prevent Strategy andDuty


Prevent Strategy and Duty Policy

Responsible Officer:Director of Student Support Services and Head of Safeguarding

Created:June 2015

Reviewed:December 2015

Date to Governors:9th February 2016

Review:July 2016

Equality and Diversity Statement

RNC is committed to the promotion of equality, diversity and a supportive environment for all members of our community. Our commitment to equality and diversity means that this policy has been screened in relation to the use of plain English, the promotion of the positive duty in relation to race, gender and disability and the avoidance of discrimination to other equality groups related to age, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status and religion or belief. This document is available in alternative formats on request. If you think RNC can improve the fairness of this policy please contact the Equality and Diversity officer who has responsibility for the review and update.


All staff at RNC share an objective to help keep students, customers and staff safe. We believe that safeguarding has paramount importance andRNC recognises its responsibility and dutieswithin the Prevent Strategy to be aware of and where appropriate act to ensure the safety of all students from Radicalisation and Extremism.


The Government’s Prevent Strategy is 1 of the 4 elements of CONTEST, the government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

The four elements of CONTEST are;

To Prevent people becoming terrorists or supporting violent extremists.

To Pursue - to stop terrorist attacks.

To Protect - to strengthen the country's overall protection against terrorist attacks.

To Prepare - where an attack cannot be stopped, to try to lessen its impact.

The Government’s Prevent strategy:

  • responds to the ideological challenge we face from terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote these views
  • provides practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support
  • works with a wide range of sectors (including education, criminal justice, faith, charities, online and health) where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to deal with

The strategy covers all forms of terrorism, including far right extremism and some aspects of non-violent extremism.

The government has defined extremism in the Prevent Duty as: "vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs."

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on specified authorities including schools, colleges and universities to ‘have due regard, in the exercise of its functions, to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’.

  1. What we believe:

1.1The College has developed a culture of safety and respect for its student, staff, governors and visitors. As part of this ethos the College has considered the Prevent Duty and the importance of collaborative working between college staff, local authorities, police, other educational institutions, policy makers and health providers to identify, detect and safeguard vulnerable people throughout the organisation

1.2 RNC believes that all its student population are potentially vulnerable to becoming engaged with extremist groups or being targeted by extremist organisations.

1.3 RNC believes that all staff and students should be aware of these risks and be familiar with the support networks and procedures in place to protect vulnerable individuals from becoming radicalised or drawn into terrorism.

1.4RNC believes that for the Prevent Duty to work effectively we must ensure we act as a part of effective partnerships, in particular with our Local Prevent co-ordinators, the police and local authorities.

  1. What we will do:

To promote, implement and monitor the College’s responsibilities under the Prevent Duty to all students, staff, Governors and visitors at the College, we will:

2.1Set a strategy and action plan to achieve the Prevent Duty (Appendix 1)

2.2Promote and embed British Values into the organisation’s procedures and curriculum offer (Appendix 2)

2.3Promote the College’s ethos and values

2.4Ensure that the College promotes a culture of non-bullying, non-harassment and non-discrimination.

2.5In partnership provide support for students who may be at risk and develop appropriate sources of advice and guidance.

2.6Ensure that students and staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities in preventing violent extremism and radicalisation.

How we will do it:

3.1RNC will have clear and visible policies in place for both staff and students with due regard to promoting a positively inclusive college and wider community.

Related Policies:

  • RNC Equality & Diversity Policy
  • RNC Acceptable use/E-Safety Policy
  • RNC Bullying & Harassment Policy
  • RNC Safeguarding Children Policy
  • RNC Whistle Blowing Policy
  • RNC Guidance for safer working practice for staff who work with children and younger people.

3.2The College’s EDI steering group will lead on the embedding of British Values together with the Senior Leadership Team and the governing body. The Group will establish guidelines and actions to be taken through the College’s operation to ensure that British Values are understood by all and are integral to the College’s culture

3.3The college will deliver training on the Prevent Duty to Governors, staff and volunteers at the appropriate level which ensures they are able to identify any students at risk and take appropriate actions to ensure that the student is supported; all awareness training will includeguidance on how to deal with:

  • Inappropriate material and behaviours
  • Disclosures by learners about their exposure to extremist actions, views or materials
  • Accessing extremist material on line
  • Parental or peer concerns
  • Intolerance of difference
  • Anti-Western or Anti-British views
  • The impact on the student and the FE Institution

3.4Information of the Prevent Agenda and Duty will be promoted to students by inclusion in :-

  • Induction information
  • Curriculum offer, lesson planning and schemes of work
  • Related policy and procedures

3.5RNC will work with West Mercia Police to ensure we are familiar with the Counter-Terrorism local profiles to inform the assessment of risk of individuals being drawn into terrorism.

3.6RNC will work with the Local Authority Community Cohesion and Integration Manager, alongside the Hereford Colleges to ensure there is a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities with the CHANNEL procedure.(Appendix 3)

3.7It is the duty of all staff members and volunteers at RNC to ensure they understand the potential factors which make individuals more vulnerable to exploitation. It should be remembered that just identifying these factors does not mean that someone is being exploited but research suggests they are more likely to be exploited.

Factors that may contribute to vulnerability include;

  • Being rejected by peer, faith or social group/family.
  • Pressure from persons linked to extremism.
  • Victim of or witness to race or religious hate crime.
  • Conflict with family over religious beliefs/lifestyle/politics.
  • Identity confusion.
  • Recent religious conversion.
  • Under achievement.
  • May possess literature related to extreme views.
  • Experience of poverty, disadvantage or social exclusion.
  • Extremist influences.
  • A series of traumatic events global, national or personal.

3.8 It is the duty of all staff to refer any concerns that a student may become radicalised to a designated safeguarding officer (DSO). The DSO will examine your concerns and may ask others for information or advice as well as yourself, they will then decide what the most appropriate step is next.

3.9If RNC has serious concerns about a member of staff with regard to vulnerability to extremism then either the Principal or Head of HR will be responsible for contacting the Counter Terrorism Team at West Mercia Police.

3.10RNC will share information with local partners using the following criteria;

  • Necessity and proportionality; we will only share personal information where it is strictly necessary; the assessment of this will include a professional judgement of the risks to an individual or the public if information is not shared.
  • Consent; wherever possible the consent of the person concerned should be obtained before sharing any information about them.
  • Power to share; we must ensure we have the appropriate power to share and satisfy the requirements of the data Protection Act 1998 & the Human Rights Act 1998.

Appendix 1 – Prevent Strategy and Duty Action Plan

Action / By When / By Whom / Impact of Action / Date achieved
The Prevent Strategy to be included within the College’s suite of Safeguarding Policies and procedures. To include contact details of Prevent Officer at Warwickshire and West Mercia Police / June 2015 / MK/JP / Extremism, terrorism and radicalisation to be treated as a safeguarding issue in terms of internal reporting / June 2015
College’s Lead Designated Safeguarding Person to attend seminars and to receive briefings and information as required. / Continually / JP / To understand the Prevent Duty to establish the necessary policies, procedures and training throughout the college / Ongoing
Initial Staff Development sessions for staff to inform and provide more detail to staff of the Prevent Strategy and their responsibilities. / September 2015 / Hifsa Iqbal, Prevent Lead at Department of BI&S / Heighten awareness of staff to recognise early signs of extremism / September 2015
PREVENT bulletin to be sent to all staff / October 2015 / JP / Heighten awareness of staff to recognise early signs of extremism / October 2015
LDSO to attend a ‘Train the Trainer’ courses for WRAP 3 (Workshop to raise awareness of Prevent) / December 2015 / JP / To facilitate college wide delivery of WRAP 3
Develop and implement Prevent Duty covering the College’s responsibilities under the Prevent Strategy / January 2016 / JP/MK / To ensure strategy in place and plan of action to adhere to Prevent Duty / December 2015
Develop a risk assessment for the organisation covering the potential risks associated with extremism, radicalisation and terrorism. Ensure that risks identified within the Police’s ‘Local Counter Terrorist Profile’ are included. / January 2016 / JP / Risks to the College are known and understood by Managers and Governors
Establish a Prevent Sub Group of the Safeguarding Committee to direct the strategy and actions of the College in respect of the Prevent Duty / January 2016 / JP/MK / A focus on the Prevent Agenda to establish appropriate policies, procedures and actions
Review all Information Technology Policies to ensure that the relevant elements of the Prevent Duty are included / January 2016 / E-safety Ambassadors / IT procedures cover Prevent issues
Provide Governors with a sound understanding of the Prevent Strategy and how they can contribute and monitor. / February 2016 / MF/JP / To provide Governors with the information and confidence to challenge managers and staff on how the College is fulfilling its Prevent Duty
Provide information and guidance for staff on the embedding of British Values into their area of work / February 2016 / EDI Steering Group / To provide staff with ideas on how to embed British Values into their work and curriculum
Review and improve Prevent Strategy following consultation with West Mercia Police, Herefordshire Council and Department of Business, Innovation and Skills / February 2016 / JP/MK / To ensure strategy in place and plan of action to adhere to Prevent Duty in light of external specialist input
Continue to raise student awareness of the Prevent Agenda through College promotions and tutorials / February 2016 / All Learning & Curriculum areas / Students to understand the terminology and importance of Prevent and how it relates to them
Ensure staff and students are aware of reporting procedures / February 2016 / JP/MK and Learning Directors / Individuals know how to report concerns
Provide opportunity for student discussion by inclusion of the Prevent Agenda at a variety of forums including Student Rep Group, Debate club and tutorials / February 2016 / JP/MK and Learning Directors / Develop an open culture in respect of extremism
Include Prevent on College wide communications / February 2016 / JP/MK / Provide awareness of extremism and staff contacts for students, visitors, governors and staff
Revise, staff induction procedures to ensure that new employees are aware of the Prevent Duty, the College’s stance and their responsibilities / February 2016 / MK/Human Resources / New staff aware of Prevent within all induction activities
Briefing to all staff on 24th March 2016(Staff Workshop) by Principal and LDSOto continue to raise awareness of Prevent Strategy, College Strategy and reporting procedure. / March 2016 / MF/JP / Heighten awareness of staff to Prevent Agenda
All student facing staff to be trained to WRAP 3 (Workshop to raise awareness of Prevent) by the LDSO / July 2016 / JP/MK / All staff will be familiar with the Prevent Agenda, terminology and Government and Police expectations
Retain links with external agencies and in particular DS Phil Colley, Prevent Officer, Warwickshire and West Mercia Police, Hifsa Iqbal, Prevent Lead at Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and Neville Meredith, Prevent Lead, Herefordshire Council / Continually / JP / Up to date information to inform College actions
All College policies to be reviewed in light of information and training received to ensure the inclusion of the Prevent Agenda as required / In line with policy review dates / MK/JP / College processes to include the Prevent Agenda
Review the Prevent Strategy and Action Plan annually / July 2016 / Prevent Sub Group of the Safeguarding Committee / Up to date, relevant and meaningful strategy and plan in place
Revise student induction to ensure that new students are aware of the Prevent Duty, the College’s stance and their responsibilities / September 2016 / Learning Directors / New students aware of Prevent
Safeguarding Committee to report to Governors the progress of the Prevent Duty / December 2016 / JP/MK / Governors will be aware of the College’s actions and intentions

Appendix 2

British Values

British values - acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; they develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.

Examples of the understanding and knowledge students are expected to develop include:

  • an understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process
  • an understanding that the freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law
  • an acceptance that people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behavior
  • an understanding of the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination

Examples of actions schools/colleges can take to promote British values are to:

  • include in suitable parts of the curriculum - as appropriate for the age of students - material on the strengths, advantages and disadvantages of democracy, and how democracy and the law works in Britain, in contrast to other forms of government in other countries
  • ensure all students within the school/college have a voice that is listened to, and demonstrate how democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes such as a student council whose members are voted for by the students
  • use opportunities such as general or local elections to hold mock elections to promote fundamental British values and provide students with the opportunity to learn how to argue and defend points of view
  • consider the role of extra-curricular activity, including any run directly by students, in promoting fundamental British values

Appendix 3

CHANNEL Procedure

Warwickshire and West Mercia Police have a CHANNEL procedure in place.

The Police CHANNEL procedure is a partnership focused structure and is similar to existing, successful initiatives which aim to support individuals and protect them from harm - such as involvement in drug, knife or gun crime.

CHANNEL is about supporting those most at risk of being drawn into violent extremism is about diverting people away from potential threat at an early stage - which prevents them from being drawn into criminal activity.

Partnership involvement ensures that vulnerable individuals have access to a wide range of support from diversionary activities through to providing access to specific services such as education, housing and employment. Each multi-agency panel varies according to local circumstances but partners (who are all signed up to an Information Sharing Protocol) can include:

• Statutory partners such as education, NHS, probation, housing and the police service

• Social Care

• Children’s services (e.g. Common Assessment Framework co-ordinators)

• Youth offending services

• Credible and reliable members of the community

RNC will engage in the CHANNEL process as necessary and will contact the Prevent contact should it have any concerns about a student, member of staff, Governor or visitor.

Prevent Contacts:

Neville Meredith, Prevent Lead, Herefordshire Council –

/ 01432 383628

Warwickshire and West Mercia Police Prevent Officer

Phil Colley - / 01386 591835

or his co-worker

Manjit - / 01386 591917