Preston Junior High

Beginning Band

2017 – 2018 Class Syllabus

Class Description

The students in the Preston Junior High Beginning Band will discover how to play a musical instrument and the fun of playing together with peers in the class. Working together, the students will learn beginning music theory, notes, scales and band music appropriate to the beginning level. Concerts and other performance opportunities will instill confidence and pride in each student knowing that they can work together as a team and have fun while doing it. Learning the beginning principles of music, this class will prepare the students to participate in the Intermediate Band program the following year.

Class Room Rules

Beginning of Class

All students will be required to have instruments ready to play within two minutes from when the tardy bell rings, a student who is not ready to play by this time will be marked tardy. There is to be no playing of instrument during this time with exception to the reed instrument students who will need to quickly check their reeds to make sure they are ready.

During Class

All students are to show proper respect to each other and the teacher at all times. Inappropriate behavior will result in proper school disciplinary action and will affect your grade. The students are to listen and pay attention to the instruction during class and contribute to a good learning environment. Generally as per school policy, cell phone use is not allowed during class time. There may be times when the cell phone may be used for instructional purposes or occasional class parties only and will be under the direction of the teacher.

End of Class

All students will be allowed two to three minutes before the dismissal bell rings to put their instruments away and help clean up the room. The students will be allowed to leave the class room when the dismissal bell rings.

Candy, Gum and other refreshments

Candy, gum and sugar based drinks are not allowed within one hour prior to and during class time. Any student who is using these items during class time will receive a negative mark against their grade for each offence. These cause major problems and damage to the instruments and can cause them to malfunction sooner.Water bottles filled with pure water to drink during class time is allowable.


The student’s grade will depend upon many areas of assessment: weekly practice records, class assignments, tests, class participation, concert performances and extra credit.

Practice Records

Each student is required to practice the music and concepts taught in class each day for a period of at least 15 minutes at home. This would total at least one hour of minimum practice time per week. When this is accomplished, the student will be able to gain confidence in themselves and come prepared the next day to progress in band and contribute well in class. A practice record must be filled out by the student and parent, signed by a parent and handed in by Tuesday

The following week.This will count for 30% of the student’s grade.

Class assignments, Tests and Participation

Every students will be required to behave themselves and participate in class each day. Occasional homework assignments and in class tests will be given throughout the semester. The student’s behavior and attitude will also be considered in determining the grade. Each student will be given 10 participation points for being in class each day. Points will be taken off for misbehaving, not being ready when supposed to, not having an instrument, showing disrespect to others as well as having candy or gum in the mouth during class. This will count for 40% of the student’s grade.

Concert Performances

All students will be required to participate in all concerts for the semester. These are like final exams in music for each quarter and allow the students to showcase the progress they have made. Proper concert etiquette will be taught and the student’s will be expected to adhere to it. Proper concert attire is required. This “Sunday Best” type attire includes; dress shirt, dress pants, dress shoes and a tie for the boys, nice blouse & skirt or best dress and dress shoes for the girls. Jeans, t-shirts, flip flops are NOT appropriate concert attire. Concert grades will be docked for any student not wearing concert attire. Concert participation will count for about 50% of the student’s grade. Each concert will be worth between 300 and 500 points. If any student who has a legitimate reason for missing a concert, (i.e. a serious illness, a death in the family, etc.), will be respected and considered. A makeup performance will be required to receive full credit for missing a concert. Makeup performances include in-class solos and/or solo during the next concert. Composer reports and any other arranged makeup assignment approved my Mr. Manning may be done as well.

This year’s Concert schedule is below.

Halloween Concert with High School Band, October 26th, 7:00 pm in the High School Auditorium

Christmas Concert with High School Band, December 13th, 7:00 pm in the High School Aud.

Festival Concert with High School Band, April 11th, 7:00 pm in the High School Auditorium

End of the Year Concert JH Only, May 17th, 7:00 pm in the High School Auditorium

Extra Credit

Extra credit items include solos, special reports, advanced playing of scales and/or etudes, additional assignments and extra practice time. Any student desiring to receive extra credit must have it approved by Mr. Manning

Instruments and Method Book

Every student must acquire their own instrument to play. Instruments may be acquired either through family, the school or through an instrument dealer. Please note that there are many different instruments on the market today. Be aware of purchases being made through the internet or ebay. Inferior or secondary brand name instrument that are shiny, new and CHEAP are just that CHEAP!!! They do not hold up properly and can cause much frustration at home as well as in the classroom. If you are considering any instrument through the internet, please consult with Mr. Manning before making the purchase. It is so important that the student have a reliable instrument that will not only play better but can be serviced when needed.

Recommended name brands include; Bach, Bundy, Selmer, Ludwig, Pearl Percussion, Yamaha, Getzen, Armstrong, Gemeinhardt, Olds, Emerson, Conn, King, Jupiter, Vito, Buffet, Besson, Evette, and LaBlanc.

Some secondary name brands to watch out for and are not recommended are; Glen Edwards, First Act, Borg, Mirage, Simba, Roy Benson, and any other name not on the previous list.

Local dealers that sell or rent instruments are; Chesbro Music in Idaho Falls, The Piano Gallery in Pocatello, The Booktable and KSM in Logan and Manning’s Music Service (yours truly).

School instruments are few and limited in their availability. Those students needing to rent an instrument from the school will need to receive a school instrument rental contract from Mr. Manning, fill it out, pay the rental fee to Preston Junior High Band, show a receipt to Mr. Manning and then receive a copy of the contract to take home as well as the instrument.

A cleaning/care kit is a must for woodwind and brass players. Using them often will help maintain the instrument properly. We will cover instrument care and cleaning in class. Woodwind players will need to make sure that they have a cleaning swab to swab out the moisture after every time that the instrument is played. Clarinet, Saxophone, Oboe and Bassoon players will need to make sure that they have enough reeds during class. A broken reed cannot be used to play the instrument properly and can cause much frustration if attempted. Brass players will need valve oil and slide grease. Percussion players may need drum sticks and/or mallets. All of these item can be purchased through a music store, online or at the Junior High. The Junior High prices are as follows; Clarinet Reed, $3.00, Alto Sax Reed, $4.00, Tenor Sax Reed, $5.00, Oboe Reed, $12.00, Bassoon Reed, $17.00, Valve Oil, $2.00, Slide Grease, $3.50, Drum Sticks, $12.00, Care Kit, $15.00 - $25.00, Woodwind Swab, $10.00 - $18.00. All prices include tax. When purchasing these items through the school, please pay at the main office and bring a receipt to Mr. Manning.

Method Book

The Method Book for this year is ACCENT ON ACHEIVEMENT BOOK 1. The book may be purchased through the school for $10.00 for woodwind and brass players. The combined percussion book includes both drums and mallet/keyboard instruments and will cost $13.00. These prices include tax and shipping. You can also purchase the book at a local store or online. If you purchase through the school, please pay at the main office with cash or checks made out to Preston Junior High Band and bring Mr. Manning a copy of the receipt.

All instruments and books need to be purchased by Thursday, September, 7th. We will begin to play the instruments on Monday, September, 11th. If you have certain circumstances, please talk to Mr. Manning. All students will be required to bring their instruments and books to school every day and take them home to practice every night

Teacher’s Last Word

I am thrilled and excited to work the students at Preston Junior High. I believe through hard work and discipline we can accomplish all of our goals. I’m looking forward to a great year. Mr. Manning