Nauvoo Ward Census

—Church Archives, LR 3102 27

Third Ward

page 31 [Lyman DePlatt's pagination—does not entirely match the order in which these documents were filmed]

[Folder 3, Frame 429]

[This document does appear to bear a date.]


Charles C. Rich

Sarah D. Rich


Thomas brotherton

Sarah brotherton

Martha brotherton

Jonathan Taylor

Lydia A. Taylor


page 37—3rd Ward—[Folder 3, Frame 448]Richard and Eliza Rushton

pages 42-43—4th Ward—Folder 4, Frame 641—Dibble family, taken February 7, 1842, by "James Rodeback a Priest and Dwight Evelleth a teacher":

["page 42"]

Philo Dibble

Hannah Ann Dibble

Eliza Ann Dibble

Sidney Dibble

["page 43]—4th Ward—Folder 4, Frame 643:


David Sessions

Patty Sessions

Joseph Dobson

Winsor Lyon

Sylvia P Lyon

David Sessions

Juliet E Lyon

Sarah Ann Billings

Margaret N Cook

Phebe Rodeback

P. G. [Y.?] Sessions

Juliann Sessions

[end of living adults]

—"Names of members that has Died within 3 years":


Celia Dibble


Aaron C Lyon

Froxena Billings

[end of deaths]

—"Names of Children under 8 years old"


Emma Dibble

Peter A. Smith

Philo Dibble Jr

Philanda Dibble

Hannah. Ann Dibble


Mary Ann S Lyon

Philo F T[?-J?] Lyon

Phebe Ann Rodeback

Martha Ann Sessions

page 47—4th Ward—Snyders—John and Mary—lived probably not far from the Smiths, also James Allred, Newel K Whitney (probably an immediate neighbor), and also likely a close neighbor to John Taylor and Brigham Young.

[No Jane listed.]:

[4th Ward, Folder 4, Frame 563:]

[Numbers 1-13:]

Joseph Smith

Emma Smith

Joseph Smith Jr

Phoebe Wheeler

Alvira Coles

Desdemona Fulmer

Elender M. Patridge

Emel D. Patridge

Lavine[?] Walker

Ephraim Potter

Don C. Smith died [unnumbered]

Frederick G. W. Smith

Alexander Smith


[James Allred family= nos. 37-47]

[Numbers 48-53:]

Mary Smith

Lucinda Smith

Don Alonzo Smith[Are children under 8 supposed to be listed here?]

George W. Harris

Lucinda Harris

Thos. J. Harris

[numbers 63-67:]

John Snider

Mary Snider

Egerton Snider

John Snider, Jr.

Sarah Snider

[Note that the Johnson family doesn't appear to be listed—lived outside of town.]

page 50—4th Ward—Folder 4, Frame 596—"Pemela Mitchel" ["Pamela Michael"]—immediately after, and therefore likely either living with or next to, Orson and "Nancy M." Hyde ("Hide") and children (also possibly with another lone woman right after here, Eunice Cone).

[Taken February 12, 1842—"These are the names of those living in the seventh teare of blocks in the forth Word."]

[Note that The Record of Members, 1841-1845, page 2, shows her in Kirtland as Pamelia Mitchell, according to Lyman De Platt]