Prestbury Parish Council

Clerk: Chris Franklin Parish Council Office

Telephone: 01242 575129The Pavilion

E-Mail: New Barn Close


Cheltenham GL523LP


13th NOVEMBER 2017


Present Cllr’s J Payne (Chairman), R Fuller, K Bishop, M Osbourne, M Stennett,P Weir.

C Franklin, Clerk

Sevenmembers of the public in attendance.

Item / Action
Apologies / B Jones, A Silcock, C Hunt, C Simpson.
Declarations of Interest / None declared.
Questions from the Public / None raised.
Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising / Minutes of the last meeting held on 9th October 2017 were adopted, proposed Cllr RF, seconded Cllr MS, all in favour.
Southam Road to be resurfaced during December 2017, a diversion route will beimplemented by Highways through Dessert Orchid Road.
An issue was raised regarding the protection of the ecology at the Furlong Way development which includes pathways for the wild life, there is no plan at this time;apparently there is no obligation for the developer to supply ecological systems whilst the development is ongoing.
Permanent fences have been erected to the northern development right up against the boundary, leaving no gap for wild life pathways. Cllr JP to pursue this matter.
Officers Reports / Cllr JP issued recent crime figures for the area, a question was raised as to what is “Crime against the state”.
Cllr RF mentioned the Remembrance Day Service which went well and was well attended. Cllr RF thanked the Clerk for organising the event.
Cllr MOreported that the lower gate to allotment has been broken and there has been an issue with crops being stolen.
Cllr KB raised an issue regarding the parking restrictions which are implemented during race weeks, there is a concern regarding new residents who do not have a permit, Cllr JP taking this up with GCC.
Cllr RF pointed out that he has a ten year permit.
Cllr PWmentioned that the Christmas Tree will be delivered 28th November 2017, raffle tickets will be available with good prizes. The event will take place at the Library.
Cllr MS mentioned that the JCS has been finalisedwith approval expected on the 11th December 2017, Cllr MS does not feel there will be any delays.
This will allow the Local Plan to move forward and be approved early next year.
Cllr JPsits on the GCC Parenting Group which overseesthe Children’s Services Improvement Plan,implemented following the initial Ofsted report.
Ofsted have issued a further plan, outlining that improvements are not being made quick enough, seventy-two members of staff have left, agency workers being employed.
JCS and Local Plan / See Items 5 & 6.
Greenbelt Issues / Cllr JP mentioned two issues regarding the Inspectors Report, the modifications do not include any Green Belt use in Prestbury, however the Inspector is encouraging the Racecourse with development of buildings related to racing, the Racecourse Policy Area includes the provision of a Hotel and Conference Facility. It is felt the Inspector would not oppose any proposal to remove the Green Belt around Prestbury in the future.
Cllr MS mentioned that this land would not be used for housing but buildings for the racecourse such as a hotel.
The Keep Prestbury Green group will be keeping watch on this item, as they feel the Inspector has not listened to their comments.
Finance and General Purposes / The Clerk issued the list of payments for November 2017 together with the Bank Reconciliation and the Bank Forecast.
2627 Plant Centre £45.00
2628 C Franklin £79.66
2629 C Franklin £80.00
2630 R Tyler £1,620.00
2633 Glos Playing Fields £50.00
2634 Hobbs Brothers £299.04
2635 D Clarke £34.20
2636 GCC £38.50
2637 CBC £11,036.74
2638 Amplified Sound £224.00
Planning / See attached schedule.
Allotment Committee / Nothing to report at this meeting.
The Parish Council thanked the Groundsman for repairing the lower gate to the allotments.
Assets and Playing Fields Committee. / The next meeting of Assets and Playing Fields committee will be held on Wednesday 14th November 2017.
Prestbury Village
Fayre and Christmas Tree / The Fayre will be held on the 16th June 2018, the next management meeting is scheduled for the 30th November 2017. The budget for the Fayre has been forwarded to the Chairman.
Volunteers are needed to help run the event.
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AOB / It was pointed out that the Noverton Park drain has not been cleared this year, this is in hand and will be cleaned out shortly.
Cllr JP mentioned the flood alleviation scheme which is to be constructed in two parts, the scheme has been subject to an archaeological survey and the survey of the Priors Farm section has found some Roman Artefacts. This has led to a further archaeological survey which is now complete. A decision has been taken to employ an Archaeologist on site, the Flood Alleviation is now due to start in January 2018.
The Coronation Road Residents Group pointed out that the new road layout, at the junction of the new estate and Prestbury Road is causing problems with speeding, road alignment and the new street lights have not yet been switched on.
Cllr JP has mentioned that the speeding issue and the street lighting has been raised with the local Police Officer.
It was also pointed out that puddles of water are collecting at the junction; Bloor homes are putting in soakaways to help alleviate this issue.
The new estate road will have a Bus Gate installed, there is a document which defines what vehicles are permitted to travel through this gateway. There is also a document which defines when this gate can be removed to make the estate road a through route for all traffic.
If this becomes a through road, then a roundabout will be provided at the Prestbury Road end of the estate road.
Cllr RF mentioned Amy and the Highways contract; the contract is to be renegotiated during 2018.
The contract may be organised for work to be issued directly to subcontractors.
Cllr KB mentioned problems with the current Amy contract.
Cllr MS mentioned the junction with Noverton Lane/ High Street needs resurfacing at the same time as the resurfacing of Southam Road.
It was mentioned that there are issues with the new Pittville Campus, complaints have been received regarding litter in Albert Road.
Cllr JP will be discussing this at a meeting regarding litter and noise.
It was mentioned that a patrolled crossing is required at Park Stores, Cllr JP pointed out that currently there is no Safety Plan available for this area.
Cllr JPmentioned the proposals which Cllr CS has raised regarding the management of the proposed defibrillator, The Heart to Heart Trust have a management plan to run the defibrillator which requires an annual fee.
Cllr JPproposeda meeting be held with the Heart to Heart Trust to discuss this matter, this was agreed, and the Council voted in favour of a meeting.
It was pointed out that the defibrillator could be managed by the Parish Council.
Cllr JP mentioned that there is a parcel of land on the Furlong Rise development, approximately two acres in size, which could be dedicated to the Parish.
The Council have been approached to enter an interest in this land, if the Parish do not take this landthen it will maintained by a management company appointed by the developer.
Cllr JP requested permission to pursue this matter with the developersand to arrange a meeting to discuss legal costs, maintenance implications and how the land will be handed over to the Parish Council, it was agreed that a meeting should be arranged.
Cllr JP mentioned that there is a campaign to stop Cheltenham Hospital A&E being downgraded,Cllr JPto compile a letter to the NHS raising concerns regarding the down grading.
Cllr MS mentioned a 20mph campaign throughout Cheltenham to implement 20mph zones to all residential estates and the town centre, details are available on the website.
Cllr JP mentioned a 20mph zone around Prestbury School,Police Officers will enforce this. / Cllr JP
Date of Next Meeting / 11thDecember 2017, 7.15pm at the Library.
