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Week One
1. Understand social pressures which influence people in determining what is good.
  • Pressures of success, money and media are influences in discerning what is good
2. Understandthe struggles for refugees in seeking a better life, free from oppression.
3. Understand God created in people the potential to love justly.
Week Two
1. Understand that all people are members of the human family.
2.Understand that just love leads to peace.
3. Understand justice means equality and giving people what they deserve.
Week Three
1. Understand the work of Catholic charities and services.
Week Four
1. Understand that people are capable of behaving unjustly.
2. Understand that failure to recognise the human family causes injustice in the world.
3. Understand God created the world just: God’s state of Original Justice
  • Original Sin destroyed this.
Week Five
1. UnderstandJesus taught about corporate works of mercy.
  • Jesus :the Model of Peace.
  • Meaning of grace.
  • Jesus came to restore God’s State of Original Justice.
2. Understand that God empowers people to promote a better world.
3. Understandthe Ten Commandments relate to each of the four harmonies of God’s justice.
  • Living in harmony with God.
Week Six
1. *
  • Living in harmony within.
2. *
  • Developing harmony with other people and creation.
3. Understand Jesus restores these relationships through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Week Seven
1.Understand that every person has developmental needs.
  • Basic requirements of life and development.
2. Understand the Principal of the Universal Destination of Goods.
3. Understandhow Original Sin destroyed God’s Original State of Justice and how it is restored by Justification.
Week Eight
1. Understand corporate works of mercy.
  • Eucharist nourishes commitment to the poor.
2.Understand Jesus call His Church to promote Social Justice.
3.Understand the Social Justice organisations of the Catholic Church.
Week Nine
1. *
2. *
3. *
Week Ten
1 Understand the Catholic Church has Social Teachings.
  • Common Good.
2. Understand the Three Principles of Social Justice.
3. Review of Term /
  • Students review selections of television advertisements and programmes, which influence them. Examine ways of discerning what is good in these influences.
  • Activity: Second-Hand Car for Sale.
  • Discuss the struggle for justice for refugees:A View of Social Justice.
  • Read Student Resource Pp 3,5
  • Learning Activity Sheet 1: Seeking Justice in Society.
  • Read: Basic Justice and Towards an Understanding of Justice
  • Read Student Resource Pp 5 - 7
  • Learning Activity Sheet 2:Loving Others as Part of the Human Family.
  • Read Student Resource Pp 7 – 9
  • Read: Justice is essential for peace.
  • Read: Justice Quotations
  • Read: The Christian Call to Peacemaking
  • Role play: College Admissions
  • Discuss situations: Different Forms of Justice.
  • TASK SEVEN: Research the works of :
  • Society of St Vincent DePaul, Caritas & Catholic Missions, Lifelink agencies.
  • TASK
  • TASK
  • Read Student Resource Pp 10 -12
  • Read: Our capacity to love justly is hampered.
  • Activity: Do What is Just
  • Sheets: Prejudice and Discrimination, Racial Prejudice
  • Prepare students to participate in this clothing and shoe exercise:Learning Activity Sheet 3: How Aware are You?
  • Read: God is the source of all human rights.
  • Read Student Resource Pp 13 – 15
  • Read Student Resource Pp 16 – 17,20
  • Activity: Research other Gospel Parables where Jesus taught about providing for the needs of others.
  • Read Student Resource Pp 17 -19
  • Learning Activity Sheet 4: A Parable for Our Time.
  • Activity: Create a Chart / Powerpoint display of the real images of the summary on Pages 18,19.
  • Sheets: Do You Know Your Rights? And Human Rights
  • Read Student Resource Pp 21 – 23
  • Learning Activity Sheet 5: Hunger in the World Explained to My Son.
  • Activity: Protecting Against Injustice.
  • Read Student Resource Pp 24 – 27
  • Read: You and Social Justice
  • Read Student Resource Pp 27 – 32
  • Learning Activity Sheet 6: Let the Earth Rejoice
  • Sheet: Relationships
  • Activity: The Seventh Commandmentand The Eight Commandment
  • Read Student Resource Pp 32 – 33
  • Read Student Resource Pp 34 - 36
  • Read Student Resource Pp 36 - 37
  • Read Student Resource Pp 37 - 39
  • Read Student Resource Pp 40 – 41.
  • Learning Activity Sheet 7: The Eucharist gives hope to the poor.
  • Chart:The Two Feet of Christian Service
  • Read Student Resource Pp 42 – 43.
  • TASK EIGHT: Learning Activity Sheet 8: The mission of the Church and Social Justice.
  • Read Student Resource Pp 44 – 45
  • Read Student Resource Pp 46 – 48
  • Research people who seek justice: Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, Kolbe.
  • Read Student Resource Pp 49
  • Activity: Write an article for the newspaper or to the editor:“People in Australia find health and peace in justice.”



  • Kirwan S., Garland L.
/ Teach Me Your Ways,
Walk in My Shoes.
  • Crotty R, Crotty M.
Habel N, Moore B.
O’Donoghue M. / Social Justice in Today’s World,
  • Stoutzenberger J.
/ The Christian Call to Justice and Peace.
  • Prochaska L.
/ Peace Through Justice: Faith Active in the World.
  • Engebretson K.
/ Do What is Just


  • Vanishing Garden
  • The Gift of Sharing
  • Land Bilong Islanders
  • Martin Luther King: Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Angry Eye with Jane Elliot
  • Vanishing Garden
  • The Gift of Sharing