European Economic and Social Committee

Let's speak Sustainable Construction!

Conference for launching the new multilingual glossary

Monday, 11 April 2011

EESC, Rue Belliard/Belliardsstraat 99, B-1040 Brussels (Room JDE62)


9:00 / Arrival and registration of the participants
9:30 / Welcome
Staffan Nilsson, President, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Michel Procès, Work Group Chair, Architects' Council of Europe
9:50 / Panel – EU policies and their effects on promoting sustainable construction
-  Philippe Lamberts, Member of the European Parliament
-  Alenka Burja, Policy Officer, Unit for Sustainable Production & Consumption, DG Environment, European Commission
-  Sven Dammann, Programme Officer, Unit for Energy Technologies & Research Coordination, DG Energy, European Commission
-  Antonio Paparella, Task Manager Construction Competitiveness and Enterprises, Unit for Construction, Pressure Equipment and Metrology, DG Enterprise, European Commission
Moderation: Stéphane Buffetaut, President of the TEN Section, EESC
10:50 / Coffee/tea break
11:00 / Panel – Harmonising language and training as a condition for disseminating Sustainable Construction practices in Europe:
-  Timothy Cooper, Terminology Expert, DG Translation, European Commission
-  Carlo Scatoli, Head of Sector "Qualifications", DG Education and Culture, European Commission
-  Rolf Gehring, Political Secretary Safety & Health, European Federation of Building and Woodworkers
-  Michael de Bouw, Belgian Building Research Institute
Moderation: Jessica Johnson, Project Coordinator, European Concrete Platform
12:00 / General debate
12:20 / Launch of the glossary
Anna Maria Darmanin, Vice-President, EESC
and the glossary partners
Closing remarks
Adrian Joyce, Director, Architects' Council of Europe
Bernd Wolschner, President, European Concrete Platform
Stéphane Buffetaut, President of the TEN Section, EESC

Interpretation from EN/FR/DE/ES into EN/FR/DE/ES.

At the end of the conference, participants are invited to a cocktail reception in the Atrium (6th floor).

Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99 – 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel – BELGIQUE/BELGIË

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