Press release from Society of St James

Embargoed until 00.01, Friday 8th November 2013


Homelessness charity The Society of St James organises Southampton Sleep Out, as part of the largest national Sleep Out across the UK

Friday 8th November, 2013:Last night, 14 workers from CLC Group gave up their beds for the night to take part in the largest Sleep Out of its kind. Now in its second year as a national event, it is estimated a third more ‘sleepers’ took part across the UK than in 2012. Southampton’s local event took place at CLC’s head office, aiming to raise awareness for The Society of St Jamesand much needed funds for homeless and vulnerable young people.

It brought the ‘sleepers’ a step closer to the reality of homelessness while aiming to raise £3,000which will be matched by CLC Group. This will fund support for over 100 homeless and vulnerable young people this winter. That will include a warm bed, mental health support and help into education, training and employment.

As winter draws in, sleepers experienced the discomfort of trying to sleep on boxes on a hard, cold floor among the bright lights of the city and the noise of street cleaners and buses.

Today at work, when they are looking forward to a hot bath and a comfy couch, Sleep Out will become ever more meaningful.They will begin to understand some of the practical realities of beinghomeless and may even wonder how they would have coped aged just 16.

This hard-hitting event was held in partnership with organisations across the country, in eight cities, including Southamptonwho hosted their own Sleep Out 2013 event. Other organisations in the UK who took part in Sleep Out 2013 include; Centrepoint, The Rock Trust, Keyhouse and Young People's Support Foundation (YPSF), The Amber Foundation, Llamau and St. Edmund’s.

Events in total took place across the UK in Edinburgh, Bradford, Newcastle, Cardiff, Bath, Norwich, London (Exchange Square and West India Quay) and Southampton. This is the first time Manchester and Southampton have taken part in raising funds and bedding down for the night. All fundraisers took place last night to raise awareness of youth homelessness, as well as vital funds for the charities involved. Together, the organisations aim to raise £500,000 nationally, and by joining forces they want to shine a spotlight on the issue of homelessness today.

But Southampton Sleep Out wasn’t just about raising money and awareness. There was plenty of entertainment on the night, including karaoke, games and sleeping bag decorating.

Hannah Stewart, Fundraising Team Leader at the Society of St James, said: “This is the second year Sleep Out has taken place nationally we are excited to be taking part for the first time. Not only does it raise an amazing amount of money, it provides a spotlight on the issue of youth homelessness and gives a glimpse of what it’s like to sleep out on the cold streets of Southampton.”

“Last night, everyone taking part experienced just a taste of what young people are doing every night without the protection of security, a canopy keeping the rain off and hundreds of friends supporting them. We urge you to support us, so we can give young people the support they need to live an independent and positive life. We are proud to be part of Sleep Out and to bring this message home to so many people across the UK.’

Make a stand against youth homelessness and support Sleep Out 2013.

To donate to the Southampton Sleep Out 2013, text SOSJ11 £5 to 70070.


Notes to editors

About Sleep Out 2013

· There arenine Sleep Out events andeight charities taking part in Sleep Out 2013, the second national Sleep Out event:

o The Rock Trust- Festival Square, Edinburgh, EH3 9SU

oCentrepoint-Beamish Musaum, County Durhamand Exchange Square, London, and West India Quay London

oKeyhouse & YPSF- YPSF, St Andrews Hall, Brownley Rd, Manchester, M22 0DW

oLlamau- Cardiff International Sports Stadium, CF11 8AZ

o The Amber Foundation-Bath Recreatio Ground, Spring Gardens Rd, Bath, BA2 4DS

o St Edmunds Society-Norfolk Showground, Dereham Rd, Costessey, Norwich, NR5 0TT

oSociety of St James- CLC Head Office, Vincent Avenue, Southampton, SO16 6PQ

·The Society of St James asks for a minimum of £100 fundraisingper person

·To donate, text CPS013 £5 to 70070

·For more information visit

·The event aims to raise £500,000 for homeless and vulnerable people across the UK through over 2,000 people sleeping out on the night

About the Society of St James

The Society of St James is a Hampshire-based homelessness charity which supports homeless and vulnerable people to transform their lives. Find out more at


For more information about the Sleep Out 2013, please contact Hannah Stewart or Dee Russell at the Society of St James on 023 8063 2524

