

Principles and Applications of Machine Translation—Initial Reading 2004/2005

MODL 5003 – Principles and Applications of Machine Translation

Initial Reading

Print resources

**Arnold, D, L Balkan, RL Humphreys, S Meijer & L Sadler 1994 Machine translation: an introductory guideOxford: Blackwell [also available at ]

Babych B., Hartley A. 2004a. Extending the BLEU MT Evaluation Method with Frequency Weightings. In ACL 2004 Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Barcelona, July, 2004. pp. 622-629.

Babych B., Hartley A. 2004b. Modelling legitimate translation variation for automatic evaluation of MT quality. In LREC 2004 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2004. pp. 833-836.

Babych B., Hartley A. 2004c. Selecting Translation Strategies in MT using Automatic Named Entity Recognition. In Proceedings of the EAMT 2004 Workshop, Malta, April 2004. pp. 18-25.

Babych B., Hartley A. 2004d. Comparative Evaluation of Automatic Named Entity Recognition from Machine Translation Output. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for Natural Language Processing Applications. In Conjunction with the First International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-04), Sanya, Hainan, March 2004. pp. 41-48.

Babych B., Elliott D., Hartley A. 2004a. Extending MT evaluation tools with translation complexity metrics. In COLING 2004 Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, University of Geneva, Switzerland, August 2004. pp. 106-112.

Babych, B. & A. Hartley. 2003 Improving machine translation quality with automatic named entity recognition Procs.EACL-EAMT 2003: Improving MT through other language technology tools, Budapest, Hungary, April 2003

Babych, Bogdan; Hartley, Anthony; Atwell, Eric 2003 Statistical modelling of MT output corpora for information extraction In: Archer D, Rayson P, Wilson A and McEnery T (eds) Proceedings of CL2003: International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, UCREL technical paper number 16. UCREL, LancasterUniversity,.62—70 [

Bennett, PA et al. 1986 Multilingual aspects of information technology Gower

Dale, R, H Moisl & H Somers 2000 A handbook of natural language processingNew York: Marcel Dekker

Elliott, Debbie; Hartley, Anthony; Atwell, Eric 2004A fluency error categorization scheme to guide automated machine translation evaluation.In Proceedings of Association for Machine Translation in the AmericasConference, Georgetown University, WashingtonDC, USA, October 2004.

Elliott, Debbie; Hartley, Anthony; Atwell, Eric 2003 Rationale for a multilingual aligned corpus for machine translation evaluation In: Archer D, Rayson P, Wilson A and McEnery T (eds) Proceedings of CL2003: International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, UCREL technical paper number 16. UCREL, LancasterUniversity, 191—200

**Hartley, A & C Paris 1997 ‘Multilingual document production: from support for translating to support for authoring’ Machine Translation 12: 1-2, 109-129

Hutchins, WJ 1986 Machine translation: past, present,future Ellis Horwood

**Hutchins, WJ 2003 Machine translation: general overview In R Mitkov (ed.) 501—511

**Hutchins, WJ & HL Somers 1992 An introduction to machine translationLondon: Academic Press

**Lehrberger, J & J Bourbeau 1988 Machine translation: linguistic characteristics of MT systems and general methodology of evaluationAmsterdam: John Benjamins

Kelly, IDK (ed.) 1989 Progress in machine translation Sigma

King, M (ed.) 1987 Machine translation today: the state of the art Edinburgh UP

**Mitkov, R (ed.) 2003 The Oxford handbook of computational linguistics Oxford UP

Nagao, M 1989 Machine translation: how far can it go?OxfordUP

Newton, J (ed.) 1992 Computers in translation—a practical appraisalLondon: Routledge

Nirenburg, S (ed.) 1987 Machine translationCambridge: Cambridge UP

Nirenburg, S (ed.) 1993 Progress in machine translation IOS

Nirenburg, S, H Somers & Y Wilks (in press) Readings in machine translation
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press

Rajman, M & T Hartley 2001 ‘Automatically predicting MT systems rankings compatible with fluency, adequacy or informativeness scores’ Proceedings of the ISLE Workshop on MT Evaluation, MT Summit VIII Santiago de Compostela 29—34

**Sager, JC 1994 Language engineering and translation: consequences of automationAmsterdam: Benjamins

Slocum, J (ed.) 1988 Machine translation systemsCambridge: Cambridge UP

**Somers, H (ed.) 2003Computers and translation: a translator’s guideAmsterdam: Benjamins

**Somers, H 2003 Machine translation: latest developemnts In R Mitkov (ed.) 512—528

Van Eynde, F (ed.) 1993 Linguistic issues in machine translationLondon: Pinter

**Whitelock, P & K Kilby 1995 Linguistic and computational techniques in machine translation system designLondon: UCL Press (2nd ed.)

Web-based resources

Vendors and service providers

English from and into French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish

Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian

English from and into French, German and Spanish

MT Associations and other (stable) collections of links

European Association for Machine Translation

Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation

Association for Machine Translation in the Americas

ISLE project on MT evaluation

Test Suites for Natural Language Processing project (MT evaluation)

ALPAC report on MT evaluation


John Hutchins’ home page

Collection of links to MT-related sites

Collection of links to MT-related sites

Research collaboration in MT for East Asian languages

Tony Hartley
This version January 2005

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