PRESIDENTS CLUB – # 1713 – District 44 – Division D – Area 31

January 7, 2015 / Location: East Cobb Government Center
Toastmaster / Daniel Jourdan
7:00 PM / Call to Order – Sgt at Arms / Sunil Choudhuri
7:05 / Invocation/pledge / Mark Lamprecht
7:10 / Business Meeting / President – Richie Deason
Motions: no motions discussed/voted
Reports: The club is hosting a speech-a-thon on Jan 10; the international speech contest and evaluation contest is on Wed. Jan 21 at our regular meeting time. Mack Miller and Clemmie Scott are organizing.
Club officers will attend required training on Jan. 24 and the club will reimburse the $15.00 fee.
7:20 / Helpers
Joke Master / Tom Nixon
Vote Counter / Lisa Goodman
Ah Counter / AK Singh
CL Evaluator / Charlene Anderson
Grammarian / Jim Dawson; Word of the day: Brevity
Timer / Clifton Foo
Videographer / Margoth Paspuel
7:30 / Table Topics – “Why the Hustle to Reshuffle” / Table Topics Master Wally Lawrence
#1 / Tom Nixon- you have a Starbucks card and you can go there and have a cup of joe with anyone your desire: who and why? (2:00) / David Attenborough – naturalist and filmmaker. I would love to ask him what it is list to see the places and animals he has seen and been up close to. What does it take to keep pushing yourself toward these different horizons?
#2 / Charlene Anderson – you have $1000 to spend by January 15 – what would you do? (1:38) / I would take the entire family for a really nice dinner so none of us have to cook, or clean or host; just enjoy good food and good company. I would get a limo too so no one has to drive and we could spend real quality time together.
#3 / Margoth Paspuel – what is the most physically dangerous thing you have ever done? (1:56) / Eleven years ago I got married and we took a Caribbean cruise. I decided that parasailing looked really fun and I convinced my husband to do it with me. They gave us quick instructions and showed us how to sit on the harness rig. Unfortunately I “perched” on the bar so it was a frightening ride.
#4 / Jim Dawson – you have a phone with a direct line to God and he will tell you nothing but the truth – what do you ask him? (1:30 ) / God, why don’t I believe in you? You haven’t been in the neighborhood so I don’t know you. Oh, you are disguised as a doctor…well that explains it.
7:40 / 5 minute break
7:45 / Introduction of Speakers / Toastmaster DJ
#1 / Tips for Surviving Newborns / Brock Davis
CC Manual; Project 2 Organize your Speech, 5-7 minutes
(7:08) / Raising children is hard work. What does it take for parents to survive newborns? As a father of TRIPLETS I have three tried and true strategies that make the most sense as a sports analogy: Ask for help – with help you can double team or go man to man and things go smooth. If you are alone in the zone and its 3 on one – not a good situation. For sanity, live by a schedule. Babies love it and it will mean you get to sleep, eat and shower at least once during the day. Plan, make plans for everything and get people to help with the plans.
#2 / Impromptu / Thomas – also know as Vinny
(2:40) / Vinny has a wonderful last name which I didn’t capture for these notes. He was attending the meeting as a guest of the toastmaster and heroically volunteered to fill an empty speakers slot. He spoke off the cuff, with humor and a wonderfully paces delivery. He told us about his business and his wife, sharing funny story of how he joined an online dating service and met her as the first match. It turned out to be the best match and now they are married, but Vinny feels he didn’t get his money’s worth for the membership.
#3 / Why we give / Judy Anderson
Adv Manual Specialty Speeches
Project 1; Impromptu Speaking, 5-7 minutes; Objectives: deliver an impromptu speech; understand how to prepare; use one of the patterns for the topic (7:02) / Judy’s work with non-profits has allowed her to learn about what motivates people to give: to make a difference; because it is the right thing to do; because it is fun and I meet great people; there is a return on my investment for me personally and for the community. People in the US are the most generous people in the world.
#4 / Confront Your Fear / Sutham Copkit
Adv Manual The Entertaining Speaker, Project 4 A Dramatic Talk, 5-7 minutes
Objectives: deliver an entertaining speech with vivid imagery, character and dialogue
(6:05) / Sutham and his wife were on vacation and decided to participate in the outdoor adventure climb. This involved walking up steep hill, and then climbing back down through a series of rope challenges. There was a wobbly wooden bridge over a deep gorge, a single rope like a high wire, and lots more. My wife was gung ho until she realized that she couldn’t go back – the only way down was to go forward. I didn’t realize that she was scared and probably wasn’t much help. But I watched her go from panic to calm and she conquered her fear. The only way to do that is be cool, calm down and concentrate. Then you can conquer your fear.
8:30 / Evaluations / Richie Deason General Evaluator
Lisa Kiblinger for Brock Davis
(3:52) / You did an excellent job with the speech. In this speech I heard you as a storyteller not just as someone giving us information. Your ideas and content was fantastic. The zone defense comment was spot on. One thing you can do is give the audience the time to respond and laugh to the humor in your speech. That also gives you a chance to laugh along and enjoy the people in the room.
Mary Mahon for guest speaker Vinny (1:06) / Wow – you are a naturally dynamic speaker. It was truly impromptu and you were able to put together a few stories and use humor to great effect. We would welcome you as a member!
Dave Brookmire for Judy Anderson (2:38) / Dave gave me a great evaluation but I can’t remember what you said although I know I can and should watch my video because I know you also gave me wonderful suggestions for improvement.
Mack Miller for Sutham Copkit
(2:52) / You were dramatic from beginning to end. You physically showed us how the fear was building and your words gave us a visual picture. You captured the dynamic of facing an obstacle and gave us three point on how to confront and conquer the fear.
Best Table Topics / Tom Nixon
Best Helper / Jim Dawson and Tom Nixon
Best Evaluator / Mack Miller
Best Speaker / Sutham Copkit and Judy Anderson

Lots of great guests: Emory and Madison (cute brothers), Tom Vinny, Andy, Gavin, Kelly, Valentina and Damian