Faculty Forum minutes October 5, 2016
Faculty Forum minutes October 5, 2016
President – Todd Lutes- Started the meeting from Tech Park at 10:00
PRESENT: Acosta, Curtis; Arnold, Stephen; Brown, Brandy; Brown, Sheena; Citera, Barbara; Denno, Linda; DiRoberto, Kyle; Erickson, Kathy; Kralovec, Etta; Lutes, Todd; Mapp, Eric; Moore, Sandra; Orozco, Rick; Parra, Ada; Rault, Patrick; Sanderson, Chris; Seder, Laurie; Steklis, Dieter; Straight, Ryan; Tesch, Aaron; Torres, David; Trevino, Sandee; Wittman, Romi; Xu, Li; Buckner, Melody.
ABSENT: Czerkawski, Betul; Johnson, Chris
Agenda Item / Discussion Notes / Action / Person/sResponsible
Approval of Minutes / Minutes to approve for August
Minutes to approve for September / Approved electronically
Approved electronically with 2 disapprovals. / Chris Johnson
Welcome & Faculty accomplishments
Interim Dean’s Report: Melody Buckner / Melody is committed to UA South to put your minds at ease. Melody has prior traveling commitments coming up but will be available to answer questions during this time. There are some faculty Melody has not met with yet. Please contact Jennifer Horner at to set up a time to meet.
On October 20th Melody will be meeting with Melissa Vito’s leadership team. Information on this will be forthcoming.
HR will be coming down to do an analysis of all staff. Using surveys and interviews.
Hired a consultant Leslie ??? to help us define ourselves and tell our story of who we are. She will be coming to all sites and talk with everyone.
Todd has mentioned that faculty would like to have a timeline of how the search is progressing for the new Dean. Melissa can give a loose timeline not hard deadlines.
What comes from the IELT meetings will be made available on a D2L site for everyone to see. The information from the meetings will be sent out maybe by the end of the week or first of next week.
UA online courses for the BAS degrees must be 7 ½ week courses. There is no exit strategy. Vin can come down to faculty forum to answer questions and explain the strategy of why it is being done this way. Melody does have funds to help with the transition for development to 7 ½ week courses. This will be happening in the Fall of 2017. Melody can help with a business plan for being UA online. How to apply for the monies to develop programs? The Program Director will decide who gets the funds and how to disperse. The best time to have Vin to FF is the November meeting.
Melody would like to have the Diversity Officer come to the Sierra Vista campus. To one of the FF meetings, either before or after also to include staff. Let Melody know when to have this meeting.
Will hire a search agency in February to start the search for a new Dean. This can go as quickly as in 6 months or up to a year. Don’t want to rush the search, but want to get the best candidates. Hopefully we start in February and have someone in place by August.
Question: Kyle suggested that we do a media piece of who we are for recruitment, can this be done? Melody thinks this is a great idea and has resources to do this. / . / Melody Buckner
Associate Dean’s Report: / Barbara attended the Leadership Assessment committee.
Attended the Associate Dean’s Council and two degree programs were approved.
Thank you to the Curriculum committee for working on the 22 items submitted.
Global initiative came to SV for training and discussion on International field trips. This training is mandatory and good for one year. If you need training or questions answered contact Laura Provencher. Deb also has information on the training and forms for local field trips.
The D2L issues have been resolved. Faculty are responsible for their own sites. If you need assistance for your D2L site you need to request from our Instructional Specialist. No changes will be made to your D2L site without your approval first.
The M.Ed. Secondary Education program successfully submitted their review on Friday. Thank you to Rick and Alison Barrett for your work on this and everyone involved .
Thank you and congratulations to Li Xu for her work in the AWC grant in Informatics, that was aborted.
Welcome to Jess Kelly he has moved into the new position as the M.Ed. graduate coordinator. Also welcome to the new field coordinators Sharon Thomas and Maria Oroczo. The new field coordinator for the M.Ed. program is Patricia Acosta. / Barbara Citera
Standing Committee Reports & Action Items:
Personnel: / Curriculum: Consent Motion: To accept items 1-21.
Item #22 Was voted in by the committee with recommendations. The BAS Regional Economic Development submitted by Eric Mapp. The changes were made after the committee meet, so now needs to be voted on.
Motion: To confirm item #22.
Reminder: To look at the core courses for the BAS degree. This will be revisited at the next FF meeting and on the agenda.
Personnel: No meetings yet. Committee members have been in correspondence with each other.
Tenure & promotion need to be reviewed and finalized from last year.
New faculty will need to have guidance when the time comes for the annual reviews. To assist new faculty the committee should meet with individually or in a small group. Some training can be done in FF if there is time. A show of hands if anyone feels they need assistance in UA Vitae. 15 faculty agree there needs to be some training on the new UA Vitae before February.
Technology: No report. The committee will met before forum. The committees first request is to update the bylaws and constitution, for needed revisions.
The second thing the committee talked about is an orientation to inseminate information to faculty. Like where to find links on the web. Todd will check into finding the most recent bylaws and constitution to put on the web. / Consent Motion: all approved.
Motion: 20- Approved and 2 abstentions. / Kyle Diroberto
Dieter Steklis
Aaron Tesch
Undergraduate & Graduate Reports / Undergraduate: No questions, report submitted electronically.
Graduate: No questions, report submitted electronically. / Todd Lutes
Rick Orozco
Faculty Forum President: Todd Lutes / Please submit reports before the forum meetings. Todd wants to make a policy to review the FF meetings online and to keep track of who views. Todd will try to find out if the recordings can be made available remotely. Until this can be finalized the recordings will be made available in the LRC.
New Business: / HIS training and cultural competency came up as discussion. It was decided that there be a Cultural Competency task force made up of Etta, Kyle, Curtis and Aaron. To proceed on how to move forward with this faculty training and the best approach. Will answer these questions and come up with a proposal to report at the next FF meeting.
Cyber initiative:
Jason Denno / Jason Denno is the new Director of Cyber Operations and Development. Jason provided slides of what the program is about. Will continue this discussion at the next meeting.
Adjounment: / 12:03
University of Arizona @ Sierra Vista Prepared by Deb Hoeft, Reviewed by Chris Johnson